Chereads / Me, My Friends and the Dragon / Chapter 3 - The Cave

Chapter 3 - The Cave

Neola was too exhausted and decided to get in the water. She told us she was going to the bathroom but instead got in her bathing suit and got into the water before we could stop her.

''Neola we don't know what is in there! GET OUT!''Axel tried to reason with for a few minutes, but he gave up.

I then proceeded to do the same, Axel knew to try me.

Once I stepped in the water it was so cool yet warm, I started out just up to my knees, little did Axel know I was wondering about the water. Axel was sitting on edge with his pouty face on staring at us.

Some time goes by we get out of the water and back into our regular clothes. By the time we got and changed Axel had already started setting up camp so we had somewhere to sleep to night. Neola started to question if we should stay here.

"Why stay here? Why don't we try going back the way we came?"

"Are we sure we can.. I mean we stood there for how long and never heard or saw the waterfall for a what seemes to be a while." I told her.

"Yea, how do we know we wont get even farther in without knowing it." Axel trying to stay as well since he already started setting up camp.

Neola looks at Axel knowing why he is agreeing and looks at me thinking I am crazy. It was silent for what seemed to be hours with the cicadas being loud. Neola finally broke the silence with a sigh and started to help set up, I soon followed as well. Based on the lighting it was sometime in the afternoon, we couldn't see the sun or tell where it was just the fact that it was really bright and ow it is not. I looked around what was going to be our camp and thought this would be one heck of a weekend, no one will beleive us.

I walked back over to the waterfall to admire it once more and actually see how far it went up. As I looked at the waterfall about 20 feet off the base I noticed a hole behind the water.

"Hey! Axel, Neola! Come take a look at this. I think it is either a hole from a rock or a cave behind the waterfall."

Neola came running amd was excited. "WHAT NO WAY! We should go check it out and find out forsure."

Axel slapped the back of her head. "First you go into water tou know nothing about now you want to go into a possible cave!? You would die first if this was a horror movie."

"Good thing it's not then." She said with her side smirk and chuckle. "Let's go!" Pulling my arm. Axel rolled his eyes and followed as well.

"Well I can'tet them go alone."He said under his breath.