~The Eclipse Palace, Heart Of The Eclipse Domain
Alessio's eyes fluttered open, awakened by the first streaks of daylight that seeped through the curtains.
The only sign that Alessio was awake was the fact that his eyes were now open, other than this, he did not move or attempt to get up to his feet, he just laid on the bed, perfectly still and unmoving.
Alessio's gaze was fixed on the ceiling, there was hardly any emotion reflected in his eyes, just a dazed look, even his forest green orbs were dull and dim.
There was a glassy sheen in his eyes, a tell of the unshed tears gathered... tears Alessio had forgotten how to shed.
It was another morning, waking up feeling just the same as he had the night before... the same chilling cold feeling that had laid claim to his heart for every night without fail in the past year.
Finding sleep had gotten increasingly harder, and when he did find sleep, waking up to reality again was dreadful.