Chereads / Please Be My Mate! (BL) / Chapter 1 - School...

Please Be My Mate! (BL)

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Chapter 1 - School...




I woke up startled, and sat straight up on my bed, looking in all directions to find where the sound was coming from.

"Damn alarm clock!" I cursed as I turned off the alarm clock and threw it on the side of the bed, the alarm clock that always wakes me up on time before going to school.

Monday is a cursed day for me because I have to leave early in the morning and collect some papers that I have finished writing.

Ugh, Arts Lessons Sucks! But I still like it. Because only in Arts and Culture, I can calmly do things I like.

Yup. Paint. Is one of my hobbies.

Luckily I didn't forget to prepare it last night, so there are still a few minutes to laze around.




"Leon! Let's go to school immediately! Your father was already prepared!"

Yep, And I almost forgot my second alarm, which was my mom.

"Yes, Mom, in a moment." My answer sounded rushed.

The intention to be lazy was canceled, and now I had to immediately prepare myself to be able to go to school.

After taking a shower and getting ready, I stood in front of the mirror adjusting my school uniform. After that, I rushed to take my backpack and put it on, then rushed out of the room that was comfortable for me to heal in a cave.

I saw my father and mother sitting in the dining room, they were enjoying the breakfast prepared by my mother.

"Come on, mom asked me to get everything ready right away. Because it seems as if I'll be late for school! Then you two are still very relaxed enjoying breakfast. Even though it's already time..." I widened my eyes when I saw the clock on the wall that was hanging on the wall. was in the dining room. Because it's 6:30 in the morning.

"Yup... Time for breakfast together! You rarely come with Mommy and Daddy for breakfast together. So Mommy purposely set your alarm earlier than before!" My mother replied so casually while getting breakfast for me.

It feels like my chin has fallen to the ground now, I just stay still with a flat gaze looking at my mother and father.

How could they have the heart to wake me up this early just to enjoy breakfast together with the two of them?

I sat so lazily in front of the two of them, slowly holding the spoon.

Is it true that this spoon weighs tens of kilos, so it feels like my right hand to lift it is too heavy?

"Leon! Let's have breakfast first. Don't get used to it if you don't have breakfast in the morning, you'll get a stomachache when you're at school!"

My thoughts were cut short when I heard a deep voice directed at me. Yup, he is my father named Nick Nelson. A man with a handsome stature, sharp nose, and blue eyes, it seems that there are still many women or widows who crave him.

And next to him was my mother, Jessica. I never knew what my mother's full name was because I never asked her about her surname. But in essence, she is such a beautiful woman, who always understands me and to me, she is my guardian angel.

And I am Leon Nelson, an 18-year-old male. My fair skin, blonde hair, and navy blue eyes seem to have managed to attract the girls in my school.

My hobby is painting and drawing the face of whoever I like. Several times I got caught while drawing the girl I liked kissing one of the most popular boys in my class.

And it made my eyes go black when hit by the hit from the girl's lover's left hand.

"You pervert!"

The guy called me a pervert. As if I wanted to scream and retaliate, but I realized that my body wasn't as big as his. And of course not as bulky as his body. So the attempt to retaliate was only in my mind.

I'm not going to tell you how I am, because I don't have to tell you right now.

The important thing is, that I finish my breakfast and go to school as soon as possible. Because with me going to school as soon as possible, it will be as soon as I go home and nest back into my private cave.

Since school is such a boring activity, nothing interests me except drawing and spending time drawing.

"Honey, Mommy has put your lunch box in your bag okay, don't forget to eat it..." said my mom while waving at me when I was about to get into the car.

I just nodded my head at her, signaling that I understood what mom was saying.

"Okay, we're going!" My father said as he drove fast driving his Alphard.

"Baby, you light up my world like nobody else

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed

But when you smile at the ground, it ain't hard to tell

You don't know, oh-oh..."

And this is my father's bad habit, he always plays the song loudly in the car, while singing expressing that this song is like his song.

"You don't know you're beautiful.." he sings as he watches me grip something that doesn't look like a mic in his imagination.

I didn't reply to anything my father did, I just smiled faintly and forced my eyes to look out the car window.

This is how my life is in the morning when I want to go to school, the same thing is repeated over and over again with almost the same incident.

That's why sometimes I'm so bored with the Wheel of Life that it feels like it's just spinning in that place, sometimes I want to get out of the wheel and have another life.

But I realized that was impossible.


I widened my eyes and it felt like my body was being pushed forward when my father braked suddenly.

"Daddy! What's wrong with you?" I asked with an annoyed look at him with a sharp gaze.

"Oh, I'm sorry Leon, I almost missed your school." He replied smiling broadly at me, he looked at me while lifting his glasses over his forehead.

I can only sigh in annoyance and get out of the car and close it a little tight. Then left him alone on the side of the road without looking back.

"Leon... Have a nice day!"

I heard the scream from my father, but I didn't turn around and just gave him a thumbs-up without turning my face towards him.

And as soon as I heard the car go off and left the school area, I looked at it and thought 'Should I be like that to my dad?'

It seems there is nothing to regret because everything has happened.

I rushed to my class, to take art lessons. Because today is the day where I can fully express myself.

When I was about to enter the classroom, it turned out that all the students were already in the classroom. And it feels like I'm one of the late students today.

"Knock... Knock... Knock..."

I knocked on the door slowly, and the bespectacled man sitting at his desk immediately looked at me with a big smile.

"Come on in, class is about to start!" Mr. Daniel said he is the best art and culture teacher for me.