Everything is numb and stiff, as if frozen in place, but if the side effects of the spell and the forceful loss of levels are all it took for us all to get out alive, then I still think it is a small price to pay, as much mother and Ethan disagree and carry worried faces with them all the time since I had been bedridden.
Although the awkward silence and growing friendship between mother and him with the common worry for my well being and the sharing looks of I am not getting out of bed untilI get better had not been as strange as meeting my father after the incident, after the father I despised and would rather not have in my life just saved me from a final blow by receiving it in my place.
He lost his wings as a result of it, barely clinging to life, and his time as a soldier would probably stay behind him now, his muzzle deformed and stitches all over the place.