Max woke up slightly earlier and his body temperature wasn't as high as it was yesterday. He woke up with the same notification telling him to spend ten minutes in the sun. Before getting ready for school, Max made sure to leave the apartment organized so that his mother wouldn't have much to do when she returned from her night shift. It was already bad enough that she had to work two shifts as a store clerk and a nurse so the boy would help out with keeping the house neat and organized.

  After cleaning the place up a little, Max stepped out of the house to see something he dreaded. The streets were full of Four Arm Gang members standing around every single building. Starting from his apartment building all the way to his school, Max could see men and women just standing, doing nothing but wasting time and scaring innocent people. Max also noticed how many students were walking in huge groups, due to fear of being attacked.

  Although things were becoming grim for Raid Town, Max didn't seem to be moved or have pity for them. He only wanted to get rid of the gang in order to start with. Sure this was his hometown and people were suffering because of him so he decided to make his gang different from the others. Instead of enslaving and hurting people in the community, he was going to include the community and help them out.

" Looks like these guys are serious after all. This system must cost them a lot of money if they're going this far to get it back. Glad I took this thing 'cause I'm gonna use it against them." Max didn't join the other students walking to school. He instead decided to wait for Sue so that they could walk to school together. A few minutes passed and the *ding* could be heard ringing in Max's head.

[ Daily Quest Complete: 10XP granted.]

[ 20/20. Level up]

]Level 3. 20/50EXP]

[ You'll need to be at level 10 to become a dangerous threat to these gangsters although level 5 may help.]

Max ignored the last message and continued waiting for Sue. She showed up five minutes later and they both walked to school. " Morning Sue. Did you learn anything about how gangs are formed?" Max asked. " Whatever your ambitions are Max, I'll play along for a while but remember, my family or yours can not be involved in this. Got it."

Max nodded although he didn't get a clear answer. " Starting a gang takes more than a muscle guy like that dummy Pharaoh. You need a lot of resources if you want to take over another one Max. I read a lot of articles on how people died trying to take over gangs led by mutants."

" We don't need to defeat the entire gang," Max said. "All we have to do is take out their leader."

" Who, Pharaoh. Pshh. C'mon Max, you can't even take me on in a fight. What makes you think you can go against Pharaoh." Max looked at Sue with and expression that indirectly said, ' Are you serious.' Sue remembered the fact that Max was a mutant now but she wasn't so confident that her skinny friend would be able to defeat a four-armed mutant or any mutant to be exact.

"I'll make you eat your words one day, missy. Mark me." He smiled with pride.

  They eventually reached the school gate and waited for CJ to arrive. Once again. he came in a flashy car but he wasn't as jolly as he used to be. " Hey CJ, what goes on?" Max greeted. CJ didn't reply or look his friend in the eyes. He sighed and walked to his classroom, ready for school. Max and Sue knew something was wrong so they decided to pester him until he spoke.

" My parents want to move me out from Raid Town. They said if these gangsters make another drastic move, I'll be moved back to the city and go to a boarding school." He said.

"That must suck, huh!"

"Hard, man. It sucks really hard."

"Don't worry. I've got...I mean we've got a plan to try and get these people out of here. I'll tell you more during break time. " All the students finally arrived in their classrooms and school started. After a few hours of Science and English lessons, the bell was rung for break time. Max, Sue, and CJ went to their favorite spot in the entire school, the rooftop. There were few more students there but the roof had plenty of space. Max and Sue told CJ about the night when they stole the briefcase and how they were going to start a gang to get rid of the Four Armed goons.

" ARE YOU CRAZY?' CJ yelled and Sue quickly went to cover his mouth. " Keep it down, your going to cause a lot of unwanted attention."

" Fmfmfmmmfmfmfm."

" What?" Sue asked with her hand still on his mouth. CJ squeezed his tongue through his lips and licked Sue's palm.

" Eeww, gross CJ, grow up."

" Are you guys insane?" CJ whispered. " Do you know what it takes to start a gang let alone take over one? You'll get killed if you go up against Pharaoh."

" But we're..."

" What. Do you want to end up like the guy with the shotgun? You don't stand a chance." Max badly wanted to show CJ why he was so confident in his plan. He opened the system panel and checked for any sections that had the word powers. Luckily, there was a side that had fire skills but all of them were locked. When he clicked them, the system said

[ Unable to use skills. The user hasn't earned them yet.]

" Well how am I supposed to unlock them?" Max asked himself but the system didn't reply. He decided to tell CJ about the system and how he was now what the system called a fire mutant. At first, CJ didn't believe him but when Sue told them the reason the gang members were acting out, he got worried for his friends.

" What have you guys gotten yourselves into?" He asked but his friends continued to speak, not knowing that someone was listening in on their conversation.


Meanwhile, somewhere deep in Raid City at the city's docks, a fleet of cars came driving towards two men and a woman. There were five luxury SUV's in total with four of them being of the same brand. The fifth one was larger than the others and it seemed to be heavily re-enforced. Sixteen guards in total came out from the four smaller cars and one of the guards opened the right back seat of the big fifth car.

  Out of it came a very large man with a bold head, a thick neck, and a heavy body structure. He had really large arms and an intimidating aura radiating from him.  From the other side of the car came out a beautiful woman. She had everything a man would want. Her skin was smooth with out a blemish, her hair was jet black and straight, her chest and back side were the right sizes and her face was irresistible. She was wearing a long, red dress the started from her cleavage all the way to her long legs.

" Well well well. Look who it is. Pharaoh, Fang, and Xin. I trust you're doing well." The big man asked. His name was Lidong, the mob boss of the entire city. He was the second richest and one of the most powerful men in the entire city.

" We're doing we...well, sir." Xin nervously replied.

" Then where's my package, Xin? You didn't lose it, did you?" He asked while deepening his voice in the last words.

" Well Sir, you see the thing is..." Pharaoh interrupted. Lidong held out his index finger and shushed Pharaoh. " I want to hear it from Xin."

" We...we lost it. Sir." She replied.

" Come again, Xin," Lidong responded.

" I'm sorry Sir. We lost the package. It was stolen from us by one of the citizens from Raid town." Xin started crying because she knew what was going to happen to her. Lidong wasn't just a mob boss but he was also one of the strongest mutants in the world although his ability was the body alteration kind that allowed him to change his body into any form he wanted. Lidong slowly grabbed Xin by the head and lifted her up. He was very angry at her for loosing his very valuable package.

" Do you know how much blood I had to spill to get that package?" He asked in a furious tone. " That was new technology that could have been given to my wife. I told you to keep it somewhere safe and you decided to keep it in a junky town?"

" Forgive her, sir," Fang spoke. " Miss Xin chose that town because it wasn't taken by any gangs yet. We figured if no one was there, then there wouldn't be anyone who'd try to steal it."

Lidong slowly put Xin down and even straightened her shirt. He wiped her tears away with his big thumbs and gently lifted her chin. " Listen here, Xin. I'm giving you by the end of this fortnight to find the scumbag who stole my package. If you fail me, I'll come up there and destroy the four-armed gang along with you, Kapish?"

" Kapish." With that said, Lidong and his crew left Xin, Fang, and Pharaoh at the docks and returned to the city center.

" What do we do now Boss," Pharaoh asked.

"Whatever it takes to get that package. Even if it means we kill or kidnap people to find it."