Chereads / Drezo Regalia / Chapter 162 - Invisible (III)

Chapter 162 - Invisible (III)

"I'll be glad to show it to you." Tyga chirpily replied.

"MemoryMaker, is that the Drezo Regalia that you sent Tyga to find?"


"Quite fascinating. He looks more human than a dragon. I had expected a more dragon-like appearance."

"I am in my human form. I do have my dragon form as well. Though changing in here doesn't seem to be a good idea."

"Well, well. What a surprise. A dragon so young is still alive today. You do not know how pleased we are to know that there are more of your kind. It's been so long since the death of so many of your kind."

"You know of the war that killed off the Drezo Regalia?"

"Do I know of it? Yes. We do not forget things that are passed down from mouth to mouth. We remember the exact words that our forefather has told us during the time of war."

"If you do not mind. I would like to hear a bit of it."

"This might take a while to tell, but it's not like you don't have time."

"But what about getting everyone to get ready to leave? It's going to take a whole day for the

word to travel," said M2.

"Tyga will go and spread the word." Elder Miki was done with combing through Tyga's fur coat.

"I'll gladly get it done." Tyga bolted up, ecstatic that the elders had given him a job. "Don't worry; I'll make sure it gets done." With light steps, Tyga went out the door to complete his task.

"With Tyga's energetic spirit, I wouldn't be surprised if he finished the job in under a day, and with the people he knows, it's a deal. Now, I was saying about the war." Elder Maro coughed a couple of times as if he got something stuck in his throat. "The war between humanity and the dragons started from love and ended with hate. It was known that the Queen of Drezo Regalia was considered the most beautiful dragon human known throughout the land. Like you, they had two forms, one a human and another a dragon. The King of Drezo Regalia was considered the most brilliant and handsome man. The Queen's hair was dark and pitchless like the night. Her skin was ivory like a newborn baby, and her lips were red like an apple. While the KingKing his golden hair was like a fiery halo. When one set their eyes upon him, they would mistake him for an angel. He was like the sun, and she was like the Moon. Their dragon form was even more outstanding and perfect. They were compatible with one another like night and day. During their reign, it was considered the dawn of peace and expansion. They were thousand upon thousands of dragons that colored the sky like jewels that flew across the sky, helping the people of the lands."

The jewels in the room began to shine even brighter as Elder Mako continued to spin his tale. Zero wondered if magic was also in the air because the light morphed and spun into the same tale as the Elder.

"It all started when the Dragon Queen visited a human kingdom called Torran in the Continent of Light. She was a temporary ambassador for her people to speak with the newly established KingKing and went over to say her welcome. The human KingKing fell in love on sight when he saw the Dragon Queen fly down from the sky and land gracefully like a swan. She shifted into her human form, and right there and then was when it all had begun. It didn't take long for the human KingKing to fearless take a chance to woe the Queen's hearts. Trying hard to win her heart, she did not move or sway from the human King'sKing's words and instead hardened her heart. It didn't take long before the words reached the Dragon King's ears. He flew towards the Kingdom of Torran like a demon and reached the Kingdom in under three days. The moment he landed onto the soil of the Kingdom's land, the ground trembled with such ferocity that one would have mistaken it as an earthquake."

"That's quite unbelievable. Was the Dragon King that enormous?"

"No, He was considered the smallest out of all the Golden dragon race; even still, his power was immeasurably powerful. That said, the Dragon King's power rumbled and shook the whole Kingdom; his anger was filled with rage at the human King who was disrespecting his wife and him. The whole castle was destroyed from that one landing, and the human KingKing asked for forgiveness for his rudeness, and he would never again try to sway her love for the Dragon King. Even still, the Dragon King raged and was going to continue to destroy his whole Kingdom. If it were not for the sincerity of the words of a young human child, the Dragon King would not have stopped. He left the Kingdom of Torran with his Queen and vowed that his people would not come and help the Kingdom in their time of need till a new king was in place. This had caused a large commotion among the citizen and even the nobles, for they were known to be the oldest allied forces with the Drezo Regalia. It didn't take long for a new king to take the old KingKing in place, and he was exiled out of his country. The human KingKing left and traveled into the Kingdom of Dark, where the Kingdom of light's old rivals was. It took twenty years for him to climb to the top, where he married into the family royalty. He was finally again named King of a kingdom, and this time throughout his long, difficult journey, he vowed to himself that he would kill the Dragon King."

The light in the room had begun to flicker into darkness. Cold swept through the room as a vile creature emerged from the shadows. Wings that were tattered and torn from the war as a humanoid-looking figure sat on a throne.

"The prince of darkness or the fallen light. The King of all darkness, a demon, was called forth from the fiery depth of hell. The Kingdom of Dark's human KingKing called forth and made a pact with the devil. To give him the power to snuff out the Golden Dragon King and take the Black Dragon Queen his wife."

"Wait, wasn't the king already married?"

"Yes, he was. That did not mean he did not have other concubines. They were a saying that he was a lecherous old fool that chased after varieties of woman to satisfy his hunger of not getting his one true love."

"The heart is not easily swayed when one cannot see past their past love." Zero spoke. M2 heard his comment and nodded in agreement.

"Love and hate are an extreme opposite of each other. So I wouldn't be surprised that hatred has become the human King's obsession."

"What happened next?"

"The human KingKing went and started an all-out war. He took over the neighboring countries, slowly engulfing each Continent with bloodshed and death. Three-fourths of the Kingdom was engulfed in war. It took ten years to take over the whole eastern hemisphere, and finally, they went to the west. His passion for the Dragon Queen turned into an authoritarian takeover of the world, his one spot to become the supreme leader, no, a god over the whole Noriene. At first, the Drezo Regalia did not participate in the war; it was not until seven years later that they went into battle, but it was already too late. Half of the world was under the Human King'sKing's hands, and the other half was not fully ready. Defeat after defeat, Kingdom fell in days, months, and years till the dragons were pushed to the edge. It was not until the True Dragon entered the battlefield did the tide of war changed. They gave the Drezo Regalia a special power that helped them push the battle in their favor. Even still, the Demons that corrupted and fought with the human KingKing did not waver and instead relentlessly push forward even more."

Zero thought the story sounded familiar. It was the same story that the Leprechaun woman had told him but without so much detail.

"The final battle took place on the Fire Continent. The last of the Drezo Regalia's species and its allied forces, against the traitorous human KingKing that sold his soul to the Demon for power.

On that fateful day, the sky turns red from the flames of the Dragon's breath. The ground shuddered with power as both sides fought for domination. It was an all-out war. Nobody was going to leave the lands till one was dead. Even the battle between the Dragon King and the Human King riding on his powerful demon bird was fierce and dangerous. They fought, leveled lands, and decimated thousands of troops. Their battles took place in the sky and were still in a stalemate. It was not until the prince of demons came on the battlefield that the tide of war changed."

"The Dragon king was pushed back from the overwhelming power of the Demon prince. Unholy terror was unleashed that devastated the world. A spear of dark light appeared from the sky and aimed towards the heart of the Dragon King. At that last moment, the Dragon Queen stepped in and sacrificed herself in her stead. From her action and love for the Dragon King, a sacred spell activated from her crystal heart."

"A spell can only be done by self-sacrifice and true love. A pure white light came out from her and sent a shock wave. Everything the light touched made the darkness recede where it came from." With a snap of elder Mako's finger, he accentuated his story. "Just like that, the Demons

and the corrupted humans were gone."

"So you're saying pure white light from love destroyed all the demons and saved the world? It sounds so cliche."

"It is considered a famous love story. Even I feel warm in the heart just thinking about it." Elder Mako reached over to Elder Miki and smiled. "The whole Fire Continent had become cleansed from darkness and had become a sanctuary. But, though her love was eternal and powerful, it did not save her. The King wept and died a week later. He, too, sustained grave injuries on the battlefield, and his heart was broken from his loss. He had ordered his people to take his and his wife's crystal heart and forge it into a sacred item. From that day on, the sacred item became known as the Eternal Crystal. From its power, one could feel the sacred light's power. Its protection has kept the Fire Continent safe from invasion until the current invasion."

"Wait. Wait. Back up. The Eternal Crystal was protecting the Fire Continent from invasion till now? That means..."

"The World Quest." M2 finishes his thoughts. "That would explain the message about how the Fire Continent's protection was over."

"Something must have happened to it."

"That is the first answer one would come up with when one thinks about the whole ordeal."

"We noticed from the signs in the stars that something would happen to the Eternal Crystal. It was a matter of time. With the blessing gone, my people can not stay here any longer. No. It is unwise," said Elder Mako.

"We believe that darkness is brewing once again. We should leave this land and follow the awakened young dragons," Elder Miki nodded her head in agreement. She shifted to make herself comfortable.

"What do you have to do with this in the first place? Why go to the sacred ground of the Drezo Regalia, and how come you know the history of the Dragons in the first place?"

"Didn't you know? We used to work hand-in-hand with the Drezo Regalia in the past. Just like the Leprechauns that you have freed." Elder Mako chuckled. He saw Zero's reaction and couldn't help but laugh. "We are considered well-known star gazers and information gatherers. However, our powers were cut in half since the day of the fall of the Drezo Regalia's final battle. We thought all of your kind had died out since the battle, but we knew we were wrong when we heard the news that the Draconis Library was brought back to life."

"So going to the sacred grounds will help you how?" Zero couldn't help but repeat the question repeatedly throughout their conversation. He sounded like a broken record player.

"It is our last pilgrimage to gain the power of foresight. Then, we bathe in the sacred waters to be enlightened by our gods."

"Cats with foresight. I shouldn't be surprised anymore." Zero muttered under his breath. From rabbit scholars to leprechaun butlers and now fortune-telling cats. "Can't you go to other sacred waters or make one or something?"

"If we could, we would have done it long ago. Sacred water is called sacred for a reason." Mako clicked his tongue in disdain. "If we had had such without making a pilgrimage to the sacred grounds, we would've known about it long ago."

"So where is this sacred ground at anyways?"

"City of Elements."

"The Elven city? The place where the Draconis Village is heading too? I did not tell a single person that. How-"

"We are cats. We know how to find information when we want to. Even though certain information was elusive." Elder Mako's tail twitched with annoyance. "Even though we are great information gatherers, we still don't know much about certain things. For example, the whereabouts of the Eternal Crystal are still considered missing even now. If only we had found it sooner, maybe we could have done something to stop the invasion from happening."

"What's done is done. There is nothing else we can do but move forward. It's best not to dwell too deeply into it, dear."

"I know, sweetheart, but it has been bothering me since that day. Coincidentally, the barrier that protected the land has come down. It is called the Eternal Crystal for a reason. But, even finding out what happened to the Crystal is a mystery."

"Dear, don't think too deeply into things. You're getting wrinkles, and you're burdening yourself too much. You have a knack for overthinking things."

"I'm sorry. I know. I'll let it go for now."

"Good." Elder Miki purred.