Chereads / Trial-Run / Chapter 27 - The Train

Chapter 27 - The Train

Evening rolled in, and the time for us to get on the train came. Since we would have to get on a luxury train, we dressed up to look the part.

I wore a black suit over a dark-blue waistcoat. Hanging from my neck was a black tie, held by a purple tiepin. The formal trousers were altered closely and gave a good view of my black boots. I covered my hands with designer black gloves and used a homburg hat with a walking cane to wrap my attire. Man, I look awesome!

Nea wore some kind of red evening gown with long white gloves. She tied her draping pink hair up in a ponytail. She kept asking for my opinion on her outfit, but I simply waved her off.

At the station, we got to hear that one of the ticketing employees was found stripped down and tied up in a locker this morning. People have all kinds of hobbies, huh?

We were first led to a private lounge inside the train station for Xeonodan Express boarders. It seems we are the only ones getting on from this place. As the only ones getting on the train from this station, we had the whole lounge to ourselves.

At exactly 8 PM, a loud bell rang, followed by the hissing of engines. Trains mostly ran on coal, burned very well by a Grade-5 fire spell. An attendant led us towards the spot our coach would stop at. With a loud screech, the train came to a stop.

Nea extended her hand towards me and haughtily raised her chin. I sighed and escorted her on the train. When we climbed up, a cheerful lady came up to us and froze for a second, staring at our faces.

Heck yeah! I knew it, my looks could freeze! Wait... why are you looking at Nea?!

I grit my teeth. The lady seemed to have come back to her senses as she flashed us a bright smile. "Mr. Sirius and Ms. Rockefeller, right? It is a pleasure to have you with us!"

"Yes, here's our ticket."

"Of course, I will escort you to the couple's coach."

At her words, Nea did a double-take. Then she looked at me with the smuggest smile I had seen in my life and spoke. "My, Sirius. We have certainly had an eventful relationship of 5 days, but aren't you hitting on me too soon?"

I saw this one coming.

"Hah. Silence, 49."

"F- Forty-Nine!? You could have at least given me a 51 like I am doing!"

What did she just say?! 51?! "Just 51?! Do you need to see a doctor? Lady, do you have a doctor on board?"

"Hah, I cut 30 points from you just because of this personality! How much do you dislike my guts, anyway?" Nea asked.

"I don't! I gave you 10 points more for your personality; you are very cool!" I snapped back.

"Bastard! So I was originally just 39?!"

The lady next to us let out a charming chuckle and said, "Haha~ You two get along so well. I am jealous."

That was totally something an attendant shouldn't say, but I think this one can get away with it, no sweat. We stopped bickering, and the lady guided us inside the train coach. Luxurious was the only way to describe the place.

An exuberant red-fur carpet covered the entire floor, intricate chandeliers hung from the ceiling. They plastered crimson wallpapers on the train walls. Four neatly arranged table sets were spread across the floor.

Our surprise didn't end here. The lady then guided us to the next coach. The walkway was very narrow, as the rest of the space was used for the four rooms. Nea and I were put up in the second room from the 'lounge coach'.

The room, too, was covered with a carpet and had wallpapers. The chandelier here was very simple in design, almost like an oddly shaped lightbulb. In front of us was an enormous bed. Next to it, a dresser with a mirror. A side table occupied the other side of the bed. There was also a modestly sized closet in the room. Nea let out a praising whistle at the room. Sure was worth its price.

The lady showed us in and left. Not before flaunting a suggestive wink at me, though.

"So, Ivan—"

"Sirius. Stick with Sirius. Don't want either of us slipping up."

"What's my first name?" she asked.

What an innocent question. I narrowed my eyes and spoke in the sweetest tone I could muster. "It's Alice~"

"Gah, I am getting goosebumps!"

"Hahaha, get used to it."

"Do you not want me to get a boyfriend that much?" Nea asked me. What are you even implying?

"I did all this just to make sure we find the right man!"

"Alright, alright. What's the drill from here?" With a wave of her hand, she glossed over the topic.

"It's simple, really. Stay in each other's sights until it's impossible to do so, avoid talking to others as much as possible, don't eat or drink anything until I confirm it, sleep in shifts, and be as vigilant of everyone as possible."

"That much? Did you have to write that damn letter?"

"Alice, you naïve little girl. What I have done is not just write a letter, I have practically won us whatever game we are about to play now." Nea urged me to go on with her eyes. I gave a faint chuckle and gestured at Nea to sit on the bed. Sitting across from her, I continued. "Luck was on our side. A lot of forces will be sent from the capital to Kifestein... Now, this means that we have a lot of leisure in exploring Xeonodan and looking for the artifact."

"Well, with so many people on our tails, won't the effect be canceled out?"

"Exactly. But the troubles will only find us after at least a week or two of being there. No one will think we are serially infiltrating government facilities after all."

"Hmm, so you want to find the artifact in that time frame. What next?"

"Even if we find it, will we be able to leave with it? From Xeonodan? I don't think that's workable." I said.

"And that's where the letter comes in? Our escape route?" asked Nea.

Placing my back on the chair and crossing my legs, "Say, Alice. Have you ever heard of the Red Dove?" I spoke to her in a gentle tone.

Nea's eyes opened wide at my words. This would be anyone's reaction after hearing the name of Atirior's biggest criminal organization. "What... kind of deal did you make?"

"They get us out of there and in return, I will give them whatever weakness against the government I could find."

... Or at least that's what you should know. The deal I have made is completely different, with conditions you can't imagine. But we will accidentally fulfill them, Nea.

"Did you get a response from them?" she asked in a whisper.

"Ah? Nope, not at all."

"You fucker! Your entire plan depends on people who might not even end up reading your letter, let alone accept it?!" Nea burst up like a firecracker.

"Hahaha, don't worry about it, they will surely accept if I am the one asking."

"I don't even know anymore," she sighed. "I think I am just going to trust you on this one."

Oh? What's this? This girl can be sweet. Her statement made me genuinely happy, so I smiled at her. "Thanks, Nea."

"Hmph!" She turned her face away...