Chereads / REACH OF HUNTER: I Can Absorb DNA / Chapter 9 -   Chapter 8- One Shot (Updated)

Chapter 9 -   Chapter 8- One Shot (Updated)

(A/N : Guys I am getting a little demotivated as i didn't get any power stone or Pa teron members even when I write all of these but still I keep writing and hope someone eventually appreciated my work)

Written By: Shuvodip Aich

Proofread By: Maximus1334

Edited By:Maximus1334

Chapter 8- One Shot (Updated Version)

"Captain, are you all right?" Jerry asked through the radio.

All the team members, including Jason and Jerry, waited for a reply on the radio.

"I'm okay, guys, but can you spot the crawler? I think the attack missed the head," Bhim responded through the radio.

"Captain, we can't locate the crawler. The whole area is covered in dust. We have to wait until it clears," Jerry said.

"Okay, but maintain vision, and don't let it leave the area," Bhim said.

"Don't worry, Captain. We will deal with it if it tries to leave the area," Jerry responded.

A few minutes later, the dust finally started to clear, and things started to come into view. Still, there was no sight of the crawler.

Finally, the crawler was spotted 300 meters away from the area of the collision, lying flat on the ground, but they confirmed that it was still alive.

At the time of the collision, it managed to evade getting hit on the head but instead got hit on the left side of the body.

Even though it got hit on its strongest part, it was in a dire situation as all parts of the left side of its body were squashed, and blood was leaking from all parts of its body.

Out of its four claws, only two remained intact, and the rest of them have blasted away. Half of the red crystal on its back was also broken.

It didn't even have the power to get back on its feet after getting hit only once by Bhim. Then they reported the situation to Bhim and all the other members of their team.

"Kill all the other crawlers. I will handle this one," Bhim responded after getting all the details of the situation.

"So when will you teach me the technique?" I asked Jerry after winning the bet with a teasing tone.

"Check it." After saying that, Jerry threw a chip towards Jason.

Jason inserted the chip into his nano watch to check what it contained.

As he expected, it contained all the details about the special shooting art, and it had all the sets of the art, not like the one they got for free from the association.

There was a total of seven stages in this special art, not like the normal one he learned, which only had five stages. The special art was much more powerful compared to a normal one.

So, for Jason, the gain was much bigger than he expected.

"Hey, don't make that face. I will give you a 10th gen nano sniper," Jason said to Jerry as he became upset after his loss.

After hearing Jason's words, finally, a smile bloomed on Jerry's face as even a 10th gen nano sniper was rare and much better than the sniper he was currently using.

Then both of them started to shoot down the rest of the enemies.

As they shot down the Crawlers, the rest of the team members finally came out of their hiding spots and started to gather the mana crystal that was on the back of the crawlers.

"Lily, come here quickly," Bhim asked Lily through the radio.

Responding to the command, Lily quickly went towards Bhim, and a few minutes later, she finally reached Bhim.

At that moment, Bhim was beside the Crawler, but he still kept it alive as he needed something out of it. He asked Lily to come towards him.

"Lily, use your spell to check his memory quickly," Bhim commanded Lily.

The only reason Bhim still left the Crawler alive was so that Lily could check the memory of the crawler to gather information. It was necessary for the suspect to be alive for the spell to work.

There are also some spells that can read the minds of a deceased suspect, but only a few people know these types of spells. Bhim didn't know if Lily was among those few people, so he kept the crawler alive.

Lily quickly responded to the order and began chanting some words that were foreign to Bhim, but he maintained his usual stance.

After a few seconds of chanting, a spell was finally generated above the crawler, which was supplied with mana by Lily. From the spell, a few threads like strings were generated and got connected to the head of the beast, and then the crawler started to scream as if it was experiencing devastating pain.

A few seconds later, the crawler finally stopped screaming, and then memories of the crawler started to appear inside Lily's mind. At that time, suddenly the crawler started to scream again, and then the half-mana crystal on its back started to glow.

As Lily read the memories of the crawler, which needed her total concentration, Bhim was guarding her in case some monsters appeared. At that time, Bhim noticed the situation of the crawler, and then he felt a sudden danger. Within a second, Bhim quickly activated a defensive shield as he covered Lily and himself under the shield.

Boom! A loud blast happened as the crystal on the back of the crawler got blasted. It had so much power that it sent Bhim and Lily a few hundred meters away from their original location. All the other things under 20 meters beside the crawler got destroyed as a crater formed at the spot where the blast happened.

When Jason and all the other teammates heard the blast, only one word left their mouths: "F#$K." "Captain, are you both all right? Respond quickly," Jason started to ask Bhim through the radio. A few seconds went by, and no response came through the radio, which increased their worry. Then, all of them quickly ran towards the area of the blast.

"Guys, no need to worry. We are all right, but Lily is unconscious at this moment. I think this is due to the backlash of the spell," Bhim responded. Then all the other team members reached Bhim and Lily's location, where they saw an unconscious Lily, and beside her was Bhim sitting on a rock, bandaging his left arm, which had a lot of cuts and burns marks on it.

After that, Bhim told them what happened and how they ended up in this situation. "Guys, help them. Mark and I were going towards the crawler location," Jason said to all his team members after listening to Bhim's explanation. The rest of them nodded and went to help Bhim and Lily, while Jason and Mark went towards the blasted area.

"It had a lot of power. Even the captain got sent flying 300 meters away," Mark said to Jason. "Think about what would have happened to them if the captain was even a second late to activate the shield," Jason said and started to laugh. Listening to Jason's words, a chill ran down Mark's spine. "How can you maintain your calm even in this situation? Are you a psycho or something?" Mark responded to Jason.

Then both of them searched the blasted area, but they found nothing except for a crater, so they decided to return. When they finally got back, Lily had already regained consciousness. "Okay, now that we're all here, Lily, tell us what you gained through its memory," Bhim said to Lily. Lily then nodded to Bhim, showing her acknowledgement towards his words.


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