Chereads / Seven Coloured Melody / Chapter 265 - He wouldn't mind

Chapter 265 - He wouldn't mind


"It's not like I'm against it. It's just, we did it earlier." Sumire trailed off. "Should we really do that more than once?"

He would have teased her about that comment, if she didn't have such a serious look on her face. So he explains it to her, like he has most things since their relationship started.

"Ah." Sumire nodded. "So, it can happen more than once."

"Yes." He caresses her hair as Sumire looks at him with curiosity. "If you'd like to know my opinion on it, yes I'm the type who would go for more than one round."

"So, why haven't you?"

His lips curved to an amused smile. "Be careful what you ask beautiful."

"That's not an answer. I want to know why."

Toh shakes his head and changes the topic. "I was thinking of getting a co designer."

"Ah for butterfly?"

Toh nodded. "Not that I'm lacking inspiration with you as my muse. But with sales picking up, I'd like to get a second input and see what other direction a second designer would bring."

"Hmmm, I suppose you'll have to hold auditions."

"That's the plan." Toh trailed off. "Do you mind?"

Sumire giggled. "I'm fine, it's your brand. You don't gave to be so considerate."

"As my muse you have the right to make choices too."

"Mm then, can I sit in the judging panel with you?"

"Of course, there is a space for you. An exclusive seat." Toh said teasingly but instead of her usual reaction. Toh saw a serious look on her face. "What's wrong?"

"Can Ru come too?" Sumire hesitated.

"Sure beautiful." Toh replied immediately.

'The damage Nagawa caused her still hasn't vanished. I have been doing my best but even I have my limits. It will take more time to truly heal her heart.'

"Lately I haven't been able to spend much time with him. Of course it doesn't help how he has been rushing off somewhere."

"I've said it before, but he is welcome to come here when your staying over. We may be a couple but that doesn't mean we have to spend every moment together."

Sumire paused at those words. "I have to admit, even now I don't truly understand what it means to be a couple."

"That's alright beautiful, I told you before that we can work on this together."

Even if it feels as though time is running out.

'I need to find out for sure. I can't ignore it any longer.' The longer he denies the truth, the longer he will be left with no answers and be constantly uneasy. Sumire is very good at sensing emotions, it won't be long before she realizes how distressed he is whenever they are together.

It wouldn't surprise him if she misunderstands that and thinks he hates her. 

Toh leaned forward and kissed her softly.

Sumire laughed. "Emm..what is it?"

"I just wanted to kiss you beautiful."

"Oh, just once?"

His lips curved to a smile. "For a few minutes? How about fifteen minutes."

After fifteen minutes however, it wasn't enough. He looses count of how many fifteen minutes go by before they are both panting, breathless and exhausted. 

That was too good. Toh brought his lips to her temple. "We should sleep."

"How can I sleep now?" Sumire exclaimed.

Toh chuckled. "You didn't stop me, you told me to continue."

Sumire didn't say anything but he heard her sigh before she buried her face in his arms. He hears a quiet thank you before the girl fell asleep. Toh made sure she was comfortable as possible, making sure to shift the blankets whenever her temperature would change. 

Toh paused, catching a glimpse of a small wooden box hidden underneath the pillow. Even without reaching out for it, he knew what it was.

 'That hairpin is the first gift Yuhi bought for Ki.' Recalling Mamoru's words, a frustrated sigh escaped his lips. He wanted nothing more than to stay in the girl's arms, but he could really use a shower. Before he ends up ragging.


Ever since they started dating, it was a silent acknowledgement that they would wake up in each others arms. Although there are days where their schedules clash, and this doesn't happen. They make sure to leave notes. Since they have spending a lot more time together since their trip, this is one of the first mornings where he is waking up without her.

Toh reached over and fiddled until he found a small note.

- Had to go on a job.Emergency, Aki's orders.

See you in the concur.

Toh frowned seeing the message. Sumire's side of the bed was cold, indicating that she didn't just leave. She must have left hours ago. It's not unusual for her to go off on a long mission. But, something feels wrong about this.

He shakes his head, and quickly gets dressed before heading downstairs. When he opens the fridge, he is surprised to see it filled with food. It certainly wasn't this full last night. Spotting another post it note, Toh takes it.

-Made you breakfast.

Made you some lunch too.

I made too much

His lips curved to a smile. This is the first time she has left more than one note. Toh gathered some of the dishes, heated it and headed to the living room. There folded in the corner of the couch was a suit and another note

-I think this suit would look good on you.

I've never seen you wear anything like it.

Wear it for me?

Also pick a matching dress for me?and bring it later.

Toh looks at the suit she bought for him. Indeed, this is a style he normally doesn't wear. But if she wants him to, he won't disagree. Amid his meal, he spotted a magazine on the corner with a familiar purple coloured post it note. 

-I did some research. But, these things are quite embarrassing.

What stood out to him wasn't the magazine though, but something else. Toh picked up the novel hidden underneath the magazine and blinked.

His lips curved to a smile. If she wanted to hide this, she probably shouldn't have placed it next to the magazine with her little love notes. Toh decided to read the book to bid time before the concur.

'I need you to help warm me up on this brisk November evening.' He leaned forward, sealing his lips over hers, and Sarah could deny him no longer, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as his lips trailed searing kisses to her neckline—-

What on earth? He did think he would find something weird. But, the last thing he expected to find was a smutty romance novel.

Toh returned his gaze back to the book.

_—as his lips trailed searing kisses to her neckline, worshiping the pale column of her throat with his lips. Sarah gripped the fabric of his jacket as Masford slid his hands down her sides; one stopped to rest on her hip as the other slid up her stomach, gently enfolding her breast with his agile fingers._

The more he read, the more scandalous the content. He couldn't help but pay close attention to the small tabs.

Is this what she wants to do with him? Otherwise why would she mark these pages? Toh shut his eyes. 'She really is trying to kill me.' Oddly enough he wouldn't mind if she continued to act this way with him. He wouldn't mind knowing that he would get to touch her more.