Once everyone stopped goofing off, they parted ways and Rachel held Gwen's other hand as she held Hunter's on the way back to their apartment. Her suitcase had already been dropped off earlier when they were there getting ready before the wedding so she was good to go.
Gwen showed her how to work the shower and she took care of that before changing into her pajamas and sitting on the couch, not quite sure what to do with herself. It was Saturday tomorrow too and she wasn't sure what they were going to do all day.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" Gwen asked when she came out in her pajamas as well with wet hair.
They ended up watching a Disney movie she had never seen and Hunter joined them about ten minutes later and put an arm around his wife just like Derek usually did with her mom. She knew they were probably still on the plane but she missed them already even if she had fun with her kind-of aunts and uncles earlier.