"I'm afraid this child might have Hydrocephalus... it is a complicated condition." The doctor said from the side with an afraid gaze, he didn't want to be the one to give 'the carnage' this news.
"D-Doctor and what can it cause!?" Worse than a battlefield filled with murderers, Constantine was beginning to feel fear and even Caroline had to hold his hand to calm him down.
"It can cause severe brain damage if left untreated... there are a handful of doctors in the capital that might be able to treat it, it requires surgery and the treatment is quite expensive and risky..."
"... How risky?"
"I'd say there is a 60% chance that there could be problems during the procedure... creating worse damage or even... killing the baby."
Constantine's legs weakened.
He had to choose between risking his son's life or him having permanent brain damage.
"W-What are the causes..." He knew already, but he needed to ask.