Jason was discharged from the hospital to recuperate at home, so he was finally able to get on his computer and look into my death. 'Try my social media first. I'm sure whatever happened, my friends will have posted on my page about it.'
'That was my first thought as well.' He admitted. Once he logged into his own social media, he was instantly distracted by the countless notifications and messages he had received from his fans. There were hundreds, if not thousands of messages praying for him get well soon and that he was missed.
~Whahahah, Jaaasssoonn, don't die. I love you!~
~Can't wait for you to get well enough to tour again. I'd love to see you perform!~
~I love you, Jason. Please get better fast!~
~Sorry you had to cancel the show! Hope you come back when you're better.~
'Seems, I'm not your only fan.' I mused. 'Go ahead and post an update to let them know you're not dead. But hurry up, I'm dying to know what happened to me.'
'Do you listen to yourself?' he chuckled as he posted an update of his health for his fans. Afterwards he typed in my name to search or my page. I pointed out which was me and clicked on it just as his wife came in with his medicine and a glass of water.
"Who's the cutie?" she asked looking at my page.
"Um... Just a random girl that popped in the suggested friends list." He lied to her. 'It just says your missing.'
~Jess, where are you. Come back, we miss you!~
~Girl, what happened to you? Amy said you moved in with you dad~
~Why'd you leave us, girl?~
~I saw you on the news last night. It's says you're missing. Did you run away?~
~Gosh, I hope you're not dead.~
I stared at the page slack jawed and speechless. 'Missing? Since when?'
"I remember seeing this girl on the news several months back." Sarah said. "She went missing last year from her friend's house."
Jason looked at his wife with curiosity. "Do you memorize all the news reports on missing kids?"
"I just remember hers. They had interviewed her friend and her mother and I found them both suspicious."
"Yeah. I mean they didn't say anything wrong or do anything to give that impression at all. It's just a feeling I got."
"A feeling?"
"Yeah, well the mom didn't seem as upset as I would have been if it were my daughter missing and the friend didn't say much about the missing girl but mentioned her new car often. Said she named the car after her friend. Who does that?"
"I don't remember seeing anything about it."
"That's because, one; you don't watch the news and two; you were on tour at the time."
'When? Ask her when did this happen? When did I go missing?'
"Oh?" he pulled Sarah into his lap. "You were on tour with me. When did you have time to watch the news so closely?"
"We were in Phoenix."
"Ah! Yes. You were sick for that show."
"Yes. So, I stayed on the bus for the show."
'We were in Phoenix for Labor Day last year.' He told me inn thought.
'Last year?! What time is it now? I mean day. Date! I mean what is the current date?'
'July 22, 2016.'
'So, I've been missing for almost a year?! So, my parents don't know I'm dead.'
'Probably so.' He thought. "At any rate. I guess since, she's missing I shouldn't add her to my friends list?" he asked his wife playfully.
"Oh, I don't know. If she did run away, a friend request from you might pull her out of hiding." She giggled.
'I'm right here, you know.' I sighed.
"You want something to eat?"
"Okay. Soup and sandwich? I'll go make it."
"Blueberry pancakes." He requested nonchalantly.
Sarah stopped in her tracks to stare at her husband dumb struck. "But you hate pancakes."
"I know. But that's what I want."
Sarah shook her head in wonder as she turned to leave. "Okay... blueberry pancakes it is."
'Thank you, Jason.' I offered. He looked me up like he had promised and although it just produced more questions in my mind than answers, I appreciated what he had done. That and I love blueberry pancakes. 'Blueberry pancakes are my favorite!'
'I know.' He said as he searched the internet for support groups for organ donor recipients. He also searched for other instances of people waking up from surgery with the consciousness of their donor in their head. He didn't want to be the only one experiencing this phenomenon. 'I want to know if this is normal or if I'm losing my mind,' he explained to me.
'I know. I curious too.'
August 31, 2015
Sebastian Lane Kinsford, Attorney at Law was the name on the door the young delivery man knocked on. "Special Delivery for a Mr. Kingsford," he called as he pushed the door open.
"That's KINSford." The man behind the desk replied without looking up. He continued typing into his computer as if he had not been bothered.
"Apologies, sir." The messenger stepped closer to the desk with a clipboard in hand. "Sign here, please."
Finally, Mr. Kinsford gave the messenger his attention. His cold grey eyes traveled over the messenger while mentally made a memory imprint of the boy's appearance, demeanor and verbiage, looking for any signs of deceit or malice. "What do you have for me?"
"I don't know, sir. The envelope is sealed." The boy said nervously. His brown eyes were somewhat shielded from view by his unkempt sandy brown hair.
Taking note of the boy's piercings, tattoos and oversized hoodie, Sebastian felt that he was mostly harmless. "Who is it from?" He asked as he took the clipboard to sign in the designated area. He glanced towards the dragon tattoo on the boy's right thumb causing the boy to retract his hand into his sweater sleeve.
"Doesn't say sir. It was just put into my delivery pile before my shift started." Taking the clipboard back, he bowed slightly, "Thank you, sir. Have a good day."
Sebastian watched the delivery boy scurry out of the office as if he were on fire. Harmless, yes. Innocent, no. If he were t hazard a guess about the boy, he would think he most likely a drug user. The dragon tattoo was consistent with a local gang of dealers. This boy was no doubt was just a pawn and as such, wasn't much of a threat.
The envelope that had been delivered was solid black except for his name and address which was written in silver calligraphy. It looked like an invitation. He opened it and pulled out its contents. Shock and horror filled his eyes as he looked at the pictures of his daughter. She appeared to be unconscious in the photos as well as undressed though she was covered with a sheet up to her chest. The note included read:
'You had her.
You wouldn't share her.
Now I have her.
Want her back?'
He immediately picked up the phone and dialed his daughter's mother. She picked up on the second ring. "Maria! Where's Jessica?" he blurted out before she could say anything.
"What do mean, where's Jessica? Where the hell do you think she is?"
"I'm serious, Maria! Where is she? When did you see her last?"
"She lives with me, remember? I saw this afternoon at home. What is your problem?!" Annoyance clear in her voice.
"I just got a letter delivered to my office without any return address," He explained. "It's naked pictures of Jessica!"
"The note attached reads, 'You had her, you wouldn't share her, now I have her, want her back?' So I repeat, Maria. Where the f*ck is our daughter?!"
"I'll call the house, hang on!" she switched his call to hold long enough to call her home before switching back to him. "Bentley said she snuck out again. She left a note saying she was going to her friend Amy's house for a party."
"I'm calling the police."
"And I'll go by Amy's house."