Sheisha's eyes slowly opened and saw Harry who was focused on rubbing her palms to warm up.

"Harry," called Sheisha in a limp voice.

Harry lifted his face and smiled in relief after Sheisha woke up from her stupor.

"Are you awake Sheisha?" said Harry as he rubbed Sheisha's pale face.

"What's the matter with me, Harry?" Sheisha asked with a confused look seeing herself in the ER room. 

"You fainted Sheisha, you are too tired," said Harry in a soft voice.

"Is that so? I can't remember, just tired," said Sheisha while holding her slightly dizzy head.

"Since you are awake, you wait here. I will buy food for you. You are weak, you need food and vitamins." said Harry intently.

Sheisha shook her head slowly.

"I'm coming with you, I want to see William Harry," said Sheisha holding Harry's hand tightly.

"But you're still weak Sheisha. You're still not strong enough to walk. You just wait here. I'll be right back." said Harry looking fully at Sheisha's face.

"No Harry, let me come with you. I'm scared alone right now. I'm still worried about William." said Sheisha with a pleading look.

"You've always been stubborn Sheisha, and you know I can't turn you down," said Harry uncertainly at Sheisha's spoiled attitude towards him.

"Hmm... because I know you love me very much Harry, and I love me too," said Sheisha with a weak smile.

Harry was silent for a moment, then rose from his seat and lifted Sheisha into his arms.

"Harry, what are you doing? I could fall," said Sheisha reflexively hugging Harry's neck who was holding her.

"You can't walk Sheisha, because you are stubborn I had to carry you. We will go to the cafeteria for a while, after that we will see how William is," said Harry as he carried Sheisha walking out to the hospital cafeteria.


"Put me down Harry, I'll be embarrassed if people see it. Moreover, the hospital canteen is far from here you will be exhausted," said Sheisha with a flushed face.

"Carrying you won't tire me out Sheisha. You have to be healthy first, once you can walk on your own. I won't stop you." said Harry walking slowly into the cafeteria.

Arriving at the hospital cafeteria Harry dropped Sheisha off and sat her on the cafeteria chair.

"You know Harry when it's like this, I feel like a spoiled bride by my husband," said Sheisha with a smile.

"Think of it like that Sheisha, because soon William will be pampering you like he is now. And I'm happy for your happiness," said Harry with a smile.

"Hem ... then now spoil your best friend. I'm very hungry, you know what I like right?" Sheisha said happily because William was back in her life.

"Okay, wait here a moment. I'll order some food for you," said Harry walking to the cafeteria waiter.

Not long after, Harry brought Sheisha's favorite vegetable omelet.

"Your favorite food has arrived, eat Sheisha." said Harry as he sat across from Sheisha.

"Hmm... so delicious Harry," Sheisha said while looking at the vegetable omelet in front of her.

"Is it good Sheisha?" asked Harry not understanding why Sheisha liked the vegetable omelet so much.

"Very delicious, just try a little," said Sheisha as she fed Harry a vegetable omelet.

Harry was surprised when Sheisha fed him.

"What do you think Harry? It's delicious, isn't it?" said Sheisha with a full gaze.

Harry nodded his head with a smile.

"Very good Sheisha." said Harry as he wiped his mouth after chomping down on Sheisha's vegetable omelet.

"It's still not much Harry. One day I will cook for you. You will taste how good my vegetable omelet is." said Sheisha with a twinkle in her eye full of happiness.

"I will wait for that time to come," said Harry with a meaningful look.

"Okay... now, help me to finish my meal. So I can see William as soon as possible," said Sheisha with her mouth full of food.

"Slow down Sheisha, look at your mouth with the omelet sauce," said Harry as he wiped the sauce off the corner of Sheisha's mouth.

"Hmm... thanks Harry," said Sheisha with a spoiled smile.

"Have you finished your meal Sheisha?" Harry asked looking straight into Sheisha's eyes.

"Just a little more, and this is for you," said Sheisha while feeding the flabbergasted Harry.

"Well, it's over now, Come on...let's go," said Sheisha as she finished her drink.

Harry covered his mouth full of food. Seeing Sheisha about to leave Harry hastily chewed his food until he choked and coughed.

"Cough... Cough... Cough"

"Oh my God Harry! Be careful!" said Sheisha as she handed Harry her drink.

Slowly, Harry drank the water that Sheisha gave him.

"How's Harry, are you all right?" asked Sheisha rubbing Harry's chest with a worried look.

Harry smiled very happily at Sheisha's never-ending concern despite being engaged to William.

"I'm okay Sheisha." said Harry with a look full of love.

"Come on Harry, we have to go see how William is," said Sheisha as she took Harry's hand.

Harry couldn't help but smile and complied as Sheisha took his hand and led him away.

"Sheisha walk slowly, you may fall Sheisha." said Harry pulling Sheisha's hand gently so as not to walk too fast.

"Harry, I can't wait to see how William is doing. Come on, Harry," said Sheisha insisting on walking fast holding Harry's hand.

Harry could no longer stop Sheisha except by following Sheisha's wishes.

Arriving in front of the operating room, Harry met the Doctor who treated William.

"Doctor, how is William? Is William all right?" asked Harry seriously.

"William is doing better and is past his critical period. We just moved William to the inn." said the doctor kindly. 

"Thank you, Doctor, which room did William transfer to Doctor?" Harry asked impatiently to know how William was doing.

"Nurse, please . . . take Mr. Harry and Miss Sheisha to Mr. William's bedroom." said the doctor to the nurse who was helping him.