Nike - Descendants of Selene

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Chapter 1 - O N E

"Does the King know you're here, Little Wolf?"

I jumped, slowly turning to face the unknown. From what I could see, his eyes were red, almost demonic looking, they nearly glowed in the shadows. He was tall, massive compared to me. I gulped.

"Does the King know, that you're seeking me out?" His deep voice echoed around me, in the cave. I shook my head, "good." He stepped out from the shadows, and took a step towards me, "do you know who I am," he began to walk a slow circle around me, this time I nodded.

"It's okay, Little Wolf," he reached a hand out to me, "you can trust me, I've been looking for you too." I placed a hand in his and electricity ran up my arm, his touch made me warm, and energized. With one swift movement he pulled me into his chest, "say it," his red eyes were so intense I was sure he could see my soul, "say my name, Little Queen."

My mouth went dry, my gaze locked with his, "A..Ares"

"Does that scare you?" He flashed a handsome, yet devilish smile at me. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction, "n-no," but my stutter betrayed me.

"You found this place all on your own, Little Wolf?"

"Y-yes," I leaned away from him slightly, "I saw it in my dreams."

"What is it you seek from me, Nike?"

I looked at him relaxing a bit in his arms, "I need a favor." This time my voice held strong, the wolves in my head were quiet, but Enyo, she seemed ecstatic.

"Oh my poor Nike," his smile grew sinister, "you're so naive."

"I want him dead."

Ares raised an eyebrow at me, and I watched as he picked through his brain to find the right question to ask me. His eyes drifted to my bare shoulders, "I don't do favors, Little Wolf."

I placed a hand on his chest, summoning Peitho, and gave him a pout, "please.."

"I didn't say I wouldn't help you, but I need something in return.." His voice trailed, "I only make deals, and like I said, I've been looking for you too." He leaned in and inhaled my scent, when he exhaled he sounded rather satisfied and I didn't know if that meant I was safe, or in a lot of trouble.

"I want Ambrus out of my life, Ares."

"I want you in mine."

I pulled my hand off of his chest, confused by his very blunt statement. He just stared at me, but the smirk never left, "I'm sorry what.."

"You know exactly what I said, and meant. I'm not helping you kill him, without something in return." He brushed my hair behind my ear, "and there is someone in that head, that I want."


I said the word before I thought about it, I didn't have any business making a deal with Ares, but something about him was interesting, something drew me in, captivated my thoughts. He looked at me, and placed a gentle finger under my chin, raising my face to look up at him.

We were sharing air at this point, "Little Wolf, I have't even told you the details, so I'm giving you a chance to take it back."

I shook my head, "no, I want him dead."

"Deals are sealed in blood, Nike," he whispered and goosebumps raised all over my body. I inhaled deep, his scent filling my lungs, it was a pleasant smell, and reminded me of the ocean a tiny bit. I nodded, but that was all he was waiting for. He lifted my hand and I watched as one of his claws extended. I gulped as he slowly turned my hand over. Before I could blink his claw tore through my palm, it made the cleanest cut, and he brought the fresh wound up to his mouth. He pressed his lips into it.

Ares sliced his own palm now and brought his hand to my face, not giving me a choice. His hand pressed against my mouth, the warm irony liquid touching my tongue. It was almost like he was smothering me, and my fight response kicked in. My heart rate sped up, my breathing was muffled by his large hand but he held me in place. Images of Ambrus trying to strangle me flashed into my head and I started to try and pull away from him, but the grip he had on me tightened.

Enyo pushed waves of calm and confidence through me and I felt my body relax, Ares smiled against my palm and finally released me. Instead of letting me go completely his mouth pressed on mine now. The blood on each of us mixing together in our mouths. It didn't bother me, his mouth sent waves of pleasure through me, and I melted into him. His lips moved much more delicately than his hands had. I didn't want the kiss to stop, but he pulled away from me and I nearly whined at him.

"The next time I see you, you must bare his mark," his eyes looked at my unmarked skin.

"I hate him," I scowled and shook my head, "he.. hurts me.." My voice drifted off into the darkness.

"You must bare his mark," he kissed my forehead, "when you have that, come and see me, there's much to learn."

"Where are you going.." I couldn't believe the amount of sadness I felt.

"I'll see you in your dreams, Little Wolf."

Just like that he disappeared into the shadows again, or did he turn into a shadow? I was stunned. His scent was all over me, and I needed to clean up before going home. Ambrus would smell him on me. I needed to make a plan. My mind was already filled with Ares, anything and everything about him. He was a mystery, a myth to my pack. I headed towards the cave entrance, shaking my head at myself. I was covered in blood, but there was a dark sensation inside me that liked it. That alone proved he was real, he wasn't a myth. He'd help me be free of Ambrus, but a mark?? I didn't want his mark, I wanted to reject him.


I waded into the river, the sheer blue dress I'd been wearing hung over a branch. I reached into the water, scooping up the mud and rubbing it over my skin. I focused it on my arms, my chest, and finally my face. Once I was rinsed, I walked out of the water, it was warm and sunny out, but you wouldn't know that from the cave I had been in. I pulled the dress back over my head, it was a thin material, and the breeze flowed through it easily.

I could see our home now, and I rolled my eyes. I hated that place, I hated every person in that place. Callisto was already waiting for me, and I sneered at her.

"Where did adventure lead you today, my Queen?"

"A cave," I said, annoyed, "I need a bath, and I need to speak to my Mate."

"I'll summon him," she turned and followed me through the door, I went right she went left. The water was already in the soaking tub, and it was steaming. I dipped my toes in it and smiled, it burned my skin, but I liked it.

"Nike, what a pleasant surprise," Ambrus spoke, walking in as the dress was falling to my ankles.

"I'm ready for you to mark me," I stated, trying to hide the terrified look I knew was on my face.

"After months, you're finally ready? What changed your mind," he smirked, but he wasn't nearly as handsome as Ares.

"A friend convinced me, if you're not prepared, that's fine." I shrugged and waded in to the water. I knew he wanted this, and the timing of his entrance, along with my dress falling, should have been enough for me to get my way.

"No, I've been trying since day one," he snarled at me, offended that I insulted him.

"Just get it over with, I have no interest in making it a ceremony," I spat.

Now he rolled his eyes, and closed the gap between us, he was much smaller than Ares, but still larger than me. He grabbed my arm and stopped me from stepping in to the tub any further.

"Lose that attitude," he snarled, but it made me want to keep pushing his buttons. I pouted at him, "I don't have an attitude," and batted my eye lashes.

He reached his other hand to the corner of my mouth and rubbed his thumb against my skin, panic setting deep into my stomach.

"Did you hurt yourself," he turned my head side to side, observing closely.

"I fell," I lied. Pleading to The Moon Goddess he'd believe me.

"Hm, you're much to clumsy to be a Queen," again he rolled his eyes, but I slowly let out a sigh of relief. "Finish bathing, you smell like dirt, and then come find me." He winked at me, and I wanted to gag, but instead I smiled softly and nodded, taking a final step into the water, and slowly sitting into it as he left.