Chereads / Seven Coloured Melody / Chapter 295 - Set up

Chapter 295 - Set up


But, if he discloses that the woman he is seeing now is a hanyou female. No doubt the Lord will want to meet her. But, wouldn't that be a good thing? If the Lord meets Sumire, then he will know for sure. 

'I need to find the answer as soon as possible. I'm running out of time. The Lord seems to be growing anxious, with the frequency of his attacks on the Holy Knights.' If an all out war starts, he will be forced to pick a side. 

"Speaking of females, you haven't introduced me to your girlfriend yet."

'It's almost like he knew what I was thinking.'

"Did you want to meet her?" Toh said.

Lucifer chuckled. "I'm just curious which woman has captured your heart."

"Bold words to use boss, you know I don't get attached to anyone."

"Indeed, normally that would be the case. You have never got attached to any of your previous girlfriends before. However, considering how you have been neglecting your work for this one. I believe I should meet her."

Toh shuddered at those words but kept his composure. "To what, frighten her away? I'll have you know she doesn't get scared easily."

"I'm aware."

Toh frowns. "So, you've seen her already."

"I have." Lucifer trails off. "I must admit, you have excellent tastes as usual. But, are you not introducing me because she's an inspiring idol or because she's a member of the Holy knights?"

So he knew.

Lucifer already knows everything. But, that shouldn't surprise him.

"The first part isn't the issue, it's the second."

"I don't believe the second one is an issue."

"You want me to poach her." Toh said immediately, understanding.

Lucifer nodded. "We could always use more talent, and your woman seems strong enough." 

Despite Lucifer's vague words, Toh understood. Lucifer is serious about this. Lucifer must have already seen Sumire in action. 'No, the Lord must have set up those jobs I have been clashing with hers deliberately.' 

"I do not think she will agree with the morals in the organisation."

Lucifer laughs. "Are you worried you'll be allowing her into a den of vipers?"

Toh exhales deeply. "You and I both know that aside from a few people, everyone else in this place is corrupt. They'll definitely harass her."

Sumire isn't weak, and there is no doubt she would fight back. She won't let anyone take advantage of her. But, those guys know how to trick women. Just imagining it is giving him disturbing thoughts. 

Lucifer chuckled. "Alright, that is enough teasing you. Even if you don't get her to join the organisation that's fine."

"It is?"

Lucifer nodded. "After all, you know what your priority is."

With those words said Lucifer exited the room and Toh looked around Lucifer's office. 'I could snoop around and confirm whether Sumire is the one Lucifer is looking for.' No doubt the information is here. However, this feels too much like a trap.

It's not the first time, he has been in Lucifer's office. It's not unusual to be invited here. But, something seems wrong.

Lucifer has already seen Sumire, he seems to know a lot about her.

'He didn't tell me to stop seeing her.' Then Lucifer casually mentioned what his priority is-

From: Sumire

You know, these days I find myself bored to death when I'm not with you.

Toh's lips curved to a smirk seeing her message.

From: Toh

Then, why don't you touch yourself and think of me?

From: Sumire

1) I don't know how, you haven't taught me that.

2) I believe it's something I can't do when I'm in a public place

'I haven't taught her that yet huh? Indeed, I have been very careful with her. Even though I mentioned teaching her how to be more comfortable with intimate actions, I don't take it too far.'

From: Toh

Then, I believe I can show you later.

From: Sumire

Rehearsal is dull.

Time can't go by any faster

From: Toh

This is where it's okay for you to be honest with your feelings

From: Sumire


So, I miss you.

What do we do about that?

Toh chuckles. She really can be stubborn.

From: Toh

I'm almost done with my work.

I just have to attend an event with grandmother, meet me at home?


A few hours later

If he knew he was going to end up in this troublesome situation. Toh wouldn't have attended. But, he supposes that's the exact reason why his grandmother was extremely vague about the details of the event.

Toh wasn't expecting this ambush at all. His grandmother sent him an apologetic look. But, the damage was done. No doubt there will be some kind of rumour that he entered a private room, with some woman. Not just any woman though, the world wide top model Alicia.

Alicia chuckles. "It seems you'll be the one entertaining me tonight."

Toh frowned. "Do you even know who I am?"

"I know your that woman's grandson. But, so what? She clearly doesn't care for you much if she set you up."

Toh wasn't in the mood to argue and simply sat down on the couch.

Alicia walked over and positioned herself on his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she brought her lips to his neck. The heavy scent of alcohol caught his attention and he sighs. Just when he thought this night couldn't get any worse.

She giggled. "I am curious though, they say you're a designer."

"I am, but I'm sure you won't be interested in my peasant designs."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Alicia looks him up and down and licks her lips. "Even if your designs are shit, if you please me. I could consider modelling for you."

Toh exhales deeply, shoves the girl off his lap and heads towards the door.

Alicia rolls her eyes. "Playing hard to get? Even if you go out that door now, people saw you enter my hotel room. If you leave early, they'll make up a story about how incompetent you are in bed."