"Push yourself up! Push!" I shouted from the side as Eric pulled on the lowest branch of the tallest tree around. His feet dangled in the air as the white-haired pretty boy tried his best to utilize all of his lacking upper body strength. He kicked into the air and then tried to pull up like an idiot.
"You dumbass!" I screamed.
"WHAT!" Eric shouted back at me, angry at the comment. It was his fault for being a dumbass.
Sighing, I walked closer and tapped his back.
Yup, he wasn't even high enough for his back to be out of range.
Eric shifted his gaze to me and pumped his eyebrows. Currently, we were trying to send this person up a tree. Personally, knowing how big of a useless ass he has always been, I preferred to do it myself. Climbing trees and such. But I couldn't climb myself with a broken hand, so there was no choice but to teach the dumbass how to do it.