Munah looked at Adah in wonder as the meaning of what she just told him sank into his heart. He stood up fully and left her on the couch as he moved towards the window.
"You can run like the other time and leave me in my tears, you can leave me again and I do not care but I will be here. This is our house and there is now no running away. You went to be with Mrs. Randolph and to be with me is quite incomprehensible to you. Why are you treating me as if you do not care." He heard her voice from where he stood. He said nothing but looked through the window to see the whole expanse of the building in light.
"I am here for you, I am here to help you and give you the best of comfort, please let me know you. You told me that I am the most beautiful of all women created, you told me that you will love ad adore me eternally. So I am waiting for you to come and love me. Let me be fulfilled by knowing that you desire me." Adah said standing up from her seat and walking towards him. She suddenly stopped in the middle of the huge bedroom and looked as her body shook with an untold amount of passion.
"I sure mean every word I said to you. I love you and you are yet to come to terms with my love for you. I beg you my love our togetherness can never be bargained for anything. I will love you forever but help me to understand..." Munah said
"I don't want to understand anything. You are making me sound desperate, I feel rejected any time we are in this mood and it's not healthy for our love." She said and with anger, she left the bedroom while he refused to turn as she hurriedly left. He heard the car move towards the gate and after a while, there seem to be peace around the huge house. Munah sighed deeply as he looked at the tall flowers dancing to the rhythm of the wind that comes from the ocean which was not far away. He left the room and came down, he was not in a hurry as he closed the door to the bedroom and reaching the gate gave instructions to the men at the gate before he left with Fountain Square on his mind. As he boarded the Yellow cab back to Fountain Square, he reckoned that this is the first time that they are having issues and seriously misunderstanding each other.
Adah came out of the car and looked around the park with much anticipation, she locked the door and walked towards the entrance of the bar. The smell of grilled meat and fish-filled her nostrils as she entered the deserted lounge. The people she saw were quite few but more females making her think if the entire place is not a gay bar. She sat down and looked at the men as they played darts while most of the ladies sat in groups drinking. Some of the ladies had male companies and everyone seemed to be discussing in low tones. A waiter swiftly approached her. She ordered a sweet wine and waited patiently. The waiter arrived with her order and professionally served the drink. She drank slowly and remembered her misunderstanding with the love of her life, she blamed him for everything and wondered whether his love for her is real and definite. As she put down her glass, she could not help but cast her mind on Mrs. Randolph. It is painful that she may have fallen for him but it will be stupid for Munah to fall into such a trap because Mrs. Randolph is far older than him. She wondered what normally brings them together. As she searched for a reason within, Mrs. Randolph appeared. Adah had called her for a heart-to-heart discussion because as a lady, she must guide and guard her territory. Munah is a no-go area and he belongs to her. Mrs. Randolph was wearing light grey shorts that quite exposed her thighs and a baseball jersey. She was elegant and beautiful in her way. She was wearing a low leather slipper that fitted well. She sighted Adah and moved in her direction. As she sat down opposite Adah, she could not help but wonder what may have prompted this type of call and visit. They greeted dryly while she observed that Adah seem not to be in the right mood.
"Hope all is well?" She asked fully observing Adah
" Well, I called and will want to thank you for your wonderful response, especially at this time of the day when most people have retired," Adah said expressionlessly.
"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Denson."
She said still observing the little rich thing in front of her.
"It's Munah and his relationship with you. You seem to like him a lot..." Adah said more of trying to find out more from her.
"I do like him..." Mrs. Randolph started
"Then I beg you to steer clear for you are in my territory. I know he told you of our relationship?" Adah asked no longer ashamed.
"He told me that both of you are quite close and I am not blind," she answered
"Then why do you want to tear us apart Mrs. Randolph?" Adah asked while the other lady looked at her intently quite surprised at what she is hearing from Adah.
"I am sorry, I meant no wrong. We are just friends..." Mrs. Randolph said.
" I called you to tell you that your relationship with him is not making me happy and I want to plead with you to help me," Adah said looking at the lady.
" Thank you for getting me informed. I will do as you have said," She said at that moment Adah stood up to go.
"Please, Miss Denson l will want you to come out clean with me. Are you in love with him?" Mrs. Randolph asked looking at Adah straight in the face. Adah looked back and nodded her head in the affirmative.
"You can count on me. I am sorry and I assure you that I will help you." She said while Adah said nothing as she turned and left after paying the bills. Mrs. Randolph just stood there watching as Adah left. Within her, she felt moved by the young lady. She knows that her boss is in serious emotional trouble. Her face looks confused and rejected. Mrs. Randolph understands that kind of look for it can only be born out of jealousy and desperation. Desperate needs can force certain uncertainties, Adah seem to be wallowing in one of these struggles. She does not need to be guided because she is now evolving, this process will lead to her discovering that part of her that will lead her on and make her capable of staying strong. The only person that is only capable of helping her is Munah. Mrs. Randolph reflected that Munah himself is quite confused but who could not be? This is a family that even Adah alone is worth more than anyone could imagine. The pressure alone from Adah is worth confusing every sense of reasoning. Adah is well-behaved, good, and humble but can turn the corner when provoked and Munah seems to be heading that way. She concluded that Munah need to be spoken to, he tried hiding and evading the topic the last time they discussed but little did he know that he gave himself away. He is fortunate that a lady like Adah adores him and loves him. Not many billionaires can go that way in the name of love. However, he should learn to keep his ego in check. He should be strong and focused for any egoistic tendency can collapse what they are about to build together. Munah is a humble and hardworking young man, focused, intelligent and sincere. This is the type of man that Adah needs in her life. He is understanding and caring even to a fault and this last attribute is now inviting jealousy from Adah. Mrs. Randolph looked away from Adah's faded figure and made her way towards the exit of the lounge.
That night Munah reached Fountain square, he collected some essential things that he will need, took them to the car, and locked the door, and with a confused mind, he drove off towards Creek Island. He also stopped at a grocery store and did some shopping. As he drove, he concluded that Adah has changed his life for good. There is no denying the fact that Adah's presence in his life is more of a blessing. He knows that it is Adah or nothing and he will not toy with this privilege. He knows that he loves her if not he could not have made a vow to her. He knows that she loves him beyond words and sometimes, her love is more than overwhelming.