Chereads / EX-AUROR MANNANAN & The Tear of Ra / Chapter 14 - -Chapter Fourteen- Defence Against, the Dark Arts

Chapter 14 - -Chapter Fourteen- Defence Against, the Dark Arts

Oliver's feet touched the soft, damp grass. He was eager to remove his shoes, he wanted to feel the ground directly. He saw nothing but tress in the distance. Standing alone, barefooted, in the middle of a large field, Oliver held his two wands in his hands. The sun had set a few hours ago and he was entirely alone in this remote field on the outskirts of the Bergmane estate. It had been nearly a week since they had obtained the Tear of Ra, and he was nowhere near deciphering the failings of Radoslav. He sensed Finikis was becoming impatient, and Jynx was constantly watching his work. Oliver needed more than anything to be away from it tonight. To be alone in the field. To be able to try and focus his mind and spirit.

Moonlight illuminated the night and Oliver could make out his surroundings. He held his two wands in his hands. His arms at his sides. The tips of the wands pointed outwards. His eyes were closed, his thoughts silenced, ultimate focus achieved. Then his inner voice spoke, Ignis Feritas.

A burning bright flame instantly ignited at the tip of the right-handed wand that contained the dragon heart string core. The flame spiralled and rumbled into a globe of fire. He lifted his right arm and threw the fiery ball into the air above him as he raised his left arm as well. The ball was the size of a bludger and rested still in the air as though it was caught in an invisible net projected from the wand in the left hand. Oliver tilted his head upwards and opened his eyes, taking in the blazing globe, the heat from it was intense and made his forehead tingle. He could start to feel the sensation of it burning him. The light was deep orange with hints of red, a concentrated magical fire that was resistant to many spells. The flames within desired heavily to take form, to scorch the ground around him, to race to the treeline and consume the lumber. Its craving was strong, it was more than a mere want to set a blaze to everything, it was an undeniable need. However, it was a will that Oliver hand contended with before, one that he could overcome. With his clarity and focus, it was a will he could dominate and control.

He moved his arms out from above him and held them straight, his posture that of a cross. The ball instantly split into two streams of fire that raced out in the directions of his arms. He then waved his hands as the fire stopped before it could reach the treeline. Moving his hands and arms with beautiful glides and graceful motions, the flames of the Fiendfyre began to take elegant strides in differing directions. The two streams gave form to other flows of fire that swirled from it, taking all manner of stunning and intricate shapes and patterns.

Oliver stood in the middles of the field, turning on the spot, continuing his sophisticated movements, like a display of a ballet routine. The fire around him continued to whirl within the night sky. Some flames desired so much to take a corporeal form, but Oliver was in complete control. He willed the flames to take the shape of small birds, that of swifts and swallows, as they flew around the incredibly ornate flaming pattern above him.

The Fiendfyre display spread out for nearly forty meters in the sky. The strands of fire rolled and burned within their design, not spreading, just ablaze. It was a truly splendid sight to behold. The fiery bird forms continued to soar above the design, swerving in and out of each other's flight path. They rose and looped in the air until the gently collided and formed a ball of fire directly above Oliver floating high at the centre of the design.

Sweat began to from at Oliver's brow, and a droplet formed the traced down his check and off his chin. The heat was intense and was the only feeling that was slightly distracting. However, the ex-Auror's focus remained steadfast. The spell and the control over that spell, wasn't just for a demonstration, it was a form of exercise, a form of meditation. The technique had been shown and taught to Oliver whilst at Mahoutokoro. He was taught how to exact such control, over what many believed to be a solely dark magic. It was designed to bring focus, and once obtained, could and should be conducted for hours. However, an image popped into his mind's eye. His enchanted eye within his golden snitch circled the tree line, and it had caught the glimpse of a silhouette of a man. Someone was watching him, and their presence had triggered his snitch.

Bringing his arms together in a large sweeping movement, over his head, the fire around roared. The streams coalesced together and the fire swirled together into one large cloud. The fire roaring above, all moved to one side in a mirroring action of Oliver's wand waving. He brought the fire to one side as the flames grew smaller and the fire itself became less intense. The Fiendfyre continued to reduce in size rapidly, until it returned to its original form a small fireball, it floated just in front of him. With a swish of his right hand the fire disappeared into the night.

'You can come out now.' Shouted Oliver, towards the trees where he knew his observer was standing. He couldn't make out who it was, so he began to walk in that direction.

Stepping out from the tress and into the open field, Dumbledore's expression showed one of deep admiration.

'Apologies, Oliver. I didn't want to disturb you. That was one of the most incredible magic displays I have had the honour to witness. In at least half century. Truly wondrous.' Said Dumbledore, as he continued to walk.

'Dumbledore. I thought you were coming this Friday.' Said Oliver, genuinely surprised to see him.

As the two wizards stepped towards one another, they could each make the other out, due to the bright moonlight. Oliver was shocked to see Dumbledore and was more taken aback by his kind words.

'Unfortunately, something has cropped up. This weekend I shall be investigating a recently uncovered bit of information. You see, I have come across evidence for the location of a cave that I need to follow up on, as soon as possible.' Said Dumbledore.

'I see. Not to worry. I just didn't expect you tonight. Obviously. And searching caves is definitely the theme of my year.'

The old wizard smirked at Oliver's reply. He knew from his letters, the trials and tribulations the ex-Auror had gone through to find the Draconis cave.

'How did you know I was watching?' Asked Dumbledore, curiously.

Before Oliver replied with words, he brought his snitch over from the woodland. It stopped in between the two men, it floated at eye level. The Headmaster looked directly at the snitch's centre at the eye within. He stretched out his hand and clasped the golden ball.

'Most ingenious Mr Manannán. I had forgot that these things are hollow. What a truly marvellous idea. Gives me an idea of my own. I thank you for that.'

Oliver smirked, he welcomed the compliment, but did fully understand what the old wizard was referencing. As Dumbledore let go of the snitch, Oliver brought sent it back to the tree line, to ensure that the two of them could talk in private.

'They're handy. Relatively easy to enchant and control.' Replied Oliver.

'Most impressive. Talking about brilliance, was that, if you don't mind me asking, Fiendfyre?' Said Dumbledore, unsure of how it could be so well controlled. Everything he had read on that magic had convinced him of the immense risks of search casting.

'Yes. I know what you going to say. It should be forbidden. But it's something called Maindofaia. It's a technique of gaining control over your own magic. To find one's inner balance. It was taught to me from one of the most gifted teachers at Mahoutokoro. Fiendfyre there isn't viewed as dark magic. It is a neutral magic that tests the Jingshin of the caster, their soul.

'I had read about once, but never attempted it. Too old to learn such things now.' Said Dumbledore, realising it was definitely something he would have attempted in his youth.

'I doubt that to be true. I imagine most spells come easy for you.' Replied Oliver. Dumbledore didn't reply to the statement, he simply smiled.

'I take it you have come for the Tear of Ra?' Asked Oliver.

'I have not. I am glad that you have located it. I am wondering, have you thought about how to destroy it?'

'Destroy it?' said Oliver.

'You know as I do. No matter what protection we put in place. It would not be enough. One day, Tom will come for it. The only way we can be certain that he never poses it. Is to destroy it! He cannot be allowed to possess that power. Too much now depends on it.'

Oliver knew what he heard was true. He had begun to wonder how he could destroy it. He knew that was the real mission. However, he now knew, that if he was to destroy it, he would have to betray Finikis, he would have to deceive his friend.

'I have come to think that destroying it would be required. I have examined it. It would require some powerful, dark magic to achieve it. But Finikis will try to stop me. He wants to use the power for himself.'

'You will need to find a way.' Said Dumbledore. His tone pensive. He was unsure of his next course of action. However, in that fleeting moment, he took the third biggest risk of his life. 'This will help you. Although I ask you to treat this with the same focus you showed to the Maindofaia. And a lot more caution!'

Reaching into his cloak, Dumbledore pulled out an old leather-bound book. He stretched out his hand and gave it to Oliver. Taking the book and turning it over, Oliver was overwhelmed with intrigue, awe, and trepidation. The book was titled – My Diabolica, by Ekrizdis. Oliver like every Auror, was trained on the works and life of Ekrizdis. His dark legacy was known to many. It was confusing that this book even existed, but it was even more bewildering that Dumbledore was in possession of it. Opening the book, the confusion increased as he read the written inscription on the inner page.

To Albus. Thank you for the works on the Peverel Family. This last month has been incredible. I hope you find this as informative as I did. Love Gellert.

Oliver raised his head and looked at an incredibly pensive Dumbledore.

'We all have our Secrets Mr Manannán. I am no different.'

The words stroke Oliver hard. He had heard rumours about the Dumbledore family, about his sister and his dad. Although he cared little for the rumours, no family was without skeletons. However, hearing that from Dumbledore, listening to him say he had secrets, made him appear somewhat lesser of a legend and more of just a man.

'You can't have many secrets. I'm sure if you did there would be plenty of people that would try to uncover them, to discredit you.' Replied Oliver.

'Ha. I imagine, some have searched. Some may know. Perhaps one's secrets are truly hidden. Or possibly those that might know, are afraid to speak.'

'There is terror in the unknown. And fear in the myth. Secrets lie in the space between.' Said Oliver, seeing for the first time, for a moment, and for what many had failed to see for so many years, when they gazed upon the great Albus Dumbledore; that for everything he has achieved, he was a wizard like any other. He was a man, flawed and complex.

'Why are you giving this to me?' Asked Oliver.

'It has served everything it can for me. That book is both enlightening and dangerous. And I am not in the habit of destroying one-of-a-kind books. That said, I cannot simply leave it in my collection. I need to ensure it has a custodian that is true and good of heart. I see much of him in you, I also, fortunately, see more of me.' The words that left Dumbledore's lips were some of the most personal and difficult he uttered for many years.

'That gem on the front is my own. It's a translation charm.'

Oliver turned the book over to the front cover to see the small red crystal that had been fixed to it. He was well versed on translation magic and this was a standard rewrite charm.

'I can't say that I am not honoured by this, and by what you're saying. I don't know what else I can say.' Replied a very genuine Oliver.

'You can swear that you will use that book to ensure that you destroy the Tear of Ra. And that, you will resist temptation that lies within that book. For there is dark magic beyond comprehension within those pages. And I have had that book for many years. It takes immense strength and wisdom to know that not all spells, need to be tried and used.'

'I will destroy it. You have my word.'

'Thank you. You must also ensure that that book never falls into the hands to the Dark Lord. Although he has achieved many of the spells within, there are still many he appears blind to. And he would not be strong enough not to succumb and try everything within. He could become even more dangerous; beyond comprehension.' Said Dumbledore, his inner thoughts still questioning his course of action.

'I understand. I will keep it safe. Out of his hands.' Said Oliver, defiantly.

'We must talk about the other reason I have come here tonight. Relinquishing that book to you tonight was one. The other, is linked and frightening.'

'Okay. If I can do it. I will.' Replied Oliver.

'That book will give you an insight into a dark level of magic beyond your ordinary adversary. It will give you an understanding of the power the Dark Lord possess. It will enlighten your way. And I hope, help you move to the next stage. There will come a time, as I have said before. When Tom Riddle will need to be confronted and defeated. When that time comes, I believe I will be dead, and Harry Potter might be dead as well.'

'What? Harry will be dead?' Interjected Oliver.

'It is clear to me, that for Tom Riddle, to truly live again, to be alive, and therefore mortal once more, can only be achieved with the death of Harry. As troubling and as grim as that is. It is a truth I have come to believe is unavoidable. And when that comes, when Tom is alive and mortal once more, he will need to be defeated. As I told you on the day we met, I believe only have a handful of wizards stand a chance. And you, are one of them.'

Oliver didn't share Dumbledore's regard for his ability. He was a powerful wizard, talented. But he was not in their league. Not yet anyhow.

'I appreciate that, I really do. But I don't think I'm ready for such a fight.'

'That's partly why I have given you that book. And though you might feel you are not yet ready, we rarely know when we are ready for something, until we have achieved it.' Said Dumbledore as he turned to look out into the distance. 'I should make my way back now. That said. End of July!'

'End of July?' Asked Oliver, wearily.

'Yes. You have the next six weeks to destroy the Tear of Ra. And to prepare.'

'Prepare for what?'

'You will meet me in the forbidden forest on the last Saturday of July. On that day you will duel me. And in that duel, you will best me.' Said Dumbledore, clear and resolute.

'Duel you?'

'Yes. You will experience what it is like to duel with myself. This will aid your development. And it is essential, that you are ready for it. It is paramount that you best me! And you will.' Said Dumbledore.

'Me, best you? I'd give it all I have, but I don't rate my chances.' Replied Oliver.

'Good. I am confident that the mantel will pass. However, it is essential that all our meetings, that the duel itself, is kept just between us. It's vital. That no one knows of this undertaking.'

'Well, I haven't told a soul about our meetings, the mission. And I won't tell anyone about this intended duel.'

Dumbledore let out a large smile. He was setting into motion another plan. One of two that the old wizard was placing his bets on. He knew he would not overcome fates plan. However, he would implore any and all means to ensure that the mantel either ended or was in the hands of a person he believed would defeat Voldemort.

'I shall be going. I will be in touch in the usual means. But please, tell no one. Destroy the Tear and prepare for our duel.'

'Of course.' Replied Oliver.

And with that Dumbledore apparated away.

Oliver stared at the space where Dumbledore stood seconds before. His thoughts on their impending duel. That request seemed oddly strange to him. He knew it would do him well to try and compete on that level of wizardry. What he struggled to get his thoughts around, was the specific request that he best the headmaster. Lifting the gifted book up, he flicked it open and reread the inscription. It was clear to the ex-Auror that there was more to the disturbing conversation than he knew. 'There must be so many secrets to Dumbledore,' he thought to himself.


'He's home, but he's gone straight to bed. He didn't say vhere he's been. But I think ve have all night. How far you got?' Said Finikis, as he walked into the large dining study room.

Jynx was standing over the large plinth, her wand sending a beam of light towards it.

'Well, I have clearly passed the portrait, and overcome the concealment spell. And I have brought down the shield. I am just working on revealing the charm in place that has changed the structure of this pedestal. It has taken me nearly four hours to get this far. He really is a gifted Auror.' Replied Jynx.

'He is. But remember vhat he said, he vouldn't understand. He doesn't appreciate, ve can achieve.' Said Finikis, as he reached her side. He continued, sounding impatient. 'How long?'

'I think I nearly have it. Just give me a moment.' She replied.

On hearing her words, Finikis walked towards the desk and pulled out his great grandfather's journal. He flipped it open and took out Jynx's transcribed instructions and incantations on how to bewitch the Tear of Ra stone. He had read over it a hundred times. But soon he would be able to put in practice. Soon he would be able to make himself unbeatable.

'Alberich?' Finikis bellowed and within an instant the house elf appeared.

'Have you got the muggle ready?'

'Yes master. In the dungeon. They are happy with the agreement. They ready. Should we bring them?' The shorter house elf replied.

'Not yet. But next time I summon you. Bring him.'

'Yes master.' The elf said before she disapparated.

The droplet of the enchanter must be imbued with the spell Ligatus Aeternum. The enchanter then forms the protection bond. The droplet must then be carefully placed in the stone itself. If the incarnation and the will of the enchanter is pure and correct the stone will glow red and the connection will be established. The vessel should then wear the stone. They should willingly put it upon themselves. No bewitching can be in place. The heart of the vessel must be wanting.

A loud click rang out, which instantly made Finikis glance over towards Jynx. He watched as the golden top of plinth peal back and revealed the Bracelet of Domantas.

'You did it.' Proclaimed Finikis, as he quickly made his way to her.

As he reached her side his eyes gazed down on the bracelet. The impressive golden and silver serpents coiled around one another and the gem, though dull red in colour, it still drew him in.

'It was easy. Oliver knows his stuff. Good for us, so do you.' Replied Jynx, confidently.

Finikis picked up the bracelet and held it high. He knew the power it contained. He was now versed on how to enchant it. And it was his intention to enact that spell tonight.


Seconds later the house elf returned, apparating in the room, with a middle-aged muggle. He was wearing jeans and jumper that were well worn, it revealed he was poor, and that was the very reason he was there that night. The female elf had made an agreement with him, to provide him two million America dollars for him to wear the bracelet. It was an easy sell. Once they had convinced him about the world of magic. It was an action in direct contravention of the secrecy statute, but Finikis was convinced it needed to be someone outside of the magical world. Someone who wouldn't know how extraordinary the artefact was.

'It's Andris right. Thank, for agreeing. I know your need for money for family. My house elf vill have money put in that account thing you mention. Once you put bracelet on.' Said Finikis.

'Yes. I just put that on and the money comes accessible right?' Andris replied.

'Yes sir. With a click of my fingers. Like I showed you.' Said Alberich.

'Okay, let us put it on.' Offered Andris, eagerly.

'One moment.' Said Finikis.

The Archduke directed his house elf to seat the muggle on a comfy chair in the corner as he and Jynx began to prepare. Jynx had taken out a blade as Finikis took out his wand. Outstretching his hand, he allowed Jynx to use the blade and pierce his index finger. The cut was shallow but it was enough to draw blood. It pooled on the tip and seeped onto the edge of the knife. Jynx held the knife high as the blood merged into a droplet and fell. Finikis had his wand pointed in the direction of the falling blood droplet, with a flick of the wrist the blood stopped falling and floated. With a passionate desire and ruthless will, he focused his magic and uttered the incantation.

'Ligatus Aeternum!'

Purple light jetted from his wand in a thin stream it hit the blood droplet which glowed brightly, in the same colour. As the stream ended, the ball of blood swirled in the air, shining brightly. The room was lit in purple light. The illumination soon subsided and the droplet grew dim and returned a deep red colour. Jynx now held the bracelet, the teardrop shaped Jewell facing upwards. Finikis guided the droplet with his hand as it moved in the air. He carefully, directed the globule and set it down on the stone. It instantly glowed a purple colour, then red. It had a soft red shine to it that did not fade.

'It's done.' Said Finikis, as he stared at the red light coming from the bracelet. 'You must now take it and put it on.' He said directing his command to Andris.

The muggle rose from his chair and walked towards Jynx, she presented it to him. He was quick to take the bracelet and within seconds he placed his hand through the loop. It shrunk in size and fixed to his wrist. Red light streamed from the bracelet, tracing Andris' veins and it raced throughout his body. As the light raced around his entire body it sunk into his skin and vanished. He let out a deep exhalation, as then held his breath at the moment he placed the bracelet on.

'It's done. I finally possess ultimate protection.' Said an extremely triumphant Finikis.

'How do you feel?' Asked Jynx, directed towards Andris.

'I feel okay. Just a little weird.' The muggle replied.

'Good. Now we test the connection.' Said Finikis.

'Are you sure?' Replied Jynx.

'Ya. I need to know.'

Without a second thought or any warning, Jynx took out her wand aimed at Finikis are shouted. 'Expelliarmus.'

The spell shot out from her wand and hit Finikis in the chest. The impact had no result on the wizard, the magic seemed to simply be absorbed directly into him. It wasn't until the large thud and the scream that he and Jynx glanced over to Andris.

It was clear that Andris had taken the blast of the spell, it had sent flying backwards crashing into chair he had been sat in minutes before.

Finikis was quick to wave his wand and send a silencing enchantment to encompass the room, he didn't want the commotion to stir the sleeping Oliver.

'Again. Something stronger.' Commanded Finikis.

'Stupefy!' Jynx let out as another spell, it raced from her wand towards the wizard. Again, the spell seemed to cause Finikis no ill effect but merely sink into him.

Andris on the other hand was slammed hard into the chair with such force he lost consciousness.

'This is incredible. How does it feel?' Asked Jynx.

'It's strange. I thought it vould be completely vithout sensation. Doesn't hurt at all. Just strange tingling.' Replied Finikis.

'Well, we should get Alberich to place the muggle somewhere. He will need protecting, if it is true what Oliver says and that Death Eaters are coming for it.' Said Jynx, as she glanced over at the passed out Andris.

'Of course. But muggle is meaningless. Ve can find another. One more spell. Something more powerful. Something potentially deadly. I need to know it's going to vork for all kinds of magic.' As Finikis spoke he stretched out his arm to his side and opened his palm wide.

'Are you sure?' Asked Jynx, as she pointed her wand at his hand.

'Go for it.' He replied.

Taking a deep breath in, and a flick of her wrist, Jynx sent a bolt of fire racing from her wand. It hit Finikis' hand, again it sank into his skin. Both quickly turned their heads towards the comatose Andris. His hand instantly burst into flames. The flames raced down his arm, his scorched arm turned black and withered.

Jynx was impressed with how well the Tear of Ra was working, the connection appeared to be established. That was until the deafening howl. Much to her surprise, the harrowing screams did not come from Andris, but from Finikis. As she turned to look at the Archduke, she was horrified to see the same kind of scorched marks appear on the arm she had just shot her spell at.

Finikis fell to the floor, his hand gripping his mutilated arm. His screams continued as the shear horror of the agony was taking hold of him. Jynx lowered herself down, she examined his arm.

'What spell was it?' Finikis asked, his voice trembling and broken.

'It was Firestorm. I didn't think it was that dangerous. What's happening?' She replied.

'Get Oliver. I think I'm dying.'