Chereads / Destiny Harem Remastered / Chapter 8 - Slots and Intoxicated Love

Chapter 8 - Slots and Intoxicated Love

Day: Monday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

The morning started as normal, I woke up, got breakfast, and went back upstairs to take a shower. Lustie was asleep on my bed as per usual since she even appeared here. For someone extraterrestrial with a better condition than me, she does like to sleep a lot. Maybe because she masturbates so much, she just exhausts herself.

Anyway, things were pretty normal for my standards now. I had gotten used to this new life fairly quickly. I loved this new life more since I now could ask out any woman I wanted without being afraid of embarrassing myself.

I sat down on the edge of my bed then used Lust-E to increase a few Traits.

[New Abilities Unlocked]

Charisma Level 7: Happiness Inducement (40% Chance), Laughter Inducement (40% Chance)

Stamina Level 5: Sexual Stamina Increased by 30%, Peak Human Lung Capacity, Indomitable Will, Adrenaline Boost, Increased Pain Suppression

Luck Level 6: Flash Precognition (Higher Activation Chances), Beginner's Luck, Error Prevention (Self Only), Situational Synchronicity (Random Activation)

[Credi Remaining: 275]

I looked back at Lustie and leaned back then poked her cheek. She used her demon tail to instinctively poke my side. I jumped a bit and grunted. I stood up and smiled at her.

"Fuck you." I whispered and chuckled.

"Fuck you too." Lustie whispered back.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room and used Lust-E to see who was available.

[Checking Done!]

Gloria - Unavailable - Asleep

Whitney - Unavailable

Aubrie - Unavailable - Asleep

Ashley - Unavailable

Blanche - Unavailable - Husband's House

Chelsey - Unavailable

"Guess it's time to meet a new woman." I said then grabbed my keys.

I walked outside and Lust-E began to beep. I looked at the screen and noticed it was a bit far from my location. I got in my car and started it up. I opened the garage door and drove off, closing the garage door after I left.

Day: Monday

Location: Brickwood Park

Time: Morning

I walked into the park and followed the red dot. The dot was to the left and I looked over seeing Akira, sitting alone by herself on the bench. She seemed to be lost in thought. I decided to walk over to her and sit beside her. She didn't seem to notice me.

"Man fuck these birds am I right?" I said.

Akira cracked a smile, hearing me. She still chose to ignore me, just to see what I would say next to get her attention.

"It's crazy though, I had a bird take a shit on my car. I have never wanted to have a fist fight with a bird so badly." I said.

Akira giggled softly and moved her eyes to look at me.

I looked at her and rested my arms on the back of the bench. "Yeah, I've also been trying to learn some jujitsu, maybe you can teach me and I can pay you with some bento or something while saying Arigato?"

"Alright, alright. That's a little racist." Akira laughed and leaned back on the bench and looked at me. "You just won't allow me to wallow in my own self pity huh?~"

"Well we've known each other for two or three years now. I should know how to cheer you up when you get like this." I chuckled.

[Akira's Information Acquired!]

Name: Akira Okabe

Age: 27

Birthday: November 4th

Sex: Female

Species: Human

Race: Japanese

Height: 5 Feet 4 Inches

Weight: 115 lbs

Bond Percentage: 38%

Status: Friends

Education: College [Master's Degree]

Occupation: College Professor

Most Desirable Trait(s): Talent, Lust, Luck, Charisma, Flirtation

Least Desirable Trait(s): None

Libido: Pretty High

Favorite Food: Fruits, Vegetables

Favorite Drink: Alcohol

Favorite Gifts: Sex Toys, Art Gifts, Japanese Gifts, Gardening Supplies

"So what are you up to, besides brooding?" I asked.

"Besides brooding? Mmm...nothing much. What about you?" Akira looked at me.

"About the same. Just wondering if you and me could you know.." I said then twirled a strand of her hair around my finger.

Akira blushed a bit and closed her eyes. "Most guys in the university asked me out already and I turned them down. Give me a reason why I shouldn't turn you down as well."

"Well because unlike most guys, I can actually bring your desires..." I started and pulled out a hundred dollar bill. " life..~"

Akira looked at me and at the hundred dollar bill. "Bribery?"

"Nope, we are gonna hit the casino..~ I'll satisfy your gambling needs and even game a few myself..~" I said and smirked at her, playfully taking her glasses off.

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 46%]

"Ahh..~ If that's the case..~" She started, and took the hundred dollars out of my hand and her glasses. "Meet me at my house at 3 PM..~ Don't keep me waiting..~"

Akira texted me her address and got up then waved at me before walking off to her car. I watched her and smiled.

[Good shit. Smart, Beautiful, and Asian. You scored really big this time.]

"Just me working my magic..~" I smiled and walked off to my car.

Day: Monday

Location: My House

Time: Morning

"Going to the casino with your professor huh? You finally gave her a chance huh?" Lustie smiled as she floated above me.

"More like she gave me a chance, but yeah. I don't plan to only take her to the casino though. I plan to do other things with her." I said the looked up at Lustie.

"What do you know about her already? You've known her before the other students right?" She asked and floated down towards me.

"I know she's a massive gambler. Her gambling addiction is beyond unhealthy, but that's one of her charms. She's willing to gamble her money away just to get back double what she betted. She's also a huge drinker and here in Destiny Island, legal age of drinking is 19 so I barely made the mark last year. This year in December, I'll be 20 so I won't have to worry about that anymore. I have plans of taking her to the bar as well." I answered.

"What else? Planning to get her drunk so you and her can get freaky in the sheets?" Lustie teased.

"That's not the plan, plus getting her drunk is easier said than done actually. Her alcohol tolerance is so fucking high. Ui told me she finished a whole bottle of tequila and wasn't even intoxicated yet. That was last week and the reason she was even out. She said after she drank one and a half bottle of tequila, Akira had a terrible hangover plus was vomiting." I said.

"She's a real party animal isn't she." Lustie smiled.

I stood up and stretched a bit then looked at Lustie and pushed her head back, playfully. "I'm gonna get ready for my date, I'll catch you on the flip side."

"Knock em dead, Tiger." Lustie giggled.

Day: Monday

Location: Akira's House

Time: Afternoon

I walked to Akira's front door and rang the door bell. I heard barking inside of her house and rose an eyebrow. A minute passes and Akira answered the door. I looked at her and noticed she wasn't ready yet. She was in only a towel.

"Bad time?" I asked.

"Not really, I just lost track of time when I took a nap. Come on in." Akira said then moved aside.

I walked inside of her house and looked at Akira again. She closed the door and led me to the living room. The barking got louder and I looked at the couch. There was a black Shiba Inu on the couch barking.

"Oh quiet down, Kura! You know Shiro, he's been over at our old house." Akira smiled.

Kura hopped off the couch and walked over to me. I crouched down and watched her sniff me. She wagged her tail and began panting a bit. I pet her and smiled then stood up.

Akira rubbed my hair. "I'll be ready in a few. Make yourself at home~"

I nodded and walked over to the couch and pat my leg then Kura followed me. I sat on the couch and Kura hopped up on the couch and curled up next to me.

I waited for a bit and heard Akira walking down the stairs. I looked at the living room entrance and noticed Akira. She placed her hand against the wall, doing a sexy pose. She had on a red turtleneck that was tucked into a black skirt and she wore a white belt around her skirt. She also wore red heels to match her outfit.

"How do I look?~" She asked and smirked.

"Absolutely beautiful..~" I complimented.

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 52%]

Akira smiled and walked over to me then took my hand and pulled me up. "Mmm~ Come on, let's hit the casino before it's too late~"

"Alright, alright~" I chuckled and led her outside to my car.

"Kura, guard the house while I'm gone okay?" Akira called out.

Kura barked and wagged her tail in response.

We walked outside and towards my car. We got in and Akira was pretty excited. I drove off and headed straight to Majesty Casino.

Day: Monday

Location: Majesty Casino

Time: Afternoon

I parked the car and we got out then walked straight to the casino building. Once we walked in, I noticed most of the place was pure gold.

"Come~ I only play the slot machines now, I don't trust the dealers anymore plus my paycheck checks out so we can stay here for however long you want~" Akira smiled.

"Fine by me. After all this is for you, Akira." I smiled and chuckled.

"Good, now let me show you how a master does it~" Akira chuckled and led me to the slot machines.

We sat down at the slot machines and I watched her. She used her credit card to place her bet. She bet $300 on her first spin and pulled the lever. I watched the slots work their magic then five symbols appeared on the screen. Two sevens, one cherry, one grape, and a 10.

"Mmph...nothing much but I'll take that $30 win." Akira smiled.

Honestly, it looked very confusing and even using my Intuitive Aptitude to understand how it works still hurts my head, but I decided to take my chances. I pulled out my credit card.

[Total Money Owned: $17,890]

I nodded and inserted my card into the slot machine and betted $1,000.

"Whoa there buster~ Starting off big aren't you?" Akira said and looked at my slot machine.

"Go big or go home~" I smirked and pressed the spin button.

I watched the symbols spin on my screen and Akira was pretty invested as well. My Luck Trait activated and my Beginner's Luck activated then I managed to hit all lucky sevens. Akira's jaw dropped and she looked a me surprised.

[Total Cash Earned: $5,000]

"The hell? How did you- Wow! That was lucky!" Akira said and smiled at me.

I smiled at her and chuckled, rubbing the back of my head. We continued to play the slots together and ended up winning some big cash. Akira ended up losing a couple hundred dollars while I kept winning thousands.

"Alright, I don't wanna go bankrupt so I'm about done here." Akira smiled and looked at me.

I nodded and took my card out of the slot machine and stood up. Akira took her card out of the slot machine and put it in her purse then held my hand. We walked out of the casino together and headed to my car.

"I had a great time." Akira smiled.

"It's not over though..~ I still have something planned for us." I said and smiled.

Akira looked at me and rose an eyebrow. "I can't wait to see this..~"

We got in my car and I started it then drove off.

Day: Monday

Location: Ardor's Bar, Diner, and Lounge

Time: Evening

I parked my car and Akira noticed where we were and smirked.

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 63%]

"Mmm~ I see your plan, and I'm not complaining~ Let's go in~" Akira smiled.

I nodded and we got out of the car then walked into the building together. We walked into the diner area and took our seats. The waitress walked to us and took down our orders. After ordering our drinks and meals, we began to chat with each other. We shared a few laughs with each other and even became even closer with one another.

"You know, I want to share a secret I've never told anyone before. I actually hate teaching physics. I actually wanted to teach a more interesting subject like music or anything not revolving around physics. I could care less about frequencies and gravity." Akira said.

"Why did you accept the position then?" I asked.

"For one I got my Physics Degree that I regret getting everyday and the last physics teacher quit. I was available at the time and now that I think about it, I should've moved back to Japan. But...if I did I wouldn't have met you." Akira said.

"At least the paycheck is well?" I chuckled.

"The ONLY good part of my job other than seeing your face." Akira chuckled as well.

The waitress came back without drinks and food then set them down in front of us. We thanked her and began to enjoy our dinner and drinks. I was grateful for my Increased Drug and Alcohol Tolerance because Akira was a heavy drinker and I wanted to impress her.

After having a few drinks, Akira was drunk and I decided to take her home while I still had clear vision. Akira was giggling the whole ride and hiccuping. I could tell she was extremely wasted.

Day: Monday

Location: Akira's House

Time: Evening

I helped Akira in her house and took her to the living room then sat her down on the couch. She pulled me down on the couch with her and laughed softly. I blushed and sat beside her.

"Shiro..~ Tell me something and be honest okay..?~" Akira said then hiccupped.

"Alright." I said then noticed her sliding up against me.

"What's your biggest turn on..?~" She asked and looked at me seductively.

I looked at her up and down, admiring her body. I looked at her face and could barely control myself. "Girls moaning...really turn me on a lot.."

Akira got even closer and bit down on her bottom lip. "Something like this..?~" She began to moan in my ear, turning me on more. She rubbed her hand along the bulge of my pants and kept moaning and teasing me.

I rubbed her leg and she began to get turned on as well. She began to kiss my neck and made tiny noises of pleasure. I raised her shirt a little and made sounds of satisfaction.

She pulled away and looked into my eyes. "This is so wrong...but I can't help myself..~ You're my student...and I am your teacher...We can't do this.."

"No one has to know..~ This can be our little secret..~" I said.

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 69%]

Akira smiled and kisses my lips and grabbed my hands then pulled away from the kiss. "Don't tell the others about us..~"

"I promise..~" I nodded and looked into her eyes.

Kura walked into the living room and barked. We looked at Kura and Akira smiled and tried to get up, but wobbled. I sat her down and chuckled.

"I'll take care of Kura." I said then stood up.

"How did I get so lucky with you..?~" Akira said then made a happy noise.

I walked over to Kura. "Come!"

Kura yipped and trotted behind me.

I handled all of Kura's needs for Akira. I fed Kura, took her outside to potty, and played with her until she tired herself out and went to sleep. I walked downstairs to the living room only to see Akira asleep on the couch. I smiled and walked over to her and sat her up and picked her up, carrying her on my back. I walked to her room and laid her down on her bed then rubbed her hair. I kissed her forehead and she gave a soft smile.

[Akira's Bond Percentage rose to 73%]

I walked away and walked out of her house then went to my car.

[Date Successful!]

[Credi Earned: 2041]

Day: Monday

Location: My House

Time: Nighttime

"I'm home!" I called out and walked to the living room and noticed Lustie sleeping with no pants nor panties on. I smirked and crossed my arms then looked at the TV and turned it off.

I decided to head up to my room and head to sleep.

Day: Tuesday

Location: My Bedroom

Time: Morning

I groaned as I woke up with a splitting headache, but I remembered everything that happened last night. I got out of bed and looked at Lust-E, noticing I had a few missed calls from Ashley. I sat back down and decided to give her a call.

She answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Yeah, you called?" I asked.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit today. We don't have to go out anywhere, we can just chill at my house or something." Ashley said.

"Mmm...yeah yeah. We can definitely...hang out today. I'll be over in the afternoon." I said.

"Great! It's a date." She said happily.

"Yeah...yeah." I said then hung up.

I moved my hair from my eyes and groaned softly.

"Hangover?" Lustie asked and placed a glass of water on the nightstand.

"A bad one. Akira loves strong alcohol...I guess once my stamina runs low all the effects of everything kicks in hard. I guess that's the downside of the Stamina Trait." I said.

"Yeah, you'll eventually feel the aftermath of anything harmful to your body. Even with Enhanced Stamina or Supernatural Stamina, once your stamina runs thin, you'll feel everything. That's why it's important to keep high stamina." Lustie said then ruffled my hair.

I watched her leave my room then laid back down and sighed softly. I was going to get a little more rest before I decided to get ready for my date with Ashley.