Chereads / Drezo Regalia / Chapter 66 - Voices (II)

Chapter 66 - Voices (II)

Zero eyes grew wide, and his hand fumbled, almost dropping the ring onto the ground.

Hey, open those any wider and I'll poke 'em out. You got a problem with me talking? the ring threatened him.


Gahahaha. Feel the mighty power of me! An electric shock jolted through his body, stunning him for a split second.

Zero's anger flared. "You little!" He raised his hand, ready to chuck it across the field.

Wait! Wait! Wait! the ring shouted. Don't do it! I promise I won't do it again.

"Lies," Zero said bluntly. After reading the information, he knew that this was not so. He chucked it hard across the field.

"Good riddance." Zero did not feel bad at all. Instead he was satisfied that he got rid of a problem that could become big later on. Just when he was about to leave, the ring's voice laughed loudly in his head with a crackle.

Did you seriously think you could get rid of the powerful me? It snickered at Zero.

Zero glanced around, trying to find the voice.

Over here, dimwit. Look down on your right hand.

Snapping his head towards his hand, he saw the black ring on his right index finger snugly fit.

"No way," Zero barely whispered under his breath.

You and I are going to stick together forever and ever and ever… Like a broken record, the ring voice annoyingly sounded off.

Zero couldn't believe his luck. He tried pulling it off as hard as he could, but it did not budge off his fingers. "Get off!"

Hell no, I like where I am. After you threw me away I'm staying right here, the ring stubbornly answered.

"Find someone else."


Zero wished then and there he had given it to Aldran, but it was too late. "Gah!" he yelled.

Agnis turned towards him out of concern. "Are you alright?"

"No. This wretched ring doesn't want to come off!"

"What are you talking about? All rings can be unequipped."

"Not this one. It's been talking to me and it just told me it doesn't want to leave my fingers!" Zero raised his hands so she could look.

Come on. Bring your hands closer to her boobs. I want to feel them, the ring said like a dirty old man.

"Shut it," Zero replied, annoyed.

"Excuse me?" Agnis stared back.

"No. No. Not you. This ring."


"Look, I'm not crazy. It's the enchanted ring. I swear it on my life."

"If you say so. I'm just going to go over there and clean up my bow." She pointed towards a flat rock where she could see. "Just call me when you need me."

Sweetheart. Don't leave me, the ring cried out in sadness as she walked away. Let me touch your butt like last time.

"Thanks a lot. Now she thinks I'm crazy. And what do you mean last time?" He eyed the ring suspiciously.

Wouldn't you like to know, the ring snickered. Either way I'm staying here till I feel like it. I'm out of mana because you're so weak and I'm so sleepy. Good night Mr. Weakling.

"Wait. Wait! You're not staying on my finger. Get off!" He pulled on the ring once more but it didn't budge a single inch. Only silence followed after.

This truly was unlucky. He'd never heard of a talking accessory before, especially a growing accessory as well.

"Agnis," he called out. She stopped what she was doing and turned towards him.


"Have you ever heard of a growing accessory or weapon before?"

"I have heard rumors about a growing weapon. I think there are three of them held privately by different players. I'm not sure who. Such information isn't disclosed so I don't know if it's real. Why?"

"My message states that this ring is an evolving accessory."

"Oh, really?" Her interest was piqued. "Why didn't you say so in the beginning? Here I thought you were going a bit crazy there for a second. Do you mind if I look?"

"I told you it doesn't come off."

"You're joking, right? That's not possible. All equipment is made to be taken off either by you or by others."

"You can try it if you want." He stuck out his hand towards her. "It even zapped me."

"Zapped you?"

"Yeah, it has a mind of its own." He wanted to cry.

Agnis grabbed Zero's hand, and a static shock ran through her whole body, electrocuting her for a split moment.

Zero jumped back. "You alright?" He was stunned at what happened.

"You've got to be kidding. You shocked me. My health just dropped 10 points."

"Really?" He was baffled He pulled up the status menu and noticed a lightning bolt icon next to his name. He read the accompanying message. "The ring gave me an added bonus that goes into effect for duration of one minute. It's not a strong effect so it'll just feel like a light shock."

"I see. That could be useful over time."

"I'm not so sure. It's fickle," he replied.

"No matter, won't it be useful to you later down the line?"

"I'm not sure. What if it backfires?"

"By that time you might already have gotten used to it."

"I don't want to get used to it. I'm fine without the extra unnecessary pain. Either way, until I find a way to get it off, I can't do anything about it." He sighed.

Agnis nodded. Zero noticed gold on the ground a couple of feet away.

"I'll be right back."

"Sure." Agnis went back towards her seat and continued cleaning her weapons one by one.

Zero was busily picking up items and money off the ground while Agnis was re-stringing her bow and cleaning her armor. She was meticulously taking care of her weapons. He was not going to lose this opportunity to pick up the spare items on the ground that monsters and people alike had left behind. The valuable amount of gold and silver he could gain was large.

The spoils of victory, he told himself. The winner would always gain something while the loser would not.

Aldran's voice boomed across the battlefield, and Zero turned his head to listen. "We need to get back in and recover. Bring in all the wounded. There's little time till the morning sun rises." Aldran commanded his forces, as there was no time to dally. "Do not leave anyone behind."

The players and NPCs alike moved like water, each doing their job to help. They picked up their wounded brethren and hoisted them on wagons, sleds, and anything they could move them in.

I don't think I could get away with picking through the bodies for loot, he thought. He did not wanted to be known as some kind of vulture that picked through the dead while everyone else was helping out. I'll go help out at the same time and see what items I can scrounge up in the process.

He walked over to assist a group of young females. They looked like they were having a bit of trouble carrying the heavily armored wounded soldiers. Soldiers were laid out in neat rows. Some were given water while others were being wrapped with bandages.

"Do you guys need some help?" Zero asked.

"Yes please," one of them replied as the others kept working. "Aren't you the kid that helped move the hearts of the people?"

"I-I…" He didn't know what to say. Instead he blushed slightly red. He hadn't expected anyone to remember or to praise him.

"Your words truly helped us all. If it weren't for you, we would still be wallowing in despair for our lost ones. I know it takes time to heal, but it can be done. I thank you." She slightly bowed her head to show him gratitude.

Another of the girls spoke up from where she was bandaging a soldier. "If you don't mind it, we would like your help. We need to take the soldiers inside the city walls to the hospital, and we don't have any horses to pull the wagon so it's difficult to do this." She wiped sweat from her forehead. "If the swarms come, they will not survive. I cannot bear to see my people die."

This was a predicament, since right now he did not have the strength to haul a full grown man. On the other hand, his Origin form would be strong enough.

"I think I might be able to help you on that," he said, debating if he should use it at this time. He only had two more transformations available before the day was over.

With his mind resolved on helping them, he shifted. His small human form grew larger and larger. He could feel his bones creaking and squeaking as he took shape. The girls gaped.

Zero couldn't help himself and stood proudly before them with his chest out. He always wanted to try looking cool once, like how an artist might depict him on the page.

"Oh wow. You look so adorable." They squealed with delight.

"May I touch your coat?" another female got up to ask. A couple more came over to see what was going on.

"Hehe. What are you? You look so cool," another stated with glee.

"Are you going to help pull the cart?"

"Yep," Zero replied. He couldn't help but feel satisfied. He was not usually the type to boast, but the attention was nice.

"Stick your chest out any more and your ribs will fall out," Agnis said. She walked over to where Zero stood and ruffled his fur.

"No they won't," he grumbled. He was enjoying that flattery for a moment, but Agnis had to cut in and say something.

"Here, let me help you guys out." Agnis pulled out some rope from her bag. "Come on, Zero. I need to strap you to the wagon." She motioned him towards the cart.

It wasn't a large wooden wagon. It was big enough to carry about four people. Its wheels were battered and worn, and he wasn't so sure it would hold together during the ride back into the city.

"Are you sure that's not going to break down?" Zero asked.

"It's fine. It has quite a bit of durability. It states 25/30 left, so we should be okay," Agnis replied while tying the harness to the wagon. She tightened it a bit too much, making him squirm.

"Agnis. A little bit looser." He skittered from side to side. "It's pinching my side."

"Sorry." She loosened it.

"What are you?" one of the ladies asked. She came up to him and scratched him under his chin. For some strange reason the place where she was scratching felt very pleasant. It tingled like a head massage, but this time under the chin.

Purring with satisfaction, he almost melted into the lady's hand. Agnis laughed at Zero. "Are you purring?"

"I can't help it." He tried to stop himself from purring but instead it sounded like a hiccup. "Aaaaah…" he sighed in satisfaction.

"Thank you for helping us out. We were worried about how to take the wounded soldiers back in," the lady stated. She moved her hand up to his head and patted him. The other women were already busily putting the soldiers into the wagon. It took a couple of them to hoist one grown man up onto the cart while there was one of them that picked up the soldiers as if they were sandbags.

Zero patiently waited. Being harnessed to the wagon did not allow him to help move the soldiers. Instead he had to stay still so he wouldn't move the cart around too much.

"It's all set. Please drive carefully," a lady said.

"I will," said Zero, confident that he wouldn't spill anyone over.