{How was it, buddy?}
I only have one question right now. How the fuck did Misty's loyalty take a dip from 100% to 70%?!
{That's because she's hiding something big from you. Besides, didn't you notice that she was acting quite strange?}
I can't believe it, Mimi. Why would she hide something from me? And about what you said earlier; that she was masquerading her moans. Wasn't I satisfying her enough? What could have actually gone wrong?
{Hey, calm down buddy, I can sense the instability of your emotions and I know how much you truly love Misty. I don't know what she's hiding but I bet it must be something that's so big it caused her loyalty to plunge…}
But what could she be hiding that she can't afford to let me know, and why was she feigning her moans? These things just don't make any sense. What is she hiding?