Chereads / Seven Coloured Melody / Chapter 276 - Dont push me away

Chapter 276 - Dont push me away


If she doesn't think this through and San ends up getting severely hurt again. She truly won't be able to hold back her inner demon. When Ru pulled her back, it felt like the darkness and rage resealed into a box again. But, there is no guarantee that Ru will be there to pull her back from going on a rampage. If San ends up hurt again, no doubt she will snap.

"Uh and also, I was with Mashima." Mamoru said awkwardly.

Sumire immediately froze at those words. Even without looking at Ru's expression, she immediately understood. He is definitely angry at her! Toh insisted that he would escort her, and not only did she refuse. She didn't rest in the morning like she promised him.

"But he was worried sick. So, I don't think you have to worry about him getting angry at you or anything."

No, no. She knows Toh very well, he will definitely be mad.

"What about Aki-san? I'm surprised he didn't burn the rest of the building down."

"He isn't here. I hear he and the other members had to guard the outskirts because Hyou4 is already around."

'Now that's strange. Normally Aki-san would have pushed HYOU4 aside.' Sumire recalled what Lucifer said. Could it be-? Did he really know, and isn't interfering because he wants Sano to die? 

'I have seen him being cruel before but would he really do this?'

Her thoughts break off realizing they were already outside. Ru was holding her hand, and must have used his sonic sound ability to get them down faster. There was a flood of lights in the darkness, lights from police cars and Hyou4 vans. A sea of blood uniforms. 

She stopped Asuka not too far away speaking to some victims. Her friend briefly made eye contact with her and mumbled 'Are you alright?'

Sumire responded with a weak smile causing her friend to sigh. 

Mamoru brushed his fingers across her cheek. "I'll get a medic here."

"I'm fine Ru, I barely got hurt."

He shakes his head. "It's better to be safe than sorry." Mamoru draped his jacket around her shoulders. "Wear this, it's cold."

"Geh, if you're going to give me your jacket. Does it have to be the ugly one?"

"I'm giving you my baby, you should praise me for my sacrifice." 

She rolled her eyes and sent him away. During this time she felt several pair of eyes on her and she sighed deeply. None of the HYOU4 members would look at her like that, since she is friendly with everyone. So that leaves the police.

Sumire knew what they thought of her. They think of her as a criminal that should be locked up for life, and maybe she ought to be. How many lives has she ended with her own hands? Feeling a piercing gaze on her, Sumire immediately scanned her eyes through the crowd and found him. 

There he was, standing near the edge of the gate with a cold look in his eyes. 

Uh oh, she is definitely in trouble. Before she could approach Toh, somebody stopped her.

"Ibuki." A voice called out.

Sumire turned to see a woman with dark coloured hair, tied in a side ponytail earring a white polo shirt and black skirt.


Nagawa Senra, one of the daughters of the Nagawa family. 

Senra laughed weakly. "Well this is awkward. In the end, the words I said to you back then backfired."

"You're the only one who came here for him?" Sumire guessed.

Even though Sano treasures his family, and even resorts to selling his soul to the devil for them. Sumire understood how distant most elite families were.

Senra nodded. 

"Thank you for keeping Sano safe. Despite what he is like, he is the only one who can hold the family together right now."

Sumire wanted to scream, she wanted to yell why him? 'Why place the burden on him when there are so many of you?' It's not like Sano is the only adult there, there are so many of his siblings that are the same age as him and some who are older. Why does he have to sacrifice so much? 

She was furious. Even if Senra came all this way, it doesn't change the fact that she is one of the problems. 

Sumire looked over at the stretcher being hauled into the ambulance.

"Can I--?" Sumire asked for permission.

Senra nodded and Sumire took a deep breath before she walked over to where Sano was. Sano who was lying down on the stretcher immediately sat up when he saw her. 

Sano pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. "San." Sumire said softly. "Your still hurt, lay back down."

She inspected him carefully, although his injuries were bandaged up. She could still see traces of blood. How many times did they have to wrap the bandage around his waist? There must be several layers and yet the blood is still visible. 

"I'll come to you, I'll go see you. Don't push me away anymore." Sano said weakly.

Sumire nodded.

'stay away from Nagawa Sano for a year. If you do, then I'll leave him alone.'

The warning lingered in her mind and she shakes her head. Lucifer's warning does frighten her. But, after learning the truth. She can't just leave him be. 

"Get yourself healed first. Then we can talk." Sumire chose her words carefully.

'I still don't know what I'm going to do after the talk. But, they definitely need to talk it through. At least spend a day together or something for closure.'

Sano winced in pain and Sumire panicked, only for Sano to kiss her deeply. She still felt incredibly weak. Ever since the mission started, she has been fighting back her sickness. But now that is all over, she no longer has any strength left. 

Hearing coughing behind them. Sano pulled away with a sigh. 

"Sano, if we don't get going. Grandmother will--"

"Tsk." Sano lightly kissed her lips again. "See you soon, Sumire."

Sumire could only nod, and watched the ambulance doors shut. The moment it left the compound, she felt a dangerous aura behind her. 

If Toh wasn't furious at her before, he was now.

Sumire awkwardly turned to him. "Err, are you going to take me back home?"

"My place." Toh said coldly.

"Right of course. Let me just find Ru and-" Sumire didn't get a chance to finish her sentence when Toh scooped her up in his arms. She would have protested but she truly had no more strength left to fight.

Besides, this is her fault. She ought to have contacted him.

Sumire sighed and resigned herself to her fate. She peeks at his expression, cold and hazard eyes. But, recalling what Ru said she felt warmth in her heart.This person's love for her is truly beautiful.