Chereads / Seven Coloured Melody / Chapter 274 - A bad idea

Chapter 274 - A bad idea


It was a bad idea. She ought to have asked Sano to remain in that room. From the looks of it, the terrorists had already given up on that area. So it would have been safer to leave him there and come back later. But no, she still felt overwhelmed from the kiss and his words. Now, she is paying for it. 

A few minutes ago, they were attacked by strange other worldly looking creatures. She has read about them before, but it was her first time actually facing them. Perhaps that's why she let her guard down. No, her guard was already down after learning that Sano didn't truly intend to betray her. She managed to fight the creatures just fine and so did Arata. But at the last minute, she didn't spot the one at the back and Sano took the brunt of the attack for her. 

Sumire tried to cover up the blood with her fingers and her jacket but the blood was continuing to flow. She placed her head on his chest to hear his heart beat, only to hear a faint sound.

No, no. This can't happen. 

"Don't..don't you dare die on me now. Do you hear me Nagawa Sano? You said you'd make it up to me for being such an idiot. Then do so." Sumire exclaimed.

How could she have allowed this to happen? She was right here. Didn't she come all this way to save him? 

Sano didn't reply, only weak coughs escaped his lips. Sumire's gaze fell on the injury on his body. With him wearing white, the blood stood out.

Is he really going to die? She ought to have learned some basic medical skills. Then perhaps she would be able to do something other than her silly attempts to stop the bleeding like this. 

"Ibuki!" Arata said, pulling her away from Sano. "I know you want to help him. But save your strength for your enemies."

"Like I care about those small fry now." Sumire snapped.

"I can deal with those. Lucifer is here."

At those words her eyes widened and she felt a surge of power surrounding her body. This power was different from usual. It wasn't her flames, but the darkness she normally kept away.


The head of the black alice organisation. He was also the man in the cloak that time at the warehouse. Ever since that man appeared in this town, so many incidents have happened. No doubt he is responsible for all those cases.

She already resented him before, for causing so much pain on innocents. But now, her resentment has evolved into nothing but pure rage.

Sano's lifeless body still remained on the ground. The blood around him was increasing as each minute passed by.

Sumire let's go of his hands and leaned forward as she lightly kissed his forehead. "You better stay alive. If you don't, I really will hate you."

She turned to Arata. "Where did Lucifer go?"

"Over there, back staircase. There are still some small fry around, I'll satisfy myself with them and then take my remaining men away"

Sumire's lips curve to a smile. "I wondered why you were still here, not a villain after all are you?"

"I never said I was the villain." Arata trailed off and looked at Nagawa. "You can leave him here. I think the police or your friends have had enough with waiting and have stormed the building already."

She doesn't need to confirm that, she can feel Futaba's presence in this building. 

After taking one last glance at Sano, she said a few more words to Arata before going their separate ways. Finding Lucifer wasn't difficult, it seemed everywhere he went, darkness would follow. A darkness that was different from her own and yet it was familiar.

A long time ago, she has sensed something like this before. But where? Where was it? Everytime she tries to remember, her head starts to hurt. It's no different this time too, the throbbing pain in her head and the air that has left her lungs. 

Sumire shakes her head. Despite her feeling weak, she continued to run. She needs to find that bastard and hit him at least once. 

Ever since Aki-san mentioned Lucifer to her. She has always resented him but she never understood why. But in the past year she is starting to understand. This man wants something from her, and to get to her he will do anything to harm those around her. It didn't take her long to figure out all the incidents this past year have been connected to her. 

After walking for a few minutes, she spotted a man with black long hair wearing a dark coloured cloak walking away. 

"Lucifer!!" Sumire exclaimed.

The man paused and turned around. His lips curved to a smile. "Is it wise for you to be here? "

"Where else would I be?"

"I don't know. Perhaps on the side of your dying former lover? After all, attacks from shadow creatures are very deadly."

Her eyes widened understanding. If he knows about that, then was it him? Sumire didn't have to ask, the expression on his face was enough. 

"How dare you!" Sumire exclaimed."Isn't he your subordinate? How could you do that to him?"

Lucifer growled. "My subordinate? My subordinates don't disobey my orders. I already told him not to approach you. But he did."

"If you know that, then you must know it was only a few times. I haven't seen or contacted him since." Sumire said with a frown.

How on earth did he find out about that? Ru's hospitalisation was a secret. The amount of people in the hospital who knew about it? There was only a small group, and even Aki-san threatened them all to keep their mouths shut. It's impossible for him to have learned that. 

"Even so, he disobeyed. He has to be punished."

"If you only intended to punish him, why did you get so many innocent people involved? Do you know how many people have died here?" Sumire screamed.

What is wrong with this man? Although she understands the mindset of punishing a subordinate for not listening to instructions. Lucifer could have easily done that when Sano was alone. Why did he have to 'punish him' in a hospital filled with people who aren't involved in the underworld?

Aki-san already warned her that Lucifer has no morals, and she has seen with her own eyes what happened to his victims. But, this is ridiculous.