Chereads / Blue Moon! / Chapter 2 - Human Howl

Chapter 2 - Human Howl

"Shit!", the young man begins to say to himself, "Shit, shit, oh shit!"

As the realization of howl sounding unnatural, he begins to panic at the prospect of what it belongs to. He grabs his bicycle hand bars as hard as he can and tries to hop on his bike. Behind him, he can hear the sound of nails scratching against the cold asphalt and the thick thuds of the animal's steps. He turns around to catch a glimpse of whatever is pursuing him and in the distance, glimmering through the darkness, two fluorescent yellow eyes quickly approaching him.

The young man begins to pedal as fast as he could disregarding the chance of slipping on the icy road. His handlebars shook violently and he started to loose control from having no traction on the icy road. Terrified, he hastily reaches for the basket on the front of his bike to turn off the radio, "Maybe it hates the music?", thinks the young man but in doing so, he just turned the music up even louder. He lets out a yelp as he hears his mistake.

Blue Oyster Cult is now blasting through the cheaply made radio to its absolute limit. Trying to ride as fast he can down the road while trying to turn down the radio. The young man squinted, trying to pierce through the darkness and find the off button.

Suddenly, a soft white light begins to shine on him and he looks up to see the source. Further down the road he sees a pick-up truck driving towards him rather fast. He figures screw it and thinks that he is going to get the attention of the driver. Considering that he lives in Denver, the driver should own a gun and also considering that it is a pick-up truck, the driver should definitely own a gun. He starts to yell out, "Hey! Stop your car!" and various other loud sounds to grab the driver's attention.

Swerving and nearly slipping on his bike, he switches into oncoming traffic. The young man can feel himself almost losing complete control of his bicycle in that one move. Despite the immense rush of fear and adrenaline, his body began to become tired and his breathe struggled. Once more, he hears the creature's human-like howl right behind him, no more than a couple of feet on his tail. With the light becoming more and more stronger as he approaches the car, the young man turns his head behind to see what is chasing him.

His grip to the handlebars tighten, it becomes harder to breathe and his heart sinks to the bottom of his stomach.

"Werewolf", was the only thing that he can utter from his mouth.

A giant, muscular beast with a face of pure rage. It's hair was a shade of grey and it's eyes a bright piercing yellow. It ran on all fours like a wolf but was almost the size of a bear. Sharp jagged, yellow-stained teeth lined around its mouth. The skin that was no covered in hair had a sickly tint of blue to it. This was no animal the young man has ever seen before. There was no way to describe the terror that he felt when he looked into its eyes. In that moment, a thought came across him," If this thing eats me, it is going to eat my soul too!" Transfixed on the creature all he can think about is how poor Sandra Reed was probably killed by this thing.

When he turned his head around to look back at the truck, he lets out a loud scream. The driver must've not see the young man on his bicycle until it was too late. They both swerved out of each other's way. The truck swerved and crashed onto the side of the road and into a tree. The young man swerved off and fell off his bike, landing on the hard road on his side. When he fell, he heard a loud pop when he reached out to break his fall. He gets on his knees noticing minor injuries on his left forearm, but then he makes a startling discovery. He had completely snapped his right wrist. He screamed out in pain as he saw his hand hang lifelessly from the rest of his arm. Luckily, the bone did not break through the skin but he can see the bones that up his forearm trying to pierce through his skin.

He clutches to in pain and begins to wince in pain but he grows quiet as he hears the human howl once again. He looks upwards towards the crashed truck and sees that the driver was not so fortunate. He sees the man, still in shock, slowly getting out the driver seat, kicking empty beer cans out of the seat, blood pouring down his face from a large laceration across his forehead. Pieces of the broken window shield had burst and logged itself onto his face. The driver looks completely dazed from the accident or possibly so hammered he didn't know what happened, he turns and sees the young man on the floor. He begins to slowly limp towards him, "Oh, man did you see that fucking deer?! The fucking thing just jumped in front of my truck", says the truck driver.

The young man's eyes widen.

"Run!", screams the young man, "It's right behind you!"

"What the fuck is right behind me?", the truck driver says while slowly turning around. He is immediately taken down to the ground by the beast. The sheer weight and height of this thing is too much for the truck driver to fight off. He tries to stop the thing from biting him with his hand but the beast just bites right through it, chomping and sending pieces of hand and fingers everywhere.

Afraid and injured, the young man tries his best to get up from the ground and takes a second to think: should he risk it and try to make it into the crashed truck or should he just try his best and hide within the forest. There was no telling if the car was drivable but it provided some kind of shelter from the beast. However, while the Werewolf was eating the truck driver the young man can make a full sprint and hide under a tree or something. Besides, even if the young man wanted to help the truck driver, the sounds he was making made it clear that his was life was being snuffed out by the creature.

Panicking inside his head, the young man's body acted on its own and he ran into a full sprint into the deep, snow-covered forest behind him. Sure, he felt guilty leaving the man behind to be ravaged by the beast but the young man knew he couldn't fight a werewolf off. While running, the image of the creature's face full of hatred and pure bloodlust kept popping up in his head.

"I can't let this thing get me!", he repeated over and over in his head, "It is going to eat my soul!"

Every step that he took sunk into the dense snow. His breathe became more ragged the farther he got from the scene. But he had to push himself, in the distance he can hear a mixture of sound: the beast snarling enjoying it's meal, the man screaming and crying for his life and the song, "Don't Fear the Reaper." A cacophony of terrible noises that all meant one thing to the young man; run as fast as you can.

Then, he heard a human-sounding howls but this wasn't behind the young man, instead it was right in front of him. This scared him and he stopped right in his tracks. Although, it was dark, the clouds had parted away from the bright blue moon and in front of him it stood on all fours.

He did not makes a move, the young man just stood as still as possible. He couldn't tell if it was out of fear or out of defeat, but, he couldn't move. His lip began to quiver as one simple word tried to squeeze out," Please..."

The beast then made a mad dash towards him and the young man turned around to try to escape but it was too late. With great fury, the beast had jump on his back and tackled him to the ground, smashing the young man's face into the snow. Everything had felt like it was going in slow motion, he felt every single tear and bite that was afflicted on him. He tried to scream but when he tried to open his mouth, it was only met with snow being shoved down his throat. While being thrashed by the beast he thought, "This has must've been how Sandra died...", then he began to fade away into complete darkness. His last thought as he took his final snow-laced inhales was, "I'm glad it's almost over, I just want to die."