Chereads / I Died... Anyway! / Monster Encyclopedia

Monster Encyclopedia

[Autumn Treant]

Rank: 5

Appearance: A treant is a monster with a large trunk. Its face is formed from the bark. It has yellow leaves that, although thin, are very sharp and fast when controlled by the treant. Its bark is medium brown.

Attack Behaviour: It unleashes a flurry of leaves that act like shurikens. Although it has a limited growth rate compared to the [Spring Treant], it doesn't affect the speed at which it grows its leaves. It also grows roots and uses them to crush its prey but it can only go a limited distance. If the prey is near the treant, the monster will move its branches at a quick speed and impale the prey with multiple branches.

Indications: Its movements cause minor quakes on the ground. It is also larger than normal trees and larger than tall pine trees.


1. Fire magic is a very effective defense against the monster's projectiles.

2. Some rank 5 can't even dodge the treant's close combat attacks. Attacking from a distance or a strong enough strength to break them is suggested.

3. It doesn't have the best strength and defense so instead of dodging it is recommended to have the strength to break the attacks.

Death Indication: Its bark changes and the monster's face disappears.

Drops: The treant has a flower inside called [Autumn Drop]. It is a 3-Star treasure.


Rank: 4

Appearance: A bouncy spinach green bean the size of a bowling ball. Contrary to its size, the monster is extremely dense and heavy like that of an elephant. It is smooth and squishy like that of a rubber stress ball.

Attack Behaviour: The monster bounces and uses accumulated force and his weight to completely crush its prey into a pulp.

Indications: Because of its constant bouncing, it occasionally makes sounds by the materials it hits. It may not be good at stealth but it's possible to reach a point from a long far away with a single quick bounce.


1. After repeated and up-close observation, due to its shape being an oblate spheroid, the monster has to shift its position and weight every time it bounces which is a small window of opportunity to exploit.

2. Defending with a pointed end is highly effective but it may lead to broken bones due to the strength of the monster's bounce. Magic that can pierce is important. One can be a brute and use metal magic to reinforce strength and burst the monster.

3. Don't use fire magic, it's quite resistant and can set the whole battlefield on fire. One can also cushion the monster using water magic. Weak earth magic may break under the brunt of the force.

Death Indication: There is no definite way of finding out quickly but if the body can't bounce from rest then it's very good at playing dead or it's most probable to be dead.

Drops: If the body stays intact, it could be potentially used as a material for dodgeball, 2-Star [WeightTex].

[Binding Root]

Rank: 4

Appearance: Aside from looking like a tree root, Its body looks dried and darker than the tree they are preying on. The tip of the monster is sharp and has a tiny hole that lets red roots latch on and grow into their prey.

Attack Behaviour: They either wait till there is movement in the ground or till the tree they are sucking off is dead. When one of the conditions is fulfilled, they will find either the nearest tree or the nearest living being that moves.

Indications: They prey on their host tree so their tree's appearance may look withered and deformed. You can also see a trail of dead trees to see their previous victims. If you're lucky, you may meet a dead body covered in blood-red roots sucking his blood off of his rotting body.


1. Its body is made of wood. Burning it will deal significant damage.

2. It's buried in the ground. Uprooting it will make it vulnerable

3. It will always target your lower half as it can only feel vibrations in the ground. Defenses put on the lower half can stop the monster's attack.

4. It can never find you if it can't sense your movements. Either make no vibrations on the ground or make a big enough vibration all around to mess with his senses.

Death Indication: The monster's body turns fully black, even its red roots.

Drops: Squeezing the corpse will yield 2-Star [Pure Golden Sap]. Its body can also be used as a material for a long-lasting rope that can resist long exposure to water.

[BloodPlant Crawler]

Rank: 6

Appearance: The monster is a fruit that looks like a heart that is covered in scarlet vines that look like veins. It is disgustingly creepy.

Attack Behaviour: It uses its scarlet vines as whips and strikes its prey viciously. It also sucks out their blood using the sharp end of its vine

Indications: Although it is a silent crawler on the ceiling, It glows a color of blood red creepily.


1. It is made of a blood material, blood magic from the vampires may be able to neutralize it in record time. Further tests are needed.

2. Although its heart is hidden among the many vines. It glows more eerily and brightly than its other parts. Targetting the core will neutralize it.

3. Ice magic can make the blood brittle. It is very effective.

Death Indication: The vines liquidate into actual blood.

Drops: Its core is a 3-Star fruit called [BloodFruit Crawler]

[BoneWood Puppet]

Rank: 5

Appearance: It looks like a wooden dummy puppet but its material is that of [Bone Wood]. It is covered in blood-red runes that gave the monster life. It has insanely flexible limbs.

Attack Behaviour: The monsters are very proficient in hand-to-hand combat. They are also capable of a different kind of martial arts style that takes advantage of their inhumane flexibility.

Indications: Like skeletons, they rattle and creak though with less frequency. Their runes also glow blood red.


1. Aiming for the puppet's joints is an effective way of immobilizing them.

2. Breaking the core rune on the chest will effectively kill it.

3. Although highly flexible and with good eyesight, It doesn't have a sense of hearing. Sneaking up on it isn't possible though as it can see 360 degrees. It is recommended to have invisibility.

Death Indication: The blood-like runes engraved on the puppet disappears.

Drops: Its body is a 3-Star material called [Bone Wood]


Rank: 6

Appearance: A very huge bush, specifically likened to a Wintercreeper but with much larger leaves, The bush is that of a wolf but several times larger. Each leaf could move like a limb and fold to act like sharp metal when placed together with one another.

Attack Behaviour: It can control all of its leaves effortlessly. Unfortunately, it can only grow leaves normally or, if injured, restore leaves relatively fast.

Indications: The very noise of rustling leaves. So much rustling that it can feel like a tree is swaying under strong wind.


1. Like a cat too afraid of a cucumber, the wolf avoids fire to an extreme even with a certain resistance to fire. Can be surrounded by fire but can be highly agitated like a cornered prey so it could do something unexpected.

2. It's much easier to target the branch that connects all the leaves together but that would take someone to cut through all the leaves.

3. The monster has a limited amount of leaves no matter how big it may be. If the monster concentrates a lot on one point, the other side may likely be a weak point to exploit.

Death Indication: The leaves fall and scatter like the autumn season.

Drops: 3-Star [WiteLife], commonly processed into paper for official documents sent between the nobles. The spine is a 3-Star [WiteEmbryo].

[Carnivore Flower]

Rank: 4

Appearance: It has a blue bell-shaped body like a Victreebel (for reference) it has an opening on the top that act as his mouth or lips. Attached to its lips are 4 large red-dotted blue petals that serve as its shield and razor weapon. Inside its body are several sets of sharp thorns that act as its teeth. In the center of its insides is an extendable vine that acts like a lasso or 'tongue' to capture its prey. The vine itself doesn't have sharp thorns but it has an amazing effect of gluing its prey to its 'tongue'.

Attack Behaviour: When attacking long-range, the monster uses its tongue to ensnare prey at distances out of its reach. Once close, the monster will use its 4 petals, these petals have shifting properties. These petals can be flexible and sharp or become hard and indestructible (to an extent). These petals can be used as a cutting weapon or as a shield of defense. Its blue bell-shaped body can also stretch and enlarge so that it can consume bigger prey. The teeth inside of the monster are very sharp and can tear a rank-4 to shreds easily.

Indications: Easily seen in contrast to the green biome, very rarely is there a mutation where one of them can realize a camouflage behavior. A mutated version is able to use its tongue to act as a blue fruit. Nevertheless, its considerable size is still a dead giveaway.


1. The petals can't be flexible and sharp at the same time as being hard and indestructible.

2. Although the inside of the monster has multiple sharp teeth, the inside has a weak defense.

3. Forcibly pulling out the tongue from the body will instantly kill it, if not destroy its nervous system.

Death Indication: It loses control of its body and deflates. looks like a sack with nothing in it.

Drops: Unlike its plant-like appearance, the monster has blood flowing through its tongue. 2-Star [Prolific Blood]

Addendum 1: Its mutation is a rank-5 and is much smarter than its normal counterpart. It's harder to kill by pulling off its tongue. Electrocution to make the nervous system collapse is still viable and is sometimes observed.

[Epine Ape]

Rank: 6

Appearance: It is an ape with the height of a 2 story building. It has dark brown fur and a broken heart (somehow). It has vines of thorns wrapped around its wrists.

Attack Behaviour: This monster has the power to grow vines from the ground and out of the vines on its wrists. I also use the enormous strength of its arms to whack its prey.

Indications: It has a huge body that makes small quakes on the ground. It even grunts and growls loudly. It is very tall and easy to see.


1. It has a strong hide but the monster doesn't have it from his neck upwards. Aiming there is recommended.

2. It has a thorn stuck in its heart. A strong enough strike to wedge that thorn even deeper is suggested.

3. It has a huge body and due to its frequent size manipulation but lack of knowledge for weight distribution, unbalancing the creature is effective.

Death Indication: The monster's eyes become black.

Drops: There is a thorn stuck inside its heart. It's a 3-Star [Curse Thorn]


Rank: 6

Appearance: Being like Annelids, this monster has segmented parts with each being yellow-brown flower buds. The head, however, looks like a blooming flower but unfortunately, the inside looks like gruesome red-green flesh.

Attack Behaviour: It 'sees' through vibrations and hunts down its prey by swallowing them whole through its large mouth full of sharp teeth. It always burrows unless it feels like its prey jumped or flew up, forcing it to go out where its suppressed sense of smell hunts down its fleeing prey.

Indications: The ground shakes and yet it is silent. only when the monster is near and unavoidable is the monster audible in movement. It prefers to travel on land thankfully due to it feeling waves in the surface ground better.


1. The inside of the worm is highly strong, it isn't recommended to attack from the inside...unless you have a poison attribute attack, which is effective for this particular monster.

2. The monster's brain is on the first segment, or where the mouth is, so cutting off that part makes the rest immobile and the monster as good as dead. Aim for anything near the head.

3. As the brain of the monster is the head, one could kill the worm directly with enough strength but unfortunately the head is the hardest, biggest, and thickest part of this monster. Poison is possible to be administered and could have great effects if used on the brain area.

Death Indication: The worm regurgitates gastric juice together with a high amount of blood. Any body part cut off also spews gastric acid and blood. The head itself just regurgitates blood.

Drops: The monster's gastric acid is a 3-Star Treasure, [HypoTerrestris Acid]. The body is also used for armor by blacksmiths, material books call it a 3-Star [Terrestris Skin].

[Flower Herring]

Rank: 4

Appearance: A plain flat ground with a single flower in the middle. The flower can be of any color and the ground can be of any earthen material. When activated, Its eyes swirl like its quicksand. Its body is like a big mound with its flower just flailing about. The flower has a hidden mouth for ingestion of prey. The flower IS the monster's fragile mind.

Attack Behaviour: Its body, which is made of earth, has the special property of quicksand. It will consume its enemies into its body while crushing them in the process. If the prey is still alive then it will have the privilege to watch as it is being eaten alive by a flower. If the flower, which is the monster's mind, is uprooted then the whole body will collapse on itself making a deep pit that will also collapse on itself.

Indications: The flower has a unique scent that can only be found on this specific monster. No plantation will grow on the monster's body so the area looks like a barren land. There is only one flower per monster, so if the monster has more than one flower, it is more than one individual.


1. Uprooting the flower will kill the monster but dealing with the collapsing ground is another matter. It's best to have earth magic, levitation, or a speed technique to escape.

2. The flower is the monster's only sensory organ. Staying away from its vicinity won't alert it.

3. Immobilizing it will stop its quicksand property. It's best to have ice magic or some kind of telekinesis

Death Indication: Only one of the two following scenarios happens under differing conditions. [1] Pulling the flower will cause the monster to die and the ground to collapse. On the other hand, destroying the monster's earthen body will make the flower wilt.

Drops: [1] will give a 2-Star [Mind Flower] and [2] will give a 2-Star [Flower Sand Root]

[Fruit Monkey]

Rank: 5

Appearance: Watermelon head, grape inside a jackfruit torso, banana bunch waist, avocado limbs and branches intertwined together to make hands, feet, teeth, and a tail.

Attack Behaviour: They're one of the loudest animals, if you encounter one [Fruit Monkey] it will surely attract a bunch more. They shoot seeds from their mouth and pounce with their strong and deadly branches.

Indications: They are extremely loud. No other explanation is needed unless there is someone or some monster controlling them, The fruits of their body do have distinctive tribal patterns though.


1. Drowing them in water will result in their heads bloating till they pop.

2. Fire is effective but their instinctive fear will spread around the surroundings with their screams making either the monkey gather or, if you are lucky enough, the monsters would flee.

3. You the monster before it eats you...raw

Death Indication: The branches will be like twigs and most of the fruits would break of and fall

Drops: 3-Star [Grape Guts], 3-Star [Avocado Gourd]


Rank: 5

Appearance: Similar to the Gatling Pea in PvZ, the monster has a green head and plant stem. Unfortunately, its monster counterpart looks disturbing due to its elongated mouth stuffed with barrels. It also does have its simple eyes as its eyeballs look creepy and dilated.

Attack Behaviour: The monster shoots multiple sludges of acidic goo encased in a fragile membrane. The monster has the ability to generate the acid goo rapidly which balances out the rapid shooting it does to kill its grey.

Indications: It has a bit of physical camouflage due to its color but its shiny metallic steel barrels is a dead giveaway.


1. Due to the monster not having arms, the monster can be easily killed if all the barrels are stuffed and stuck. The monster will die from its own acid. No, it won't die by choking due to it being a plant.

2. Cutting off the stem will render the head unable to move.

3. Yes, fire is effective but not on its steel barrels.

Death Indication: Its dilated eyes become fully white.

Drops: 3-Star [Acid Sac], 3-Star [HAP Steel], 2-Star [Acid Goop]

[Hanging Vine]

Rank: 4

Appearance: Looks like a perfectly normal vine but its biological structure gives it maximum grip pressure to help it strangle its prey. It's dark green all over while leaves rarely grow on it. Its roots are small but many and ensure a complete grip on the tree branch it's holding onto.

Attack Behaviour: It will grow and try to approach its prey. Once it reaches the prey, it will try to strangle the prey to kill it while immobilizing its limbs so as to stop the prey from fighting back.

Indications: They are territorial and live in groups. Finding a forest full of tall trees and hanging vines would be an obvious indication.


1. They are plants so burning them will be a viable solution.

2. They have to grow to reach their prey. Freezing them is recommended.

3. They aren't friends with one another. Leading them to strangle one another is suggested.

Death Indication: Their root's grip on the tree branches is loosed and they fall to the ground.

Drops: Their corpses are known as 2-Star [Vine Material]

[Harvester Shrub]

Rank: 5

Appearance: It is a shrub surrounded by many leaves that are hard as steel. The shrub also has branches that are strangely shaped like scythes. These scythes grow out in between the gaps of defensive leaves that the monster has around its body. These scythes are extremely sharp and can impale prey with the tips of its branch.

Attack Behaviour: It acts as a normal shrub and retracts its branches inside its defense gap. Once it finds its unsuspecting prey, it will immediately attack by extending its branches and stabbing its prey with one of them. The monster will act differently depending on the number of prey it has its eyes on. If there is only one individual, the monster will use its branches to brutally cut open the prey it caught on its branch. If there is more than one individual, the monster will use the prey it captures as a shield and will use its other branches as weapons to impale the other prey. If one has noticed, it likes to pierce with its scythe rather than cutting them down.

Indications: The shrub has unusually shiny and lustrous leaves. Closer inspection, from a safe distance, can reveal the hidden scythes through the holes in its defense


1. Although it has numerous leaves for defense, it always has a gap somewhere due to its lack of control of its individual leaves.

2. It always attacks first since it's part of its ambush behavior. Catching it off guard will make its first priority to flee rather than fight. Coward...

Death Indication: It's hard to find out if it is dead, it's best to just break off its scythes, its only means of attack. Breaking its stem is a sure way to relieve one's self of suspicion.

Drops: The scythe-shaped wood is a good material to make arrows and poles with. 3-Star [WindCut Wood]. The leaf fibers are valuable alchemic materials. 3-Star [WindStop Fiber]

[Hermes SkullTrap]

Rank: 5

Appearance: Looks like a fly trap the size of a wrecking ball. It has a green exterior with a purple interior. On the back of its 'jaws' is its stem that latched on a tree to give the monster support when hanging (Like a monkey tail). The stem also twists around the tree until it reaches its burrowed roots on the ground. The 'jaws' look messy as they salivate and droop every second time passes.

Attack Behaviour: It will immobilize its prey using paralytic poison. The poison is capable of not only immobilizing physical movement but also the mana and qi control. Psychic control is still functional though. The monster has a sadistic nature and will slowly kill its prey with an acidic liquid while leaving its prey out in the open. The only question will be whether the prey will be killed by a roaming monster or the acid first. The dead body is then eaten and broken down by its acid.

Indications: Although it is green, it is very huge and very easy to spot as long as someone looks up. It also salivates when it smells prey so drops or puddles of paralytic poison will be a sign of danger.


1. Resistance to poison is recommended to combat its main attack function.

2. Fire magic is very effective against plants as always.

3. Cutting the stem of the monster will damage it badly and make it panic greatly. Unfortunately, it will splash paralytic and acidic liquids everywhere.

Death Indication: It mostly loses grip on the tree it's hanging and falls to the ground. It stops producing poison and its 'jaw' lays wide open.

Drops: In the center of the monster lies a ball of 3-Star [Paralysis Honey]


Rank: 6

Appearance: Looks like a normal beehive's nest but much much larger to accommodate bees 5 feet tall. It's inside looks horrifying due to its neurons and brain acting like sticky honey spread around its interior giving the inside a disgusting pink flesh look.

Attack Behaviour: It breed and controls 'Mindless Bees' who have sharp penetrative and poisonous stings. Each sting is capable of killing a rank-5 instantly in exchange for its life. Coupled with the high intelligence of this creature makes this monster a dangerous foe.

Indications: It always stays in very large trees but it also prefers it to be tall too. Its yellow color can be distinguishable from the surrounding green lush leaves that are expected to be on a tree. Unfortunately, this monster is smart and will inevitably hang on a branch that will conceal its entirety from anyone searching for it.


1. Burning the walls with fire turns the mushy, stretchable, and high-tensile strength walls into very hard but unmalleable material that won't stretch. This resulting reaction can break with enough strength.

2. Attacking the inside will cause the bees being controlled to go haywire, crazy, and lost. This will also cause the monster to die if enough damage is done.

3. A circumstantial method is to cut it off from the branch it is hanging onto. With the strength of gravity and paired with method 1, the hive will break if it were perched onto a very tall height.

Death Indication: The pink sticky honey inside the monster (its brain) will become a bit more viscous and will stop hanging around. It will quickly flow down and become a bit more yellowish like honey.

Drops: Star-3 [Net Honey] which actually comes from its neural brain matter. Star-3 [Bee Bread] is the mushy walls that can't be penetrated by some spells, not invincible to fire though.

[Jungle King]

Rank: 7

Appearance: A huge 4-petal golden flower with the same colored lion-shaped center. Attached to its blue crystalized stem is a giant gold apple that acts as its body with 4 protruding blue crystallized bones coming from the sides of the body. Great amounts of sap cover the 4 long bones and act as the monster's legs. Its skeletal make-up is that of hard and dense blue crystalized bone.

Attack Behaviour: It can extend the extremely hard and sharp claws covered beneath its yellow crystal paws. It has the magic to launch a beam from its mouth. Other than that, it has an animalistic fighting instinct with some intelligence to back it.

Indications: In a dormant state, Its flower head closes into a bud and its limbs retract into the apple body. Nonetheless, its snore creates small vibrations in the surroundings while its conspicuous appearance stands tall for anyone to see.


1. Targeting the center of the flower is its weakness but if its petals shields the center then target its large apple body.

2. If the person is strong enough, cutting the bone neck connecting the flower head and the apple body will immediately kill the monster.

3. The monster lacks the sense of sight when it closes into a bud but it still has its sense of smell and hearing.

Death Indication: Its sap limbs will slowly melt and its flower head will also slowly wilt if not preserved. Its golden apple body will lose its vibrant luster and will look more yellow than gold.

Drops: Grinding the apple body yields 4-Star [Vibrant Juice] and its blue crystallized bones are 4-Star [Crytsal Blue]. Lastly, the sap on the limbs is a delicacy and alchemy material known as 4-Star [Savage Syrup].

[Mad Hog]

Rank: 4

Appearance: A meter-long hog with a height of half a meter. It has 2 red tusks and dark brown fur. It has a reddish snout and red cloudy eyes.

Attack Behaviour: When it finds prey, it will run headfirst into it, breaking whatever it bumps into. Although it was such a reckless attack strategy, It has the skill to change its direction of charge acutely. Doing a stunt like in bull shows isn't recommended. The strength of its headbutt surpasses that of a normal rank-4, it could potentially attack with the strength of rank 5 if it exhausts most of its strength in its peak condition. It hunts through smell like all animals so if someone ever finds out that it is near then it is safe to assume they are being targeted by the monster. The monster won't stop its frontal attack at all, injuring it won't scare it.

Indications: This monster had much darker brown fur than other rank-4 hogs. It is a very loud snort so anyone can hear it coming some meters away.


1. Although it will keep following you everywhere, it is quite dumb. If ever you are somewhere high, it won't jump up.

2. The hog has a very hard skull. Instead of targeting its head, attack its eyes.

Death Indication: It will stop making its annoying grunts of sound. It doesn't know how to fake death anyway.

Drops: Its tusks, bones, and hide both can be used as materials. They are the 2-Star [Mad Horn], [Bose Bone], and [Fou Hide]

[Meat Bark]

Rank: 5

Appearance: Looks like a Doberman with wrinkled skin due to it being made of bark. The inside is a little more gruesome as underneath the skin are veins and organs held up by flesh tissues that act as both bones and muscles. It has blade-like shedders in its jaw and in its claws too.

Attack Behaviour: The monster hunts with a pack. They are strategic in formations but fight barbarically using their speed and agility to their advantage.

Indications: They noisily bark, starting from the alpha dog between the pack of monsters.


1. It heart is located near the chest, rupturing it will make its internal organ system collapse

2. They're easily fended off by fire but they still ave considerable fire resistance in them

3. They behave like normal dogs except for their bloodthirsty nature. They can probably be reared much easier than other monsters.

Death Indication: They have eyes hidden under the wrinkled bark. It has black eyes but turns cloudy grey after death. Anyone with keen senses can see the monster's beating chest stop when its dead because the heart is located near it with a lot of muscle protecting.

Drops: The skin has as much use as a coconut shell.


Rank: 4

Appearance: These monsters have pumpkin heads with faces carved into them. Those faces glow blue in the dark. It is speculated to be a 2-Star [Blue SoulFlame] inside their heads. They control a certain material, whether it be stone, wood, or straw.

Attack Behaviour: The pumpkindred control their bodies to combat their prey. They can also form their bodies into certain shapes. They also have another way of attacking by growing out their stem which is a strong material.

Indications: They cackle sometimes. They also glow blue at night.


1. Their weak point is their pumpkin head. Targetting it is effective.

2. Fire is suggested to be used.

3. If the neck is cut off then not only their head is preserved but they also lose control of their makeshift bodies.

Death Indication: The bodies they have collapse and their occasional laughs die out. If it is night then a clear indication will be given through the stuffing out of their [Blue SoulFlame].

Drops: The seeds in the pumpkindred's head are called [Hallow Seed]. It is a 2-Star treasure. If the [Blue SoulFlame] can somehow be preserved then it is also another treasure.

[Spike Grass]

Rank: 4

Appearance: It is a long and thin strip of grass that is set like a spring-spiral shape. When activated, it becomes straight and sharp.

Attack Behaviour: When enough pressure, is caused by a living being, it springs up and hardens to strength much stronger than steel. It stab through anything it could, impaling whatever living being that tried to step on it.

Indications: It looks like normal grass but when scrutinizing the ground carefully, the grass is an odd spring-spiral shape.


1. Activating the monster without being in its vicinity is the optimal solution. A strong enough pressure like a burst of unnatural wind with traces of magic. A natural burst of wind, no matter how strong, won't make it attack.

Death Indication: It instantly dies after it stiffens into a hardness like steel.

Drops: Its stiffened dead body is a 2-Star treasure called [1908 Steel]

[Spring Treant]

Rank: 5

Appearance: A treant is a monster with a large trunk. Its face is formed from the bark. It has lime green leaves with pink flowers all over its branches. Its bark is light brown.

Attack Behaviour: It flings bundles of flowers and leaves. These bundles unfold when feeling the impact, scattering blades of leaves and flower petals that damage the prey by rooting themselves into their skin. It grows roots that have a limited distance in how far it can grow. When the prey is in close proximity, the monster will shake its body to make a cloud of poisonous pollen scatter. It also mobilizes its branches to impale the prey, though it has limited speed unlike the [Autumn Treant]

Indications: Its movements cause minor quakes on the ground. It is also larger than normal trees and larger than tall pine trees.


1. Fire magic is a very effective defense against the monster's projectiles.

Death Indication: Its bark changes and the monster's face disappears.

Drops: The treant has a flower inside called [Spring Drop]. It is a 3-Star Treasure.

[Spore Rain Mushroom]

Rank: 5

Appearance: A mushroom the size of a fist. It is white with purple raindrop patterns scattered on its head. Its clones look the opposite as they are purple with white raindrops scattered.

Indications: Its power affects the weather, making purple clouds in the sky. It is an obvious indicator when finding unusual purple clouds in places where there shouldn't be.

Attack Behaviour: It shoots out fumes of gas that condense rains of poison, damaging anything organic in its wake. Along with the clouds, the mushroom also spews spores that grow into its clone look-alike that has the same ability to spew clouds and spores but with less power. Rarely does it produces another one of itself.


1. The monster can be identified with a good eye. Targeting the main mushroom will shut down their functions.

2. Fire, Wind, and Ice are effective to poisonous clouds.

Death Indication: The clouds will disperse and the spores will die out.

Drops: Its body is a treasure, a 2-Star [SRM]. The monster's clones are also treasures, 2-Star [SRC]

[Summer Treant]

Rank: 5

Appearance: A treant is a monster with a large trunk. Its face is formed from the bark. It has cedar acorns on its branches. It has a red-brown bark.

Attack Behaviour: It flings blunt fist-size acorns at its prey. It also grows roots that are resistant to most metal materials, even fire can't affect it as much as it should have. If the prey is close, It grows tons of spiky bushes that are hard to break. It doesn't have overwhelming strength like a [Winter Treant] has though.

Indications: Its movements cause minor quakes on the ground. It is also larger than normal trees and larger than tall pine trees.


1. Strong Fire magic is a very effective defense against the monster's projectiles.

2. It's best not to get close or else it will grow out a bush defense. If it can be killed swiftly then this can be ignored.

3. It's best to defend against the acorns than break them. They are hard nuts to crack.

Death Indication: Its bark changes and the monster's face disappears.

Drops: The treant has a flower inside called [Summer Drop]. It is a 3-Star Treasure.


Rank: 6

Appearance: It has a similar look to the Tangle Vine from PvZ. The monster seems to have red glowing eyes looking at you, encapsulated by the huge amount of thorny and thin but strong and deadly branches. This makes the visibility of the eerie eyes seen only in the gaps of crevices of the branches which only reveal darkness or a red glow.

Attack Behaviour: Before attacking, it takes a good look at its prey above ground before going full ham underground with its huge amount of thorny branches that whip and tear.

Indications: It's silent above ground but noisy underground.


1. Attack the eyes before the monster burrows


3. Although the monster can burrow, it makes a visible bump on the ground due to its movements.

Death Indication: The red glow disappears as if there were no eyes in the first place.

Drops: It leaves in its place of death a 3-Star [Wood Petal] with 3-Star [Iris Seed].

[Vine Spider]

Rank: 5

Appearance: It looks like knots tied up together to form a spider.

Attack Behaviour: It creeps up with an illusion spell and strikes with potent poison and latches on with tenacious vines that have rapid poison production once it gets to consume blood.

Indications: Its forte is in illusion magic, illusion mages can see it or it can be found with other sense aside from normal sight, smell, and sound


1. They are clingy vines, its better to cleave then instead of stabbing.

2. Fire scares them the most but they have enough speed to escape with they quick instantaneous leaping.

3. Detection skills can effectively neutralize its biggest strength.

Death Indication: It will start drying up and releasing all its poison from its pores.

Drops: 3-Star [Vint Poison], 3-Star [Shriveled Verdant]

Addendum 1: It is eerily similar to my powers. I have plans to rear in this monster.

[Winter Treant]

Rank: 5

Appearance: A treant is a monster with a large trunk. Its face is formed from the bark. It has no leaves and its bark is dark brown.

Attack Behaviour: It flings its brittle branches and shoots out sharp hard shards of wood. It also mobilizes its roots that have a far better range than other types of treants and has the strength that can seriously injure most rank-5 cultivators. If the prey is near then the monster with instantly grow multiple spiky branches from its trunk. These spikes pop out like a pufferfish and can kill any ignorant prey that decides to approach. It has limited defense compared to the [Summer Treant] but it balances out with its overwhelming strength.

Indications: Its movements cause minor quakes on the ground. It is also larger than normal trees and larger than tall pine trees.


1. Fire and Ice are highly effective.

2. Although it is overwhelmingly strong. It is also brittle to an opposing attack. Hit and run strategy for the win.

3. Attacking from a distance is always the strategy even with its longer range of roots.

Death Indication: Its bark changes and the monster's face disappears.

Drops: The treant has a flower inside called [Winter Drop]. It is a 3-Star Treasure.

[Wood Flicker]

Rank: 6

Appearance: Similar to the structural body of the Woodpecker, it has a long sharp beak and aerodynamic wings that are highly resistant. Its wood has uniform rings and is smooth.

Attack Behaviour: The monster uses either its wings or beak to attack its prey but the monster mostly used its beak in the air and its wings on land.

Indications: The monster can occasionally screech like an eagle and the wind whistles due to its speed.


1. The beak is its strong point but it could break at the tip due to its thinness. This beak is very important to the monster due to it being the bird's only way to direct its flying ability expertly.

2. Using fire magic is effective but the fire will quickly die out due to airspeed. The monster WILL use its fire wings against you.

3. The monster's eyesight is like that of a bird's It needs to tilt its head whenever it wants to see a blind spot. Using the trees could work.

Death Indication: The monster like a wooden puppet falls apart, wings, head, body, tail, and beak separated.

Drops: The wood is very useful for architecture, it is also preferred by carvers in wood sculptures, 3-Star [Flicker Wood].

[Woven Beast]

Rank: 6

Appearance: It looks like a bear covered in seaweed except there is no bear. How does the SCP even do these descriptions? It can somehow make growls even without a voicebox. It has space inside, hiding its core.

Attack Behaviour: It mobilizes its seaweeds and wraps around any prey it finds and crushes it. Although the bear is its main form, it can also transform into anything it likes.

Indications: It is mostly found in wet habitations like bogs or lakes. It will be very easy to locate it once the seaweeds start gathering, making noticeable disturbances in the surrounding water.


1. Fire or Ice is effective.

2. Explosive damage is better because of its overwhelming regeneration.

3. Its core is the weak point. Identification magic can help. Further testing is needed.

Death Indication: Its seaweeds collapse, scatter, and burrow underneath.

Drops: Its core is a seed called [Cyanide Core]. It is a 3-Star treasure.




Author Notes:

Why do I do this? I don't know.

6K words babyyyyy!