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Chapter 1 - TWISTED LOVE

Chapter one

The has sun risen and it is a brand new day once again. Lakshmi has woken up more than ten times during the midnight

She couldn't have a good sleep since her mind is focused on her results. Her heart couldn't stop beating through out the night

She is so nervous of what the outcome could be. She studied so hard for the final exam and that exam could determine if her dreams will be fulfilled or not

She can't bear to fail, her mother has so much hope in her. Her mother had to sell her jewelry to pay for her exams, it will hurt her so much if it means she only built her mother's hope high

She stretch her arms not that she is tired but she is just eager. She has woken up the eleventh time waiting for the sun to rise

She sprang up from her bed and walk to the window drawing the curtains open to allow the beautiful morning sun to shine fully into the room giving it a pleasant view

She inhale the early morning breeze as she close her eyes, she couldn't express happiness or nervousness but the only thing she wished for is to get credit in all her subjects

She has always dreamt of becoming a medical doctor and that is why she has been studying hard and she is ready to work more hard to fulfil her dreams

Her father stopped paying her fees when she was in middle school. Her father considered women education useless because he believes it ends up in their husband's kitchen

He only allowed her to continue her high school because of her diligence and intelligence but on a condition that her mother will be the one to train her and he will have nothing to do with her education

Lakshmi is not only nervous about her result but worried if her father would allow her continue her education in college but she kind of have faith that he won't complain since he said she is free to go to school but the expenses should be on her mother

Her main worry is to raise the money for her college, but she believes her mother by her side she wouldn't have to worry... Her mother is a determined woman and she will make sure her daughter's dream is not shattered

Lakshmi is a young beautiful girl about the age of nineteen, she is fair skin, tall with captivating shape that can attract men to her ... a pointed nose with her strawberry red lips and a brown hair, one will hardly believe that she is an Indian

She lives with her polygamous family in the town of Mumbai, Lakshmi is a very hard-working girl and the only child of her mother

Her father Mr Kumar chatruvadi married two wives which her mother is the first wife but she obtain no respect from her father

She don't know why her father married her mother if he hates her and sometimes she wonders if she is the daughter of her father because he treats her more different from her step siblings

She is wishing for the day he will at least give her hug and be proud of her achievements, the only thing she wants is his love and attention but not that he doesn't provide her needs as a father apart from her educational needs which her mother took upon herself to make sure she finishes school

She gently walk up to the small alter of the goddess in her room and bow before it. She put her hands together and slowly close her eyes

"Please dear goddess, I want my results to be outstanding... I want mother to be proud of me and father too. Dear goddess please I want my father to show me love and care as her daughter and have some respect for my mother the way he has for my step mum and one more thing goddess, please provide money for my college.... I know you will answer my prayers dear goddess, I trust and believe in you" she mutter and slowly open her eyes as she bow to the goddess once again

"Lakshmi" her mother calls from behind, she smile and turn to face her

"Mother" she replied and walk up to her as she bends to touch her feet for blessing

"You are always bless my child" menka beam as she touch her head and help raise her up and kiss her forehead

"Hope you slept well last night?" She ask

"I don't think so mother, I was so nervous through out last night... I was wondering the outcome of my result"

"You shouldn't be nervous because I believe you trust yourself and I trust you too.... You worked so hard for the exam, there is no way the almighty will not reward you for your hard work

So please don't let the results disturb you because you will surely pass" menka said assuredly trying to cheer her up

"That's why I love you so much mum, you always cheer me up whenever I feel nervous or sad"

"I am your mother and I wouldn't like to see my daughter in an unusual mood.... Here, have your offering and remain blessed" menka cuts in dropping the holy offering into Lakshmi palm who smile and put it inside her mouth. She ran her palm over the small fire on the offering plate and brush it off her head

"I want you to breath in and calm down, get ready and come downstairs for your breakfast and don't think negative okay because it is when you think negative that the results will come out negative" menka add with a smile

"I love you so much mum" Lakshmi beam out and hug her which she welcomes

"I love you my child, you are the joy into my life"


"I wonder where that woman is, why hasn't she set the table yet" Rivati murmur pacing in the dining room, she feels hungry and needs to eat

She sight menka and tries walking up to her but their husband walks into the dinning, menka joins them afterwards with the offering plate

"Why haven't you set the table yet menka, can't you see that our husband is all dressed up and ready for work and he will have to eat before leaving right" Rivati taunt as she glance at Mr Kumar expecting him to scold Rivati

"I am already done with the food, I will dish it out after sharing the offering" she replied and Rivati scoff

"She always want to show our husband that she is the best" Rivati mind said

Mr Kumar ran his hand above the small light on the offering plate and brush it through his hair, menka takes out some offering and give him, he glance at her before eating it though her head is bowed

Rivati roll her eyes and do the same

"It is done now, go dish out the food already" Rivati speaks up sounding a bit sarcastic. Menka ignores her and walk to the kitchen


In less than twenty minutes, menka set the table and they all sat to eat.

"Prachi drop that phone already and eat, do you want to starve" Rivati scold her daughter

"As you can see I am eating mother, I just want to quickly send an important message to someone" prachi cuts in

"Gosh she never listens" Rivati mumble

"I need more sauce" Mr Kumar said. Menka nods and is about passing it to him but Rivati stops her

"Don't worry menka, I will serve our husband today" Rivati fakes a smile, prachi rolls her eyes... Her mother loves drama a lot

"Alright" menka said politely and hand the plate to her

"Why don't you try and cook for your husband mother, that will be nice" prachi voice out and Rivati flash her a glare

"My bad" she mumble and face her meal

"Just eat up my dear husband" Rivati chip in as she smile mockingly at menka who ignored her. Lakshmi stare at her mother, she can understand her pain... Her father has never paid her much attention as she pays to Rivati her step mum. She will be the one to do all the house chores while Rivati will be resting and sometimes Lakshmi will helpher out. Rivati only work in the house when she feels like

"Rahul called last night, he said he will be completing his studies very soon and then he will come back to be with us... I already miss my son so much" Rivati add excitedly

"Are you serious mother... Wow! I just can't wait to see my brother after a very long time" prachi beam out

"It is a good news, I know that my son is going to make us proud... We will throw a big party to welcome him anytime he comes back" Mr Kumar said with a link of happiness and Rivati smile

"I also can't wait to see him, is really a long time he left us" menka said genuinely and Rivati roll her eyes

"Are you sure menka or you are just pretending.... Why will you even want my son home when I know that you are so jelouse of me for giving our husband a son which you failed to do" Rivati blurts out and Lakshmi glare at her in anger, she is always fond of reminding her mother of her inability to give her father a male son and she knows how much her mother is always hurt by that

"I can accept all your insults Rivati but I can't accept your accusations, Rahul is like a son to me and I love him as much as I love my daughter.... I can never hurt him because I know that he is a blessing to this family" menka defends

"I hope so menka because I won't spare anyone that will try to curse an evil eye on my son" Rivati bash

"That's enough, I want to eat in peace" Mr Kumar cuts menka off who is about speaking

"Better" prachi mumble

"I will be leaving now" Lakshmi speaks up after some minute silent and kiss her mother cheeks, she just stare at her father who didn't spare her a glance

"Where to Lakshmi, I thought the session is over and you have graduated already.... am thinking you should be at home to help out with the house chores" Rivati cuts in

"Not really step mum, the session is over but I've not graduated.... I will need to get my results first to know if I pass or not, I will be promoted to college if I pass"

"There is no need of trying to get your results because you won't be going to college" Rivati said and Lakshmi took a quick glance at her so as menka

"What do you mean Rivati, if she pass... She has the right to attend college" menka retaliates

"Menka why are you sounding as if you don't know what I mean. She is a woman who will end up in her husband house one day. Haven't you heard that women education ends in the kitchen

Women education is just a waste because they won't make use of it the moment they got married. No parents are sending their daughters to school anymore. Can't you see that my daughter has already stop school, your daughter should..."

"But she stopped in her own free will, my daughter wants to go further and she has been working hard for it, she has a dream to achieve" menka cuts her off. Rivati roll her eyes and fake a smile

"You need to understand me menka, I am also doing this for you ... No need of wasting money on your daughter's education which won't be important tommorow. She has already finished high school and that is enough

What you should be doing right now is to find a better match for her, she needs to get married into a responsible family so my own daughter can get married also. Don't you think so Kumar" Rivati stated and glance at Mr Kumar

Lakshmi wide her eyes in shock as she glance at her mother who gave her an assuring nod

Her heart was beating so fast as they try to hear from Mr Kumar. Why would her step mum try to ruin her years dream, she hopes her father would not stop her from attending college

"Listen..... you.... told me that Lakshmi can study to any level she wants but the expenses will be on my head. I am going to train her in college, I won't bother you for that. I hope you won't try to stop her from attending college" menka stammers hoping her husband won't stop Lakshmi from going to college

"But menka, Lakshmi has grown into a woman... Don't waste your time trying to give her education, let's get her married instead.... It will also be for the honour of this family. As the eldest daughter she needs to get married to make way for her younger ones" Rivati cuts in with a smirk as she glance at Kumar

Everywhere was silent as everyone is waiting for Mr Kumar to speak up, Lakshmi heart is beating fast, menka can understand how her daughter feels right now

Mr Kumar drinks water and stands up, he arrange his scraf and picks up his phone from the table, everyone are still waiting for him to speak

"If you pass, you can go to college but don't expect anything from me" Mr Kumar finally said. Lakshmi wide her mouth in Surprise as smile escape her lips, menka couldn't control her happiness either

Rivati twist her face in anger, she can't believe her plan is ruined

"Are you sure of what you are saying, Lakshmi needs to...." Mr Kumar raise his hand in the air cutting her off and she wide her eyes in shock. Her husband has never questioned her decision before, she was the one that made him stop sponsoring Lakshmi education but what is wrong with him now

"Thank you father, I promise I will make you proud" Lakshmi said excitedly but Mr Kumar ignores her and walk out. Either ways Lakshmi is happy, for the first time her father listened to her mother

"Mother" she whimpers in joy and hug her mother who welcomes the hug. Rivati stare at them in anger and storm out, prachi follows her behind


Rivati angrily walks inside her room as she pace around in so much anger but no matter what she will make sure Lakshmi dream is ruined

She won't allow Lakshmi to go to college and have a better life, she will make her husband marry her off at any cost

Prachi walks in and watch her mother pacing around

"What was the meaning of what you did out there mum, why are you so determined to get Lakshmi married off?" She ask, Rivati stare at her and took her eyes off ignoring her

"Why am I even asking you, of course I know the answer, you don't want her to go to college... You want to shatter all her dreams" prachi add

"I don't know why God decided to give a stupid girl like you to me as a daughter... You just can't use your head for once" Rivati snap

"Wait a minute, why are you taking your anger out on me, what did I do now?"

"Instead of you to stand there and be talking rubbish, why can't you give me a better plan to get rid of Lakshimi"

"You are the master planner mum, you should know what to do about it and beside if Lakshmi goes to college it doesn't make a difference, we still remains father's favorite"

"This is the main reason I said you don't have sense at all, don't you know that if Lakshmi goes to college and become a medical doctor in the future. She and her mother will be rich and they will leave a better life and then your father might start giving them much respect than us"

"You are absolutely right mum, I never thought of this"

"How can you think of it when you are just wasting your life. Lakshmi is working so hard to make her mother proud while my own daughter is only bringing shame into my life

You quit school when I have so much big plans for you, the only thing you know how to do is to move round the town with those stupid friends of yours

You are not even thinking of anything that will make me proud as your mother but thank goodness that you are not my only child.... My son will come home very soon and he is going to make me so proud"

"I should have known that talking to you is just wasting my time, the only thing you know is to insult me and tell me where am bad. I will be around and see how much proud that son of yours is going to make you

Instead of you wasting your time talking rubbish of me why don't you use that time and think of a way to marry Lakshmi off because you know what, if Lakshmi gets rich in the future father might turn you into a helper" prachi blurts out and walk out pissed off

"You brat..." Rivati stop and think of what prachi said, she kind of make some sense. If care is not taken, Mr Kumar might turn her into a helper once Lakshmi makes it in life

"That won't happen, my husband will never turn me into a maid. I need to do something. I don't know why Lakshmi can't be useless like my daughter and then my daughter useful like her. I am just so unlucky

I will not allow Lakshmi and menka to be happy, I will ruin their dreams and I will also ruin their life" Rivati said with a smirk


Lakshmi is so happy as she walks down the road, she needs to quickly find a taxi that will take her to her school. She is happy and a little nervous but she needs to be strong as her mother said

She needs to believe in her self, that all her hard works will pay, she has faith that she will surely pass and then make her mother proud

She tried stopping a taxi but it drives ahead, she doesn't seems to get any taxi to stop and she is running late already

"I wonder what is happening today, where are those cabby men" she mumble worriedly as she look down at her wrist watch

She was about raising her head but a bike stops in front of her, she smile and slowly raise her head as her eyes caught Abhijit smiling at her, they stare at each other for some while before Lakshmi decided to speak up

"Abhijit, what are you doing here?" She ask still smiling but at a lower pace

"I want to see you and wish you luck, I'm sure your results are going to be fabulous" Abhijit replied with a grin

"Thank you.... You know I was nervous but mum manage to make me strong once again"

"I always believe in you, I wasn't scared because I know you will make your results... Come on let me drop you off to school, there is no taxi around and you are running late already"

"Abhijit" Lakshmi mumble and Abhijit understands her at once

"Come on Lakshmi, we have grown up already. You don't have to be scared, I will always be by your side to protect you. This is what I've always wanted to do with you for years, to carry you on my bike... please don't stop me"

"I understand how you feel Abhijit but we agreed not to rush things, I don't want my family to find out about us. My father won't take it likely with me if he knows I have a boyfriend, my mum might understand me but not my dad

Just give me sometime, until I am able to achieve my dreams, we will have to keep our relationship a secret" Lakshmi states politely

"But I am so dying to be with you Lakshimi, I hardly spend time with you. I've waited for so long. You are above eighteen now, you are free to make your own decisions... I just can't wait to make you mine"

"Am always yours Abhijit no one can take me away from you, you just have to be a little bit patience, if we rush things now we might ruin everything"

"But I insist on taking you to school today, don't worry no one will find out that you are the one on my bike because you will cover your face with this helmet" he cuts in raising a helmet

"You win... Fine I will go to school with you" Lakshmi smile, Abhijit smirk sincerely and help her put on the helmet


Lakshmi was so happy driving with Abhijit, she wrap her hand round his waist as she rest her head on his back

She is smiling inhaling the cool breeze as it ran over her body, she stretch out her hand to the air to feel the cool breeze on her palm... This is her first time riding on a bike and it feels exciting

"Do you like the feeling?" Abhijit ask

"Yes I do, is so exciting" she replied and Abhijit smile

"Can you pull over at that shop, I want to get something from there" she add pointing at the shop

Abhijit nods as he carefully stop at the shop, Lakshmi remove her helmet as she climb down the bike


"Isn't that Lakshmi, prachi's step sister... Who is that guy and why is she riding on the bike with him. I need to tell prachi about this, I think Lakshmi is seeing a guy in secret and he might even be her boyfriend" Rachna ( prachi friend) said as she watch Abhijit and Lakshmi from the other end