Black Wind Village, an entity of the Green Forest Force, could hardly be called significant in the vast sea of the Martial World, barely skating by without notice. Yet in just a few short days, it had managed to carve out a noteworthy reputation, causing many Players to remember this seemingly insignificant power and naturally drawing the attention of the officials.
The authorities had always held a curious and investigative attitude toward the Mixed Martial Arts World.
In fact, even before internal testing began, they had pre-emptively arranged for many to enter the Mixed Martial Arts World, attempting to control this world.
But perhaps due to lackluster progress, the officials decided to open the Mixed Martial Arts World to the whole world, inviting Players into it in the form of a game.
In the eyes of the Players, the Mixed Martial Arts World was an extremely foreign place filled with oddities, but in the eyes of the powerful within the officials, it wasn't all that special.