Going abroad was something that I had only entertained more as a vacation than for finding job opportunities. I knew full well that I already had something decent going on in my life despite the below-average wages I was earning doing my job, so why bother uprooting and risking everything I had for a chance at a much higher-paying job elsewhere? I mean, I'll take the opportunity if it came to me, but I wouldn't bother chasing it around and risk becoming much more destitute than I already was. Besides, the costs of living would just scale up if I ever decided to live in a richer country.
Or maybe I was just afraid of change... Who knows?
"I'm going to assume that I'll be the one to open dialogue?" Shade asked, taking his position near the communications kiosk.
"Yep," I nodded. "You've proven time and again that you know how the world works. And our [Rig]'s callsign alone would probably already raise concerns, let alone having Shizu do the hailing on top of that."