Chereads / Blood Bound to Elias / Chapter 45 - That baby is a God

Chapter 45 - That baby is a God

Taranis brought Ashley's lifeless body to the soft patch of grass she's been using as a bed and laid her gently on it. He sat by her side and only stared at her as his mind wandered off to a woman he haven't thought of in a while.

'She's still a century away from being reborn.' With a sigh, he leaned his back against a thorny tree and stared into the darkness above him as he recalled a conversation he had with his older brother on the night before their family fell.

"They have Kenneth," Taranis remembered telling him.

"Am I to fear a baby?"

"That baby is a God, Elias," he argued. "With the perfect sacrifice, they can have you sealed inside him for eternity."

"That's blood magic, a forbidden art," Elias countered. "Not even all their shamans combined can pull off a powerful spell like that. And this perfect sacrifice you mentioned..." He narrowed his eyes at him, "You're talking about Amaira aren't you?"

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