Story is about Vlad Tepes and him becoming Dracula and ruling over all

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Chapter 1 - I Am Dracula Son Of The Devil

The history of Dracula. Vlad Tepes and his soldiers we're on the battlefield fighting against Solomon the uncrowded emperor. During that war, fallen angels crossed over to their fighting as the Fallen angels were fighting against the three emperors of hell.

Urizen Leviathan, Absalon, Vlad soldiers, and Solomon soldiers were caught in the middle of the war and both sides suffered. Vlad and the remaining of his troops storm through the bloodshed and made their way over to Solomon where Vlad cut off his head while riding on a horse.

After Vlad killed Solomon Vlad and his forces all tried to escape the battlefield as they didn't want to be caught in the middle of an unknown war they weren't a part of. While trying to escape the ground was cracking. Flames begin to burst out of the ground.

Some of Vlad's soldiers were able to escape. Vlad himself was trying to escape but his horse got caught in the cross attack by the Fallen angels. Vlad fell to the ground only for the ground to open up and he fell to his death being impaled by a sword that was stuck on the ground.

Vlad looks up as his eyes begin to waver and close, Vlad sees a huge arm that was cut off and Vlad begins to be showered in blood. Urizen fall's to the ground next to Vlad and sees him pulling himself off the sword and is standing up.

Urizen looks at Vlad as his body begins to transform and wings grow out of his back. Urizen speaks to Vlad in a demonic language. My power is now, your power. Young creature of the shadows. Urizen picks up his arm and reattached it back into his arm socket. Flames start to surround Urizen as he disappears.

Vlad tries to leave the hole only to be burned by the sunlight. Vlad goes back into the hole and stays there until the sun goes down and the conflict outside goes away. Vlad makes his way out of the ground and notices his thirst for blood as he sees one of his soldiers' legs cut off but he managed to survive.

Vlad looked at him and without a second bit him on the neck. Vlad drained him of all his blood until he became a skeleton. Vlad makes his way back to his kingdom only to hear heartbeats and can see blood veins. Vlad goes to sit on his throne as he is trying to adjust to his new situation.

Vlad gives a speech about the situation at hand and tells his soldiers that it seems demons and angels are involved and we need to prepare for the worse. Vlad leaves his throne and goes to his room. Urizen is sending Vlad messages as Vlad passes out and falls to his bed.

Vlad's mind is in hell as he sees Urizen and two other demons talking standing there watching him. Urizen talks more in demon language to Vlad. Vlad doesn't understand anything Urizen is saying only for Vlad's mind to return to his body.

The next day Vlad wakes up and it's night again. Vlad leaves his room and sees his soldiers looking at him with scared and worried looks on their faces. Vlad explains to his soldiers that everything will be okay. Vlad sits down on his throne and begins to explain the details of how he survived.

The soldiers are steadily calming down and their worries and fears go away. Vlad sensed the soldier's fear as he has to hold himself back from trying to kill his soldiers. Barrett returns back to Vlad's kingdom and panicking and shouting THEY'RE COMING!!!!. Solomon's brother lord vengeance and he's bringing 30 thousand of his troops here.

Vlad's soldiers begin to panic and worry again causing Vlad to shout out silence. Vlad knows it's only 10 thousand of his troops that are left and he tries to think of a way but he can't. Urizen then appears in Vlad's mind and says turn them all into undead soldiers. Vlad finally starts to understand what Urizen is saying but refuses to listen as it's evil and demonic and he doesn't want to do that.

Vlad's eyes begin bleeding as his soldiers begin to panic and get scared even more. One soldier tries to escape and Vlad immediately teleports over to him rips his head off and drinks his blood. Vlad turns his head around saying I'm sorry as he slaughtered all his soldiers in the room.

Urizen appears in Vlad's mind saying good my champion and gave him instructions on how to raise the dead. Vlad cut his hand and drew the hexagon on his hand and raised his hand in the air. I summon the back to live Vlad says. A huge hexagon appears in the air surrounding the dead corpses.

Each of them comes back to life but is now vampires. Vlad commands them to go and kill lord vengeance. Barrett stayed hidden underneath all the dead bodies until Vlad grabs him on the shoulders and says you will never remember this night this night was all a dream. And without knowing it Vlad compelled Barrett not to remember anything that just happened.

Vlad is confused about what just happened and before he bites on his neck Urizen appears in Vlad's mind again telling him you can turn him without using the technique I told you. All you have to do is give him your blood kill him and then bury him in the ground and wait for night and wait for his return.

Vlad is shouting out this is madness, this is madness. Why must it be this way? I guess this is my hell, this is my punishment for fighting like a demon now I've become one. If I was abandoned by god a long time ago then so be it I will become an unearthly creature. I'll devour the souls in this endless night until I become the evil that can't be killed.

I forsake my name as Vlad Tepes my name is Dracula son of the devil. Dracula gives Barrett his blood and then snaps his neck and takes him outside and into the back and buries him. Dracula goes back inside only for Urizen to be seated on his throne and then he tells Dracula I've made you into my champion of the night you will obey the call when I summon you impaler.

Urizen disappears within the flames. Morning time came and Dracula was in his room sleeping. One of lord vengeance's soldiers manages to make his way into Dracula's kingdom where no one was around. The soldier's name was Brutus nightingale. Brutus made his way inside and saw someone's head impaled onto the wall and a lot of blood on the floor.

Brutus was looking around to see if Vlad was still in the kingdom and found out that Vlad was in his room. Brutus takes out his sword and is about to kill Dracula only for Dracula to soul posse Brutus and learn all of his knowledge about lord vengeance.

Brutus tries to fight against Dracula's will only for Brutus to slam his head against the wall as hard as he can to knock himself out. When the sun started to go down Dracula woke up and saw Brutus still knocked out after he was possessed.

Dracula takes Brutus' body and ties him up to a chair and stabs him in the leg with a small dagger to wake him up. Brutus is staked being stabbed in the leg without screaming out shouting.

Dracula is impressed and tells him he is the first person that he has encountered that can experience pain. Brutus and Dracula exchange words with each other before Dracula kills him. Brutus strikes up a deal with Dracula and tells him that there is a place called the skull father's and they will keep the slave's human sacrifices and gold.

Dracula tells Brutus that he already knows of such a place as he already invaded his mind and body. Brutus tells Dracula that parts of his mind have been sealed off by vengeance. So I have another location that not even you know.

Dracula stops his attempt at killing Brutus as he is listening to what he has to say. Brutus tells Dracula to posse his body again and he will give him access to his sealed memories. Brutus says that if he gains access to his memories would he be spared.

Dracula looks at Brutus and agrees. Dracula's soul leaves his body and possesses Brutus and sees the rest of his memories and the sealed ones. Brutus' eyes begin to bleed

After when Dracula's soul returns to his body Brutus had already died. Dracula looks at Brutus and says this is quite interesting. I can possess people's bodies and instantly kill them. Dracula gets excited about the idea and cuts himself in the hand and gives his blood to Brutus and then buries him in the back. Barrett awakens and claws his way out of the ground. Barrett wakes up feeling hungry until Dracula senses his return and calls out his name. Barrett immediately shows up and kneels before him. Dracula says arise, Barrett. Dracula tells Barrett that we have a new member that will be joining us to take his body and bury him in the ground. Barrett takes Brutus's body and buries it in the back. Dracula leaves his room and goes to sit on his throne only to see a few of his soldiers return back. Dracula, asks if lord vengeance is dead? The moment when one soldier is about to speak an arrow is shot and it kills his soldier. Dracula gets behind some cover only to see with his keen eyes that lord vengeance is still alive but is in a bad shape. Dracula sees at least 2000 of his soldiers remain. Dracula takes out his sword and goes outside to approach lord vengeance. Lord Vengeance starts shouting out to his men to fire flame arrows. The arrows are coming down only for Dracula to wave his sword and blow away all the arrows with immense power and strength. Dracula keeps on walking until he blitzes within the night and starts killing off the soldiers

Dracula stands there looking at lord vengeance. Lord Vengeance shouts out YOU FUCKING BEAST!!!! The sultan should've killed you alongside your whore of a wife. Dracula slices off lord vengeance's hand and then slices his other handoff. Dracula picks up lord vengeance's severed hand and pours the blood into his mouth. Dracula breaks off some carbon wood that's on the ground and impales lord vengeance through the chest. Lord vengeance shouted out before he died FUCK YOU!!! Barrett makes his way over to Dracula and sees lord vengeance impaled and is on fire. Dracula tells Barrett you and Brutus are the only ones that are left. The men that I turned into these undead creatures are dead. And the rest of my men either died or deserted.30,000 STRONG! I AM WHAT I AM NOW A VILE CREATURE THAT WILL HUNT ENDLESSLY THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT TO TAKE WHAT IS mine. Barrett asks Dracula what now? Dracula explains to Barrett that we will rebuild our army. I will scowl at the best parts of the land to find even greater warriors and turn them into creatures of the night. You are the first person that I turned to. So I'll give you the title to be war. And when Brutus wakes up he'll be famine. Dracula then explains that an unknown war is coming. We will be up against other beings and creatures we have never seen before. So when that time comes we'll be ready. Barrett asks what's the next place will we go, my lord. Dracula says we'll be going to Constantinople. I killed the sultan after I discovered I was going to be caught in an ambush so I used slaves that were half alive and doused them in oil. And I was looking from afar when I saw the sultan men going for the attack I had my men shoot of flame arrows. I set the whole scene ablaze. And since Constantinople has one of the largest armies in modern-day I figured I Dracul can take his army and use it for my own. Barrett says to Dracula what would you have me do my lord. Dracula simply says we'll leave as early as when the sun goes down.

Dracula and Barrett return back to the empty kingdom and wait for the next day. An hour passed and Brutus woke up and punch his way out of the ground. Barrett is there waiting for him holding a slave by the neck and tells Brutus to drink. Brutus bites on the neck of the slave and drains him of all his blood and kills him. Brutus shouts out IT'S FUCKING DELICIOUS. Dracula calls out to them as they return back inside the walls of Dracula's castle. Dracula tells Barrett that you and Brutus will be on an important task. You will hunt for strong warriors within Constantinople. Brutus tells Dracula that there are some soldiers that possess inhuman abilities. Not even lord vengeance or Solomon wouldn't dare to challenge their might in combat. Dracula explains to Brutus that those soldiers are mortal men we are immortal men. Warriors of the night if we can't defeat men with super strength then what are we really? Dracula gets him from his throne and says it's time for the undead immortal to return. Dracula Barrett and Brutus all leave and go to Constantinople by disappearing within the night. Meanwhile, soldiers of Constantinople are either asleep or are fucking their whores or wives. Dracula Barrett and Brutus appear inside the walls of Constantinople standing on top of a castle and Dracula tells them to kill half of the soldiers that are here and spare the women and children. Dracula cuts his wrist and draws a hexagon pendant with his own blood

And raises his hand in the air. The blood hexagon symbol begins to appear in the sky. Brutus asks Dracula is this the signal to start the killing? Dracula nods his head as Brutus and Barrett begin to go on a killing spree. Urizen appears in Dracula's mind and tells him that in four days he'll be summoned to hell. Does Dracula reply to Urizen by saying hell? I have no reason for leaving this world why summon me? Urizen tells Dracula you're my greatest creation you'll do your best to follow my orders and commands. You're enjoying the night? Creation is what I'm good at. Seeing the potential in someone else's growth gives me all the justification to summon you my champion. Dracula's response was silence. Urizen leaves Dracula's mind as Dracula tries to get his focus back after encountering Urizen. Brutus rips the head off a soldier and drains him of his blood. Barrett slices off all the fingers of defending soldiers and tells them your sacrifice tonight is going for the greater good. Brutus and Barrett keep on killing until the royal elite guardsmen come out of their homes and prepare for battle. Rage blood and chaos are everywhere. The women and children who tried to escape were all put to sleep by Dracula as he was standing in front of the gate and compelled all to go to sleep. Meanwhile, Brutus and Barrett are fighting against the royal elite guardsmen. Brutus and Barrett are aware that these men are inhuman soldiers. And that they were blessed by a divine spirit. Gallows Alvarium the leader of the guardsmen pointed his sword toward Vlad Tepes. Gallows shouts out VLAD TEPES YOU COWARD COME FACE ME NOW!!!! Dracula walks past Barrett and Brutus and stands toe to toe with Gallows. Dracula looks at Gallows guardsmen and tells him you're not guaranteed to survive, pledge your allegiance to me and I'll make you even more powerful than you already are. Gallows tells Dracula that my men are. And before he could finish his sentence Dracula rips his head off.

Shoulder with one swing of his left hand. All of the guardsmen still stand there as Gallow's head is regenerating. Dracula turns back around and sees gallows back on his feet. Hmm not bad Vlad I don't know what happened to you but you're a sickness to this world and I shall exterminate you. Dracula and Gallows are clashing back and forth sword against sword steel against steel. Brutus and Barrett are both watching as Dracula and Gallows are clashing at each other intensely cause the air around them to cut the ground and the smalls houses. Dracula pushes Gallows back and slices off his head again. Dracula bites down on Gallow's body draining him of his blood. Gallows is able to regenerate again but feels a bit weakened. Gallows tells Vlad what did you do to me I feel drained and weakened. Dracula says nothing and stabs him in the heart and then bites down on his wrist and force-feeds Gallows his blood. Gallows drops to his knees and says not today bloodsucker as he puts out a bottle and begins to drink. Whatever it is that you're doing it won't save you. Gallow's body begins to be set on fire. Blue flames surround Gallows as he tells Vlad the blood of Christ heals the soul. I may die today but know this you bloodsucking monster I'll one day be reincarnated back into this world and when I came back I'll have your head. Gallow's body begins to turn into ash as he Withers away. The rest of the guardsmen retreat

Brutus whispers to Barrett I thought they were the royal elite why are they retreating. Barrett replies to Brutus there is more to this. Gallows was the leader but there are several leaders within the royal elite. Gallows is the younger brother of Jerald Alvarium. He's supposed to be one of the strongest of the siblings. Dracula tells Brutus and Barrett to escort the women and children back to the kingdom. I'll stay and clean up from here. Barrett says to Dracula understood my lord as they take their leave. Dracula continues to follow the royal elite to a fighting arena. 200 soldiers are all standing armed and ready waiting to kill Dracula. Jerald is walking out of a tunnel and sits down on a chair and tells Vlad you have no hope. You're gonna die here and after what you did to my brother I'll make sure to have your head for this. Dracula spreads both his arms out and closes his eyes and says kill me if you dare. Jerald waves his hand and signals his men to kill Dracula. They sliced stabbed and decapitated Dracula's head. Hahaha hahaha hahaha that was too easy says, Jerald. Undead soldiers start bursting their way into the arena and begin killing off the royal elite guardsmen. Jerald shouts out WHAT..... WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS WHO ARE YOU, CREATURES? WHAT IS DEVIL IS AT PLAY HERE. Dracula absorbs all the blood from the killed off soldiers and makes a full recovery. Jerald says this can't be right. They just killed you. Dracula walks through the chaos and the killing and simply tells Jerald I'm not the same man as I was before. I'm not even alive anymore I'm simply a creature of the night. Dracula leaps on top of the board and takes out his sword and points it toward Jerald. Jerald says to Dracula I'll never join you I rather die. Dracula puts away his sword and grabs Jerald and throws him down to the groundbreaking his leg in the fall. Dracula sits down on the chair and gives his commands to his undead forces and tells them to kill him.

The undead soldiers started biting and eating on Jerald's flesh. Jerald dies screaming until Falco Alvarium walks into the arena and starts killing off all the undead soldiers with his large scythe. Falco says as he walks up and starts looking high up at Dracula and says you must be Vlad Tepes the son of a bitch who cause all this destruction. You've killed my brother Gallows and as I see right now you just had Jerald killed. I'll have to handle you myself. Dracula says to Falco you only have one choice kneel before me and gain powers that are beyond this world or get killed by your own brother. Huh, what are you talking about? Dracula snaps his fingers and Jerald's half-destroyed body comes back as an undead soldier. Jerald tries to attack Falco but Falco instantly cuts down Jerald. Dracula says to Falco oh no remorse for undead or human life you're gonna be the perfect horsemen. Falco instantly is standing in front of Dracula and tells him you're gonna died you monster. Dracula crossed his legs and tells Falco who on this earth has the power to kill me because it's certainly not you. Falco is about to swing the scythe to kill Dracula only for Dracula to vomit blood on Falco. Some of the blood goes into Falco's mouth. Dracula gets out of the chair and tackles Falco to the ground. Falco gets up and starts swinging his scythe at Dracula. Dracula dodges all his attacks and impales Falco's hand into the ground with a dagger and kicks the scythe out of his hand and grabbing his right hand and impales it to the ground with a hidden dagger. Dracula walks up to grab the scythe only for it to burn his hands. Falco rips the dagger out of both hands by force. And tells Dracula that this fight is still not over. Falco takes out a bottle and brings drinking it. Falco's body becomes stronger and denser. Falco punches Dracula in the face but Dracula does move an inch. Dracula throws the scythe at Falco and tells him maybe this will do. Falco catches the scythe and asks Dracula what are you implying

That I kill you? Dracula's wings come out of his back as he answers Falco could you actually kill me? Let's see what you got mortal. Dracula is dodging most of Falco's attacks only to be caught off guard when Falco threw his scythe at Dracula only for the scythe to split in two. As he manages to punch Dracula in the face again sending Dracula crashing through a wall. Dracula gets up as his face is burning and says to Falco so I'm guessing that holy water that you drank is giving you this inhuman type of strength. I've known the longest how powerful your people were. If I hadn't killed the sultan when I had the chance then I would've died a gruesome death. Dracula gets back up and says my name isn't Vlad Tepes it's Dracula. Falco summons his scythe back into his hands and while attacking Dracula he says. Dracula? What kind of nonsense you speak demon. I'm gonna kill you and avenge my brothers and avenge the warriors who have died here. Dracula counters Falco's attacks and slashes his chest only for his sword to break. Falco attempts to slices off Dracula's head only for Dracula to dodge his attack. Falco says to Dracula you don't have any more weapons. You can't use the weapons that are on the ground you're finished. Dracula's response was nothing. Falco charges towards Dracula about to kill him only for Dracula to stand there and wait for the attack. Falco stops and sees Dracula just standing there. Falco begins thinking and says Dracula must be planning on something he's going to move maybe he has another weapon? Dracula throws a dagger extremely fast at Falco and it slices his arm causing him to bleed. Dracula tells Falco if you think I don't have any more weapons then let's find out together how many weapons I do have. Falco is pissed off and charges towards Dracula shouting out DRACULA I'M GONNA KILL YOU NOW DIE!!!!!! Falco slices off Dracula's right arm only for Dracula to pierce his chest with his left arm and grabs Falco's heart and pops it

Dracula drops to one knee as he begins laughing over the fact that even though he's immortal he can still feel pain as when he was a mortal. Dracula calls out to Barrett and Brutus mentally. Barrett and Brutus appear throughout the darkness. Barrett says to Dracula we're here my lord. Dracula tells Barrett to lift him up and tells Brutus to carry Falco. Dracula and his men leave and return back to the kingdom of Dracula. Barrett helps Dracula to his throne and sits him down. Dracula tells Barrett to bring him a woman. Brutus sits lays Falco's body down in front of Dracula's feet. Barrett brings in a woman and Dracula grabs this woman bites down on her neck and drains her of her blood. Dracula begins to regenerate his right. Brutus tells Dracula I thought you had it from here looks like that guy really messed you up hahaha. Dracula bites on Falco next and cuts his wrist and gives him his blood again. Barrett looked at Brutus with a disgusting look after the comments he just made. Dracula tells Barrett to bury Falco in the back. Dracula walks up to Brutus and backhand punches him through a wall as he was leaving to go to the shed. Dracula sees all the women and children there and uses his power to mesmerize them into cleaning and taking care of themselves and their new home. Dracula goes back inside the castle and goes into his room and goes to sleep. The next night Dracula woke up and goes to the backyard and waits for Falco to return. Falco came out of the ground screaming and enraged. AGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? WHY DO HAVE THIS URGE FOR BLOOD. Dracula tells Brutus to bring in his meal. Brutus is holding a beautiful woman by the neck. Falco shouts out NO I WON'T DO IT, I WON'T DO IT, THIS WRONG YOU MONSTER ALL OF YOU HOW CAN YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS? THIS IS EVIL AT IT'S PUREST FORM. I'LL END ME BEFORE I TOO BECAME A MONSTER. Dracula simply gave his command and tells Falco to stop. Dracula tells Falco as of right now you're my horsemen death.

You will go out there and kill people when I give out the order. You will feed in order to survive and you will take on the pleasure as we do. Dracula gives the nod to Brutus. Brutus starts kissing and touches upon this beautiful woman right in front of Falco's eyes. Falco shouts out STOP THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!! Dracula asks Falco so are you gonna eat or what. Falco doesn't say anything only for Dracula to tell Brutus to take off her clothes. Brutus takes off her clothes as Falco sees this and his lust grows stronger and stronger. Dracula tells Barrett to bring in two more women. Barrett brings in two beautiful curvy women with a voluptuous shape. Dracula is looking at Falco grinning at him as Falco's mind is spinning and he can't think straight. Brutus continues rubbing and kissing the woman he is holding. And Barrett bites on one of the girl's wrists and walks them both over to Falco. Falco says to Dracula I won't ever serve you I can't serve a monster. Dracula grabs Falco's head and shows him while saying to him this is your reality this is your new home accept it and move forward. I had to do the same thing now look at me look at they them we're monster of the night creatures of the dark. The royal elite guardsmen were only a rouse to protect the sultan's luxury lifestyle. The sultan had rape women and children you never once consider their life's you're more empty than the criminals that walk this earth. So give up this rouse that you care, you don't care you're only trying to save your own soul as you knew the truth from the very beginning. A hero who protects the villain is the accomplice of that evil. Dracula lowers Falco's head and tells Barrett and Brutus we're going back inside he'll be having one hell of a night. Falco's mind is completely scattered as his life flash before his eye's only to remember what the sultan did to a fleeing woman who was pregnant with his children. The sultan burned her on the stake and say it was in the name of god.

Bloody tears begin to drop from Falco's eyes. The women come walking up to Falco each of them is holding and kissing him. Falco indulges in sexual acts while drinking their blood. Brutus is by the door listening only for Barrett to tab Brutus on the shoulders and saying to him. What the hell are you doing. Brutus replies I just wanted to hear the action come on man. Barrett replies if Dracula sees this he'll. But before Barrett could finish Dracula is standing there watching them both. Dracula tells them both to stop playing around and come to the dining hall. Dracula tells them that Falco is gonna be this way for a while now and we don't need to put pressure on him so let him be for now. Also, I'm gonna be gone for some days so Barrett you are in charge until I get back. Barrett replies to Dracula yes my lord

Dracula tells Brutus while Barrett is in charge you're job is to look after Falco. His mind is warp right now and if he's does anything that's not normal to you or to Barrett make sure to let him down easy. Brutus's response was yes my lord. Brutus leaves and goes outside. Barrett asks Dracula why did you turn Brutus into a night creature. Dracula replies by saying while I was asleep in the backyard Brutus came into my room while I was sleeping and tried to kill me but my soul somehow possessed his body and I saw all his memories. Barrett reply memories? What kind of memories my lord. Dracula's response was I saw he had to kill his own family and that lord vengeance had his way with him before he became a soldier. I shouldn't have Brutus kill him instead of me that was my mistake there. But what Brutus doesn't know is that lord vengeance has a sister that he kept hidden veolos. Barrett asks Dracula how did you gain this power? And was it during the day we March towards Solomon? Dracula replies yes I died during that day and a demon lord gave me his power. Barrett's response not only does lord vengeance has a sister that's at veolos but our power comes from a demon. Who would've thought demons and angels exist. Will we ever know peace? Dracula's response was nothing as he then says afterward be strong you're my best soldier you are the one that chose to be my horsemen. Just know this if you're existence is ever challenged know that I'm here as your one true lord. Barrett is shocked by this response as Dracula walks away and goes outside to think.

Dracula thinks about everything that has happened at this point and realizes he's a mouse in this endless game. Whatever the demon lords have planned for me doesn't meet my requirements. Dracula then leaves and turns back to the battlefield where he killed off king Solomon. Dracula feels a lot of unearthly energy as he has never sensed this kind of energy before and immediately leaves. Dracula goes to an old tortured base. And goes further in until he sees a coffin. Dracula looks oddly at the coffin and goes in. Dracula lays down and goes to sleep. Four days pass and Urizen commands Dracula to wake up from his sleep. Dracula gets out of the coffin and hellfire begins to surround Dracula's body as he gets transported to hell. Dracula sees no demons only souls that are lost in hell. Dracula is summoned in front of the three demon lords Urizen Leviathan and Absalon. Absalon tells Urizen so we finally get to meet this champion you've been sneaking around with. Leviathan says to Absalon this man is Vlad Tepes or how some people may know him as Vlad the impaler.

Urizen tells everyone to settle down we have a conference to uphold. The demon lords sit down on their thrones as Urizen is about to explain. We've been fighting this war against the Fallen angels for thousands of year's we lost 10 billion to the Fallen angels and god's chosen warriors. Dracula asks so ya'll want me to kill a fallen angel? If you're sending me to do it then it must mean that you demon lords aren't all-powerful. Absalon immediately gets out of his chair about to destroy Dracula only, for Urizen to look at Absalon and tell him to sit down. Leviathan says to Urizen that you're champion seems to not know his place down here or the laws of hell. Dracula looks at Leviathan and asks him do you know if my father is here Vlad ll. Leviathan replies yes your father is here and he got promoted to torturing souls. Dracula replies hmph I see. Urizen looks at Leviathan and Dracula and tells them both can I finish. Urizen explains that God chosen warrior is Jamal Farouk we see him as the ultimate threat. 4000 years ago we raged against God and we were able to fight him equally. Over time god and we waged war against each other for thousands of years. Then about 200 years ago a mysterious warrior appeared and started killing off demons and absorbing their souls. God told all his angels and arc angels to return to heaven and made a deal with the Fallen angels if you assist us in the battle against the demons then you may all return to heaven. But Farouk has this arm to absorb demonic energy we tried to defeat him but it seems that he has this divine armor that protects him from our attacks. Dracula responds by saying I gotta thank you Urizen if you weren't for you then I would've been dead and most likely tortured by his own father. You demons have a wild imagination but to think my cost of immortality is going off to fight another immortal and dying for the sake of the demon causes. Leviathan says to Urizen you see he catches on fast.

If Urizen wasn't there that day then you would've been in hell where I would've loved the chance to torture you myself. But then again Absalon despises humans and would've seen more joy in you being tortured by your own father at most. Absalon says responds to leviathan's comments by saying Vlad killed over 23,000 thousand people he gave hell the best reward possible it's just I don't like his disrespectful mouth he needs to know his place. Urizen tells Absalon to calm down he'll soon. Urizen tells Dracula you have my power but you lack more of it. Dracula replies to Urizen by saying I'll never submit to devils and one day when I'm free I'm gonna kill all of you devils and take the throne of hell. I'll rule on earth and I'll rule in hell. Leviathan starts laughing and tells Urizen that you better keep your champion on a tight leash or I'll have to handle him myself

Urizen tells Dracula that you won't be saying those words after when we're done with you. Dracula shouts out DO IT! GET IT OVER WITH, WHATEVER PLANS YOU GOT FOR ME KNOW THAT I'M DRACUL SON OF THE DEVIL. Urizen and the rest of the demon lords stand up and each of them blasts their energy into Dracula. Dracula kneels down on both knees as the power they are giving him is too much. Urizen says to Dracula. Son of the devil we're giving you portions of our power you will either die or you will accept our power. Dracula begins shouting out I'M DRACUL!!!! I'M SON OF THE DRAGON Dracula's wings pop out from his back as this red and purple aura surrounds his body. Dracula's father Vlad ll heard his son and begins to smirk as he says to himself son of the dragon. Dracula is in pain as the three demon lords continue to blast their energy into Dracula. Dracula's screams turn into a roar as he sees a vision of a door and then the door opens up and he sees a crimson arch dragon and the dragon giving Dracula his soul. The three demon lords stop as Dracula fall to the ground. They all sit back down and wait to see if Dracula gets back up. Absalon tells Urizen that if he doesn't wake up what will you do? Urizen responds by saying he'll wake up. Dracula is in pain but awakes up and sees the Crimson arch dragon. The dragon speaks to Dracula and tells him that his family has always made a blood sacrifices either by soldiers or by their own souls. I'm the dragon that you're father killed he was supposed to pass his power down to one of his sons but it seems like he failed to do so. Dracula asks the dragon what is this world? The dragon replies this is the Crimson world only people of Vlad lineage can enter this realm. You weren't supposed to be turned into a vampire you were supposed to be a greater warrior and then you died, you were supposed to be turned into a crimson dragon and pass down your power to the next generation. Dracula asks the Crimson dragon who are you? I'm Vlad the first

But some call me Mircea I became the first dragon I used forbidden magic and a dark ritual and became the Crimson dragon. For a while, I used this power like it was my own but the price was I became the dragon itself and was in this realm. Your father was supposed to get this power but he rejected the power and chose to sell his soul for more power. When he died he became a torturer of hell. You were supposed to get this power but the demon lord got to you first. Dracula replies by saying so from what I'm hearing you are my grandfather and I was supposed to have your power. But if I inherited your power then I would've been powerful but also stuck here until I give this power to my descendant. The old version of myself would've liked or even enjoyed that plan Vlad Tepes died that day and Dracula was born. Mircea responds by saying. Yes, you did die that day but I know of a way into reversing this cursed power. All you have to do is form the circle of purification and get four virgins to say the holy prayer and you'll be fixed you'll be human again. Dracula begins laughing and says what you don't understand is that I don't want to be fixed I'm perfect. I've been abused I've been defeated in combat and I've been killed so why would I do that? The thing I need from you is for you to give me your soul. Mircea replies if I give you my soul this will end the cycle are you sure you want to do that? There might be future consequences if you do that. Dracula says whatever it maybe I'll face these challenges and defeat the future. Your power may be the only way of getting advantages over these demon lords. They gave me their power but I know they did something to me where they have full control over me and I don't want that. I need to be free from them so I can do my own things.

Mircea hears this and agrees and gives Dracula his soul. Mircea says to Dracula while fading away it was nice knowing my grandson is Vlad the impaler but know this the great flood will happen.

Dracula sees the Crimson world falling apart and wakes up and sees the demon lord's watching him. Leviathan says to Urizen it seems like your champion is still alive. Urizen responds to leviathan I told you my champion would prevail. Dracula feels the dragon's soul undoing all the restrictions and the control that the demon lords have placed on him. Urizen says now it's time we'll use Vlad the impaler to do our job for us we don't have to return to earth and compromise our lives we'll use Vlad instead. Absalon agrees with Urizen and says yes we can use him as a human doll he'll do the job for us and after he kills Farouk then we'll destroy god and rule over the angels as well. Leviathan agrees and says I just want to enjoy life without being hunted by a maniac and also to toy with earth women. Urizen says now my champion arise. Dracula rises up and Urizen tells him now go back to earth and kill Farouk. Dracula takes out a crimson soul sword from his chest and instantly slices off Absalon's head. Leviathan was in disbelief at what just happened and before he could attack Dracula, Dracula immediately sliced Leviathan into thousand pieces instantly. Dracula is now sitting in the seat next to Urizen and asks him since your brothers or companions are dead where do we go from here. Urizen smashes the seat only Dracula to evade. Dracula tells Urizen it was a mistake sharing your energy with me. Urizen shouts out to Dracula. YOU FILTHY HUMAN HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME AND MY BROTHERS. I'M GONNA GRIND YOUR BONES POP YOUR HEAD AND DEVOUR YOUR SOUL. Dracula stands there and says I feel a lot of energy being absorbed into me. Urizen sees Dracula absorbing the souls of leviathan and Absalon. Urizen strikes Dracula only for Dracula to stop his punch with a headbutt to the fist. Dracula says to Urizen for a demon lord you're not that smart you gave me the power that's beyond this world and you expect me to just kneel before you. No no devil I'M THE ONE WHO DOES THE KILLING

I'M THE ONE WHO MAKES PEOPLE KNEEL BEFORE ME NOT SOME DEMON PEASANT. Urizen creates a universal void home by piercing his own heart. Urizen creates a small pocket dimension inside of hell. Dracula looks around and sees shadows, dead people, and old memories. Urizen hides within the shadows and tells Dracula you'll never escape this place this place will be your grave. Dracula looks around and is not worried. Dracula slices through the pocket dimension with his crimson sword and destroys it. The pocket dimension reforms itself again and Urizen tells Dracula you'll never escape it's meaningless to think otherwise. Urizen summons 3000 swords and strikes down onto Dracula. Dracula slams the sword down into the ground and shouts out CRIMSON BLOOD NIGHT. The pocket dimension begins to be soaked and covered in blood. Dracula can see all 3000 swords and Urizen's head in the sky. Dracula points his sword at Urizen and says it's overnight decay. The pocket dimension is being eaten by the blood that's around it causing Urizen to lose control over the dimension. Urizen's body is half destroyed by the blood and is able to regenerate some parts of his missing limbs. Dracula points his sword again at Urizen and says universal pull as he rips Urizen's torso off his body. Urizen tries to summon his power only for Dracula to tell Urizen his power is gone I've absorbed all of your power using crimson blood night. You are just a regular demon now but I won't kill you just yet I got something better. Dracula commands the flames of hell to summon his father Vlad II. Vlad the second looks at his son and tells him what you like me to do. Or should I say are you gonna kill me. Dracula looks at his father and tells him you abandoned me to the sultan. Now killing you would serve me justice but I'm all-powerful now I see no point. Vlad II responds was are you sure that you're all-powerful? Don't you think killing off the demon lords was easy?

Don't you think that maybe they wanted you to kill them? To take their power so you can solely fight Farouk. Dracula begins to think about this and asks Urizen is this true. Urizen doesn't say anything. Dracula walks up to Urizen and returns all his power to him Urizen shouts out to Dracula. YOU FOOL I'M NOW RESTORED TO POWER NOW I'M GONNA KILL YOU Dracula immediately slices off Urizen's head and takes his full power. Dracula tells his father that he had a plan to torture and kill Urizen but something about taking his power didn't feel right as if it wasn't whole. Now It feels right as a red and purple aura surrounds Dracula. Dracula tells his father I'm not a fool Urizen planned this he wanted to kill his brothers and take their power for his own but he couldn't do it Urizen had the heart of a peasant but unimaginable power. So if I have to defeat this Farouk and fight against the Fallen angel's then so be it. It'll take me some time to further use understand the rest of my newfound power. Vlad II says to his son I'm not worthy of being ruler I've failed in the past but now you can fix my mistake together you and me. Dracula replies to his father and tells him I don't need you nor will I correct your foolishness. I'm doing things my way you became weak, old, and foolish I remember the devil, not the Fallen ruler who became a man. Dracula looks back and says goodbye old man may we never meet again. Dracula summons the hellfire around him a vanishes. Dracula returns back to earth and it's daytime. Dracula notices that his body isn't burning up or being caught on fire. Dracula says this is incredible I now have immunity over sunlight. Dracula sees a horse that's nearby and takes it rides back to his kingdom

Dracula returns back to his kingdom in Transylvania and sees everything is still the same. Night has already appeared and Dracula returns home. Barrett and Brutus welcome Dracula back as they bring in four women for Dracula to feast on. Dracula is happy and begins to bite down on a beautiful woman with long black hair and drinks her blood. Dracula stops drinking and asks where is Falco. Brutus replies Falco is in his room right now trying to kill himself it's been like this for weeks. Dracula begins to think and says in his head. I can't believe I've been in hell for a few weeks. But since hell is in a different dimension from this one it only makes sense. Dracula tells Brutus I trust that you did a good job with him since he actually didn't kill himself. I'm gonna go talk to him. Dracula leaves the dining hall and goes to Falco's room where he sees a sword stuck in his chest and prayer beads around his neck as he tried to hang himself. Dracula removes the sword out of his chest and pulls him down and says to him come on now why are you trying to kill yourself? Stop playing these silly mortal games and come join us for this lovely feast. Falco doesn't say anything as his mind is a vegetable. Dracula looks at Falco and sees that his mind is truly broken so Dracula places his hand on top of Falco's head and uses his energy to repair Falco's mind. Falco is back to normal and looks up and sees Dracula standing there smiling at him. Falco gets up from the ground and punches Dracula in the face screaming at him saying I HATE YOU!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU. WHY COULDN'T YOU LEAVE MY MIND AT PEACE. Dracula's response was are you still holding on to your humanity it seems like you don't get it being a vampire is the best thing for you. Why are you resisting your true nature? What happened to those girls Barrett and Brutus brought in? Your complaints are unworthy of being my horsemen. But I'm gonna give you another chance

By the end of the night if I don't see any changes within you then I'll release you from this curse. But Vlad Tepes knows his man Dracula knows the devil and I'm looking at one right now. So gather your things we're heading out. Dracula tells Barrett and Brutus to gather their things we're leaving. Dracula and his soldiers are all outside and Brutus asks Dracula where are we going? Dracula's replies were going to Oblucitza. One of the largest armies that are there. Barrett gets scared as he remembers his friends dying trying to survive the sultan's wrath after sleeping with his daughter. Dracula tells everyone that currently, that army has over 100 thousand troops. I believe within those troops I'll mind my famine. Dracula opens and closes his right hand and says universal teleportation. They all immediately get teleported over to Oblucitza. Barrett says this is unbelievable where hear just like that. I know when we tried to teleport or get to certain places it's always something. Dracula tells all his soldiers to stand back and watch him do this.

Dracula closes his eyes and opens up his hands wide and says crimson blood creature I summon you from the endless void. A portal opens up and a blood creature with spiked horns comes and begins to attack the people of Oblucitza.

Brutus is surprised as he couldn't believe what Dracula just did as this blood creature is going around killing and eating people. Dracula turns around and grabs Falco by the throat and says to him it's your turn to do something as he throws him over the wall.

Dracula Barrett and Brutus are sitting on top of a stone wall and are watching as it all plays out. Barrett can't believe what Dracula did and is in fear of how powerful he may have become. Falco falls to the ground and gets up and sees people screaming for their lives.

Falco tries to help a young woman only for her to be eaten by this blood creature. Falco is angry and tries to fight back only for Falco to be sent to the ground by the blood creature.

Falco looks up and sees Dracula smiling and waving at him. Falco goes out and looks for people he can save only for the blood creature to kill them. Falco gets enraged and summons his scythe. The scythe is burning his hands but he doesn't care as he says to himself I'll kill this monster before it could harm anyone else. Falco takes one massive swing and cuts down the blood creature. Everyone is staring at him happily and thankful. The army of Oblucitza is thanking Falco for his help. The blood creature comes back to life by absorbing more blood from the bodies he had killed. The Oblucitza army and Falco work together on trying to defeat this blood creature. Brutus says to Dracula what is the lesson you're trying to show him I'm confused. Dracula replies it's better that you watch instead of me explaining it. The Oblucitza soldiers fire flame arrows and metal pointed steel arrows at the blood creature. Falco shouts out DIE YOU BLOODY BEAST. The blood creature continues to kill and eat the people and the soldiers of Oblucitza. Falco jumps up and throws his scythe at the blood creature and slices off his head. The soldiers of Oblucitza see Falco fighting the blood creature in a shocking way. They can't believe a human being is fighting like this until one of the soldiers said is he that beast that wiped out Constantinople. The soldiers get their orders from their commander O'Donoghue. O'Donoghue says if we got a man who can fight like a beast then on our site then let's fight alongside him. The blood creature regenerates his wounds and goes back to killing and eating people. The civilians try to escape only for Dracula to open up a portal that leads to hell. The fleeing civilians who tried to out the gate all ended up in hell. The civilians who ended up in hell were immediately set on fire. The civilians stopped running seeing how other people ran into the gate and never crossed the other side of the gate to escape.

Barrett asks Dracula can we take some of the women and children back home with us? Dracula replies yes I want you to take ten women and only four children with us. Only boys because we're gonna turn these boys into men when they get a little older. Barrett replies yes my lord as he jumps down and fulfills Dracula's task. Dracula tells Brutus that I've found out something interesting about lord vengeance. Brutus replies oh that guy what about him. Dracula responds by saying. Lord vengeance has a sister and he hid her away in a far-off city. Brutus' facial expressions change from bored to happy as he replies to Dracula. Sister? Lord vengeance has a sister that's very interesting why tell me this now. Dracula simply says because I took your revenge it should've been yours from the start. Brutus doesn't say anything but only thinks about how lord vengeance has a sister and how he'll get his revenge. Dracula then tells Brutus I know what really happened between you and you're the previous lord. Brutus gets angry only for Dracula to tell him the sultan got me too. I killed him and impaled his body right before his son's eyes. Brutus replies I can't kill lord vengeance but I will kill his sister and do unspeakable things to her before she dies. But I understand that a sultan is here and that Barrett was sleeping with his daughter here. Dracula replies the sultan is here but I send Barrett away because I didn't want him to be too distracted and only I sensed his fear when coming back to this place. I'm gonna have to beat the fear and weakness out of his body when we get back I don't like weaklings. If I see this woman Isabella then I'll reward him he can prove that he is worthy again. Brutus replies now I understand why you're having Falco fight against the blood creature. Falco is having a hard time fighting against the blood creature as the sultan and his daughter are about to escape only for Dracula to appear right in front of him and compelled both of them to go to sleep

Dracula picks up both the sultan and his daughter and brings them back to Brutus. Dracula tells Brutus to take them back to the kingdom and tells Barrett he is not allowed to see or touch the sultan or his daughter. Brutus replies will do as he takes him both and leaves. Falco and O'Donoghue are the last remaining men on the battlefield as most of the civilians are either dead or in hiding. Falco is getting weak as the scythe continues to burn his hand and he feels exhausted. O'Donoghue asks Falco what was his name. Falco replies my name is Falco last of the royal elite guardsmen. O'Donoghue replies royal elite guardsmen I've heard they've been wiped out I can't believe it but how did you end up over here? You're long away from home. Falco replies it's a long story that I rather not get into Dracula looks impressed as he likes the chemistry between Falco and O'Donoghue. The blood creature attacks both Falco and O'Donoghue until Falco shouts out NOW! O'Donoghue releases a lot of water down from the huge boulders that kept the water contained. Falco throws his scythe into the water as the water purifies instantly killing off the blood creature. Before the blood creature can truly die the blood creature spits a bloody spear out of his mouth and it pierces O'Donoghue in the head and kills him. Falco tried to stop the attack from happening but Falco was too weak as he couldn't make it in time to save O'Donoghue. Dracula jumps down onto the ground and walks up to Falco and asks him what did we learn today.

Falco's bloody tears come across his face as he can't win and each time he wants to die he can't. Dracula tells Falco do you understand the lesson I'm trying to show you. YOU CAN'T WIN AGAINST ME FALL IN LINE YOU WORTHLESS TRASH!!! Falco uses his scythe to stand up as he thinks back to his days of training and calling men who weren't cut to be warriors worthless trash. Falco begins laughing as his mind snapped again and he tells Dracula I understand I've been living a lie. I was trained not to have emotions I was the special one. You've killed my brothers my men and even turned me into a creature of the night. I understand I can't win or defeat you I surrender Falco says as he kneels before Dracula. Dracula looks down and smirks at him and says well you finally understand. Dracula looks at O'Donoghue and removes the blood spear from his head bites down on his wrist and gives O'Donoghue his blood. Dracula picks up O'Donoghue's corpse and gives it to Falco and tells Falco you're gonna be the one to bury him and when he wakes up you're gonna feed him. Falco replies yes my lord. Dracula opens and closes his hand as he says universal teleportation. They return back to the kingdom only to see Barrett and Brutus fighting outside. Barrett tries to stab Brutus with a sword only for Brutus to deflect his attack with his hand knocks the sword out of his hand and slams him to the ground. Dracula walks up and starts clapping. Falco takes O'Donoghue to the back and buries him. Dracula tells him to come inside. Dracula sits down on his throne and says Brutus you did an excellent job on keeping Barrett away from seeing Isabella. Brutus replies I've been fighting Barrett for the last 15 minutes he's a strong one, my lord. Barrett shouts out WHY DID YOU SEND ME AWAY I could've before Barrett could finish his words Dracula points his finger at him and sends painful shock waves to his brain and body. Barrett is in excruciating pain. Barrett is screaming in pain.

Dracula tells Brutus I need you to knock him out and send him to his room I've got work to do. Brutus replies will do my lord Brutus knocks out Barrett picks him out and takes him into his room. Dracula is holding his left hand up and says shadow night as he creates this Vail that hides his kingdom away.

Dracula noticed during their time at Oblucitza that fallen angels were close by.

Four days as passed since the massacre at Oblucitza and Barrett is locked inside a prison downstairs. Brutus, goes to get Barrett only for Barrett to tell him what am I doing here? Brutus replies well you were in your room but Dracula told me to bring you downstairs he felt disappointed in your recent activities. Brutus unlocks his cell door and brings Barrett upstairs. Dracula is sitting on his throne while two women are feeding him grapes as Isabella and the sultan are just standing there in a Trans. Dracula turns his head and says oh the peasant is here bring him over to Isabella. Dracula tells two women to leave him. Dracula licks his fingers and says after I'm done here I'm gonna be seeing those lovely ladies later on. Barrett says to Dracula my lord please why are you doing this? Dracula looks at Barrett with disgust. Dracula gets up from his seat and snaps his fingers at Isabella to break her Trans and goes to sit back on his throne. Isabella is confused about where she's at and what is she doing here. Isabella looks around and sees her father standing there as she is trying to figure out what's going on. Falco and O'Donoghue come back inside half-naked and singing. Falco says oh hey Barrett nice to see you what's it's been like days now. Dracula tells Falco and O'Donoghue to put on some clothes for a family meeting. Falco replies yes my lord will do as they both go to their rooms. Dracula sighs and says what am I gonna do about those two. But on to the foolishness that I see here. Isabella my name is Vlad Tepes but you will address me as lord Dracula. Isabella replies and says lord Dracula why am I here am I gonna be killed? What's gonna happen to my father. Dracula replies well I'm glad you asked because your father is gonna die by your lover's hand and after that, I'm gonna give him a choice. Barrett looks at Isabella and tells her I'm sorry. Isabella starts crying and says no you can't kill my father I'll do whatever you want please don't kill my father.

Dracula begins to smirk as he says to Isabella. Anything huh well your father can't do anything as I put him in a Trans-like state. But I have one option either Barrett kills your father and you accept those consequences or I turn you into a vampire and you kill your own father for his foolishness. And lastly the third option you choose who I should kill either you're father or Barrett. Barrett looks at Isabella and before he could say anything she tells Dracula to kill Barrett please kill Barrett. Barrett looks at Isabella in shock at what he just heard and said why? I thought you and I had something. Isabella tells Barrett we had nothing I only used you because I needed to. Do you honestly think we had something? I used you for information on how I could escape from my father's reach I never loved you. Dracula looks at Barrett and tells him I didn't have any influence on her I never touch her neither I nor Brutus this is her truth. Barrett feels defeated as he thought he was actually in love with this woman only to hear her true feelings. Dracula looks impressed and says to Barrett it looks like your woman used you as a village idiot. So since you always wanted to leave your father what should I do now. Isabella says to Dracula I just want to be free and away from this. Dracula replies you've impressed me so I'll let you leave here you're free. Isabella is happy with joy and says Thank you lord Dracula as she takes her leave. Dracula picks up his drink and tells Isabella oh before you leave make sure to walk with God when you see him. Isabella says huh. Barrett instantly rips out Isabella's heart and pop's it. Dracula sees this and raises his glass in honor of what Barrett just did. Falco and O'Donoghue come out of the room and sees Barrett holding a crushed heart in his hands. Dracula puts down his drink and gets up and snaps his fingers at the sultan and wakes him out of his Trans. Dracula turns the sultan around and the sultan sees

Barrett standing over his daughter's dead body. The sultan is screaming out WHAT DID YOU DO!!!! NOOOOOOOOO the sultan starts running over to Barrett only for Barrett to instantly rip off the sultan's head. Blood splattered over the walls and ceiling. Barrett walks past Dracula and goes to his room. Dracula shrugs his shoulders and goes outside to find those two women again. Falco and O'Donoghue go to check up on Barrett only to see Barrett just seating down thinking about what just happened. Falco tells Barrett that I've been in love once. One time I returned home from battle and I found out my two brothers were in the same room as my wife. And the next morning I drown her in saltwater and fed her body to the crocodiles. It's why I never bonded or care when lord Dracula killed them. It took me a long time to figure this out but eventually, it happens. O'Donoghue responds. So your brothers ran a cock circle around your wife and screwed her? I never had anyone I called my having different women each night was better. Barrett replies to both Falco and O'Donoghue. I don't care I just wanted her. Dracula told me he didn't do anything but is it true Falco did he really not do anything? Brutus walks into the room and says no he didn't do anything to her that was all her. Brutus says.

Dracula is outside about to go to the shed to find those two women that served him grapes only to sense something nearby. The Fallen angel's all appear and are looking for Dracula. Dracula sees the Fallen angel's around his castle but they can't see or sense his presence. The Fallen angels look around and then fly off elsewhere. Dracula scratches his chin only to say. Fallen angel's demon lord's there all the same. They all want to come for me but I won't give them the satisfaction I'll show them why I rule the night. Dracula goes into the customs shed and sees the women and children asleep. Dracula tells the children that someday you will all be my soldiers. I'll work you to the bone I'll work you until you're dead and when you've died I'll make you undead, unkillable, unalive. Dracula leaves and goes back into the dining hall. Before Dracula calls out to his men he has a vision of the future. Dracula sees the world in destruction and sees a man with tattoos across his chest saying 666. Dracula sits on his throne and is in a bit of trouble with what he just saw. Dracula calls out his men to appear before him. Brutus Barrett Falco and O'Donoghue come out of the room and stands before Dracula. Dracula tells them all that they will need to straighten up for the war to come. It's no secret that I've gained power that's beyond this world. I've blessed you all with this amazing power but this power comes with a great cost. Recently on my trip, I discovered a way to walk into the sun without getting burned by its rays. I've gained access to the demon lord's domain and killed him and stolen all of his power. Falco doesn't look surprised anymore as he knows that Dracula is his new lord and that there is nothing he can do to go against that. O'Donoghue asks Dracula. Demon lords? My lord well I guess that explains why you have this power and why we're all like this. Dracula responds. The demon lords aren't the problem it's the Fallen angels that want us dead.

I've placed a barrier around this kingdom to erase our presence. We have women and children here we don't want to have our supply go to waste. Brutus asks Dracula. So the Fallen angels want us dead? We haven't done anything to these beings but I'm guessing because our existence is a nuisance to them they want to exterminate us. Dracula replies you're half right on that not only do they want to exterminate us but they want to return to heaven. That day on the battlefield the demon lords were in a battle against the Fallen angel's but the battle became a withdrawal and both sides left. And since the demon lords are in hiding the next target is us. Barrett doesn't say anything as his mind is still stuck on Isabella. Dracula then tells everyone that I'll give you all a portion of my power so you all can walk during the day without fatigue and being effect by the sunlight. Dracula tells them to stand in a circle and each of them to hold hands. Barrett continues to feel depressed but goes into the circle as Dracula requested. Dracula bites down on both of his hands and opens out his palms and says unholy transfusion blood brigade. A red circle bloody appears before them and they each get impaled by bloody spikes. The spikes are getting infused into their bodies as the blood is the will of Dracula. They each scream in pain as the screaming lasts for several hours. Morning came and Dracula was asleep in the chair and woke up and sees his men passed out. Dracula goes outside to get some water out of the shed and pours it on each of them to wake them up. O'Donoghue shouts out AAAAH WHAT THE FUCK. Brutus shouts out GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!! Falco shouts out COME FUCK ME PLEASE I NEED TO BE FUCKED.Dracula starts laughing as he hears them all shouting out weird and random nonsense. Barrett wakes up and looks around. Dracula says to them, it looks like you all have woken up whatever it was that you were dreaming it's over now go outside and experience the fresh air.

They all go outside and feel the fresh air and noticed that the sunlight doesn't burn their skin. Falco thinks back to the days when he used to train his soldiers outside to fight and survive. O'Donoghue thinks back to the days when he enjoyed spending time with his family. They all go back inside and Dracula tells them now that they can walk in the sunlight it's time that I further explain the details of our next mission. Dracula explains that within a month we'll be going to war against the Fallen and you will need to train yourselves and get stronger. Falco asks Dracula if we're fighting against fallen angel's wouldn't we need better weaponry? And wouldn't we need an army? Dracula replies I'm going to get that army for us and for weaponry. Dracula waves his hand opens up a pocket dimension and brings out weapons that were forged from hell. Brutus looks impressed and shocked as he sees a lot of different weaponry that's displayed right in front of him. Falco picks up a scythe and says hell yeah. O'Donoghue picks up two twin swords with a dragon edge on top of it. Brutus picks up a broadsword and feels the sword's energy. Barrett picks up a whip infused with metal shards. Dracula tells them these weapons are forged by the greatest blacksmiths that are in hell. Dracula tells them I'll be back within a month's time so Brutus will be in charge of things. Barrett asks Dracula where are you heading this time. Dracula replies I'm going to get that army for us 100 thousand strong. Brutus asks Dracula what about my revenge I need to know. Dracula replies you'll have your revenge on the same day we'll be at war with the Fallen angels. Dracula leaves and opens up a portal to hell. Dracula returns to hell and sees a man sitting in the middle where Absalon used to sit at. Dracula says who are you? I did not give you permission to sit there. The man responds. The foolish demon you dare speak to the king of hell I shall have your tongue for your foolishness.

Dracula instantly punches to man only for the man to catch Dracula's punch and backhand slap him to the ground. Dracula gets up and starts laughing and says I'm gonna ask you one more time who are you? The man responds my name is Genghis Khan ruler of the Mongol's first emperor. Dracula replies Genghis Khan hahaha haha haha haha your the one person I've feared hearing stories about you. The true evil incarnate but that was my old self my weaker self this is your first time meeting me my name is Vlad Tepes. Some may know me as Vlad the impaler but you will address me as Dracula. Genghis Kahn replies Vlad Tepes son of the dragon I've heard about you as well you've killed 80,000 thousand people you're bloodthirst is unparalleled fighting against such an unmatchable foe would've been quite fun. I would kill over 40 million people's never concede I only win. Dracula replies I can agree that in a different lifetime my army against your army to rulers against each other would've indeed been quite fun but I'm here because I need an army. Genghis Khan replies. An army? In order for you to get that army, you have to defeat me first. Dracula takes out his soul weapon from his chest and prepares to fight Genghis khan. Genghis Khan summons the bow of khan and begins firing arrows at Dracula. Dracula deflects his arrow attacks and tells him to show me more. Genghis Khan fire's more arrows only for Dracula to deflect the arrows and charge toward Genghis khan. Genghis khan puts away his bow and takes out his scimitar sword and jumps down towards Dracula and shouts out SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE. Dracula and Genghis khan clashes with each other causing all of hell to shake. Both men continue to clash with each other. Genghis khan cuts Dracula on his face shoulders and chest. Dracula cuts Genghis khan on his face, chest, and leg. Genghis Khan and Dracula are both happy as they each stab each other in the stomach. Genghis Khan tells Dracula very good impaler I enjoy this battle.

Dracula replies while coughing out blood I won't lose but this is the first time I get to fight against someone of your legendary status. I'm honored to have this fight against you. Dracula and Genghis khan both pull away and begins clashing again with each other. Genghis khan kicks Dracula in the stomach and quickly takes out his bow and begins fighting arrows at Dracula. Dracula deflects them until one arrow pierces his arm. Dracula drops his sword and Genghis khan begins to fire more arrows at him. Dracula's eyes glow red as his energy begins to rise to cause the arrows to disintegrate. Dracula rips the arrow from out his arm and picks up his sword and marches toward Genghis khan. Genghis khan puts away his bow and takes out his sword and marches toward Dracula. They both look at each other as their energies are clashing at one. Genghis Khan tells Dracula I won't lose to you I'm more Superior to you. In fact, I've inspired generations of people to take on the role of a ruler I live on through those people. Dracula replies to Genghis khan I will live on forever by death or by choice the name Dracul son of the devil will be my inspiration to those who dare challenge the name Dracula. Genghis khan and Dracula begins to clash once more with their sword attacks. Genghis khan and Dracula continues to clash with each other until Vlad the second and the rest of Genghis khan's descendants shouted out. PLEASE STOP!!! YOUR GONNA DESTROY ALL OF HELL IF YOU CONTINUE TO FIGHT PLEASE END THIS NOW Genghis khan and Dracula stop fighting and they both look at each other and pull back from each other. Genghis khan sends them away and Dracula sees his father walking away. Genghis khan tells Dracula it seems like we are equal in combat I've always had a keen sense for strong warriors you would've been perfect as my ally or my enemy. But I know that you're hiding your true strength and I was too. Dracula replies, to Genghis khan where do we go from here? I can't leave here without an army. Genghis Kahn replies you've killed off the demon lords that used to rule over hell. I should be angry about this as I had a plan on ruling over both hell and earth but I've discovered someone far more dangerous than you and I so for your worthy sacrifice I'll give you the ballot of lost souls. And with this ballot all you'll have to do is place some of your energy into it and place it into a grave or a place that was recently destroyed then you'll have your army. Dracula replies I know that this isn't a trick and that you're somewhat honorable towards people that you respect and for that I thank you. But know this we're both kings and rulers so you can rule hell and I will rule over the earth. And I know that I'm gonna be fighting against him the one who is supposed to destroy this world Farouk. Genghis Kahn replies ah yes Farouk not only does he plan on destroying the world but he plans on ending all of hell. And that certainly Mustn't happen. Dracula takes the ballot and before he leaves hell he tells Genghis khan that when I return I will win. Genghis replies don't get cocky Vlad the impaler I still have more blood on my hands than you do remember that. Dracula leaves hell and returns to Oblucitza.

Dracula is inside the walls of Obluctiza and places the ballot into the ground. Dracula is about to leave but is met by the fallen angel Mephisto. Dracula looks at Mephisto and keeps on walking. Mephisto tells Dracula we need to talk as he appears in front of Dracula. Mephisto tells Dracula we know that you're Vlad Tepes and that you acquire a deadly power from the demon lords. If you can give us the demon lord's we'll forget about you and this conversation we just had. What do you say? Dracula beings smirking as he tells Mephisto hell is currently emptily excepted for the khan that runs hell at the moment. Mephisto looks at Dracula confused about what he just said and continues to ask him. Enough of your games tell me are you gonna give up your lord's or not impaler? Dracula looks at Mephisto and walks past him. Mephisto grabs Dracula's arm only for Dracula's eyes to glow red as he increases his energy causing a red and purple aura to surround his body. Mephisto immediately takes his hand off of Dracula and jumps back away from him. Mephisto says. That's not possible? There is no way a lowly human would be able to defeat a demon lord? Not possible. Dracula begins laughing psychotically as his energy keeps on raising causing the ground to rumble. Dracula stops laughing and tells the fallen angel Mephisto I'm more powerful than the demon lord's that you speak of it the fact I killed them. You'll be facing me now. Mephisto left leg is shaking in fear as he tells Dracula then this is war and flies off into the sky. Dracula looks up and looks away and then teleports back to his kingdom by using universal teleportation. Dracula returns back to his castle and sees Barrett Brutus Falco and O'Donoghue waiting for him outside. Brutus tells Dracula it's been a month since I think I can defeat you now. Falco doesn't say anything only prepares to fight against Dracula. O'Donoghue says to Dracula I'm ready to defeat you now

Dracula looks pleased and opens and closes his hand saying universal teleportation as they're all teleported into the lower levels of the castle. Dracula tells them welcome to the true hell's LET'S SEE WHAT YOU GOT. Falco immediately charges toward Dracula swinging his scythe at him. Barrett manages to wrap his whip around Dracula's leg as O'Donoghue and Brutus go in for a coordinated attack. Dracula looks impressed only for Dracula to swing his right foot sending Barrett crashing into Falco. Dracula vanishes and then reappears behind O'Donoghue kicking him in the back sending him crashing into a brick wall. Brutus swings his sword at Dracula only for Dracula to dodge his attacks. Dracula tells Brutus you've gotten better I like your improvements. Brutus begins smirking and replies to Dracula by saying it's not over NOW COMMENCE SHADOW NIGHT. Brutus Barrett Falco and O'Donoghue all vanish within the darkness. Falco throws his scythe at Dracula only for it to disperse into a shadow mist. Dracula stands there and waits for the mist to clear only for O'Donoghue and Falco to both appear out of the shadows to attack Dracula at close range. Barrett wraps his whip around Dracula's head and begins to pull as hard as he can causing Dracula to bleed. Barrett stabs Dracula in the back as he appears in the back of him. Brutus whispers in Dracula's ears telling him we finally got you. Dracula smiles at Brutus as his eyes turn red and he increases his power to the point where his energy it's pushing both O'Donoghue and Falco back. Dracula grabs the whip and pulls Barrett down from the ceiling and knees him in the skull. Dracula turns his head and begins laughing at Brutus as Brutus removes the sword from Dracula's back. Dracula instantly heals his wounds and says it's my turn. Dracula instantly teleports all over the room and within an instant, he knocks out Barrett snaps Falco's neck and he uppercuts O'Donoghue to knock him out.

Dracula is standing in the back of Brutus smiling at him as Brutus has sweat coming down his face and is nervous to turn around only to see nobody there. Brutus begins swinging his sword around him creating Shockwaves. Dracula appears in front of him and drops the tip of his sword and stops him from swinging his sword. Dracula tells Brutus to remember swinging a sword around in blind rage will only get you killed but the way you plan out your attacks against me is very impressive as you know I'm still the Lord around here so goodnight. Dracula knocks out Brutus using O'Donoghue's sword. Dracula looks around and sees his soldiers have gotten quite stronger since he left and that they'll need to get even stronger in three weeks' time as he had a vision of O'Donoghue being killed by a fallen angel with four wings. 3 hours have passed since then and Dracula is sleeping on his throne and is having mental training with himself. Dracula says to himself Vlad I see that you're ready to let's do it again. Vlad replies the house of Vlad will never fail as he's fighting against himself fighting against his darker self. Dracula's eyes glow red as he wakes up and wipes the blood off his mouth. 3 days have passed and Dracula soldiers continue to train and push themselves to their absolute limit. The day has finally come and Dracula Brutus Falco Barrett and O'Donoghue are all at Oblucitza with 100 thousand undead soldiers all at Dracula's command as 300 thousand fallen angels are all on standby. O'Donoghue tells Dracula last time I checked you killed me in my own castle and turned me into a vampire. How are our troops gonna take on 300 thousand of their troops? Dracula replies to O'Donoghue by saying. Relax it won't just be our troops but I'm summoning more unstoppable foes and I'm gonna have you lead the charge. Dracula gets down on both knees bows his head and opens out his hand and says I summon the blood void to come forth blood creature Zamos and blood devil of the endless.

A bloody pocket dimension opens up as the two bloody entities come out. Barrett is shocked at what is just seen and Falco and O'Donoghue are shocked and Brutus says in awe that Dracula is a devil god. Dracula tells Falco O'Donoghue and Barrett you will all be responsible for this fight I expected victory no failures. Brutus is conflicted and tells Dracula I want to stay I want my revenge but I've been training for a whole month and I don't want to leave just yet. Dracula replies okay if that's what you want then you'll stay. I'm not going to participate in this fight as I don't need to I'm gonna wait until I see their leader once I see him then I'll appear. The Fallen saw what Dracula summon and summons a deformed humanoid creature with wings to take on Dracula and his forces Mephisto shouts out CHARGE!!!! KILL THE NIGHT CREATURES

O'Donoghue raises his sword in the air and shouts out FOR LORD DRACULA!!!! Dracula's forces begin charging out as the war begins. Dracula is sitting on top of the gate of Oblucitza and is watching the war take place. Dracula is sitting on top of the gate of Oblucitza and is watching as the war is happening. Zagan Vassago and Gadreel all fly over to where Dracula is and all point their swords at him. Zagan says to Dracula so this is Vlad the impaler the man who impaled thousands of men and women it'll be my honor on killing you. Gadreel says to Dracula you must be brave or a coward to allow your own forces to fight without their own leader fighting alongside them. Dracula begins smirking and points at the battlefield and tells them I have complete confidence that my warriors will win just take a look at whatever deformed creature you summoned. They all look and see the Zamos and the blood devil kill the deformed humanoid by ripping off his wings and impaling him with blood spears. Dracula tells them all that maybe you should just stay here and watch the rest of the show or I could just kill you all right now you decide now or I will. Vassago shouts out YOU BASTARD!!! And charges toward Dracula with a sword in his hand. Dracula claps his hand and says crimson illusion. Dracula unleashes a red crimson bloody aura that causes all the fallen angel's around him to see each other as Dracula. Dracula opens up his wings and Flys into the sky and watches as the Fallen angels fight against each other. Dracula says they'll be fighting each other until they're all dead. The night is the ally to a night creature. Dracula sees a fallen angel praying and he Flys next to her and asks her you praying to a god that doesn't love but in fact you could be singing to me. Mephisto Flys extremely fast toward Dracula and makes a swing at him. Dracula moves back and dodges the attack.

Mephisto says to Dracula you won't win this war I'll make sure to deliver your head to god as a reward for our sacrifice. Dracula takes out his crimson soul sword and points it at Mephisto and tells him god won't reward foolishness in heaven I will reward you in a quick death.

Mephisto and Dracula both clash sword attacks with each other sending Shockwaves from the skies. Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Falco and O'Donoghue are fighting against e\Eligor and Bune. Falco says to O'Donoghue these fallen angels are quite tough it almost reminds me of the time we tried to invade castle Windham and we lost so many men that day.

O'Donoghue replies we need to stay focused they may be fallen angel's but I won't lose to any of these beings not until I challenge Dracula again. Falco bursts with laughter and says believe me you won't defeat Dracula trust me I've tried and failed. Bune and Eligor start to attack Falco and O'Donoghue again only for O'Donoghue to say damn can't even give us this moment to speak as he is blocking and dodging sword and shield attacks.

Brutus is fighting the fallen ones on the battlefield and Barrett is fighting against Abaddon the leader of the fallen angels. Barrett is using his whip strikes against Abaddon only for Abaddon to dodge and punches a hole through Barrett's arm. Barrett's arm is bleeding but he instantly regenerates his wound.

Barrett whips the ground four times and disappears into the shadows. Barrett says shadow slaughter as shadows appear all in front of Abaddon. Abaddon sees a bunch of shadows trying to attack him only for Abaddon to grab the real Barrett from out of the shadows and snaps his neck.

Barrett gets up and instantly heals himself and says to himself why isn't my attacks working against him? This is bad if I can't defeat him now then I'll be killed. Brutus arrives to aid Barrett against Abaddon. Brutus asks Barrett what is this guy I can senses a powerful energy coming off his body.

Abaddon stands there waiting as Brutus and Barrett prepare themselves. Barrett starts using the whip to strike the ground sending Shockwaves toward Abaddon. Abaddon stands there and is unaffected by those attacks. Brutus and Barrett both strike Abaddon only for Abaddon to open out his wings and flap a massive wing burst sending both Brutus and Barrett crashing through a wall. Both men spit up blood and look at Abaddon as he stands and puts his wings away. Barrett tells Brutus we probably can't beat this guy it's something about him that seems dangerous. Brutus punches the ground and says we've trained hard I refuse to let it be this way. Brutus gets back on his feet picks up his sword and marches toward Abaddon. Barrett picks up his whip and gets back up to plan a long-distance attack. Abaddon stands there and waits for Brutus to come to him. Abaddon looks at Brutus and then looks up in the sky to see Mephisto having a hard time against Dracula. Brutus shouts out HEY YOU SON OF A BITCH LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU. I'M GONNA END YOUR EXISTENCE RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. Abaddon continues to look up in the sky only for Brutus to get annoyed and charges toward Abaddon. Abaddon dodges each sword attack Brutus is giving him. Barrett uses his whip to catch Abaddon from a long distance only for Abaddon to quickly move out of the way in which the whip pierces Brutus in the chest. Abaddon then pulls the whip with force sending Barrett to crash into Brutus. Abaddon picks up Brutus's sword and stabs through both of them. Brutus is smiling while coughing up blood and says I got you bloody chain prison. The blood that's coming out of him and Barrett created a bloody chain prison around Abaddon's body. Brutus says to the Fallen angel my sword has blood on it and with me being stabbed by my own sword and with the blood of myself and Barrett you won't be able to escape this prison.

Abaddon is in the bloody prison and the chains are going into Abaddon's body. Brutus says it looks like we win you damn fallen. Falco and O'Donoghue make it over to Brutus and Barrett. O'Donoghue pulls the sword out of the impaled Brutus and Barrett. Falco says to them both it seems like this guy really did kick your ass just look at you two beaten and abused. Brutus replies look who's talking from the looks of it your arm looks like it's been destroyed twice and you also got some scars on you. O'Donoghue says. While remembering the fight these fallen angels are tough. Falco sliced off Eligor's head twice and I had to destroy Bune's soul at least three times. The bastard had three souls within him. Barrett says. I'm just glad it's going to be over soon. Abaddon increases his power and breaks out of the bloody chain prison and brushes his shoulders. Brutus and Barrett both say this can't be? This man is a monster. Falco tells Brutus you got us we are all in banged-up shape we should be able to hold out until Dracula shows up. Barrett says Dracula wanted us to win this war so that would include him. Falco replies no Dracula won't turn down a powerful enemy like this fallen angel. Brutus and Barrett get back up and prepares to fight against Abaddon. Mephisto fall's down from the sky with his wings ripped off as Dracula descents down to the ground. Barrett says you're here my lord. Dracula turns his head and sees his men all in bad shape and tells them they all did a good job now I'll take it from here. Abaddon begins smiling as he tells Dracula on that day on the battlefield I sliced off Urizen's arm I was close to defeating him by he got away. But to think Vlad Tepes a lowly mongrel was able to defeat Urizen. Show me your resolve impaler. Dracula walks up to Abaddon only for Abaddon to open up his wings and flap out a massive burst of wind

Dracula stands there and is unaffected by the attack. Abaddon summons two swords and stabs the ground and says fallen rapture. Most of the fallen angels and fallen ones who have died all of their souls are being absorbed into Abaddon. Abaddon's whites begin to glow black and white as he grows another set of wings and his skin turns black and he grows a set of horns on his head. Abaddon says to Dracula I've become like you I've absorbed my fallen warrior's souls I'm now strong enough to defeat you. Dracula remembers his vision and sees that this fallen angel is the one who kills O'Donoghue. Dracula inhales and exhales and charges towards Abaddon and begins slicing and stabbing him on all parts of his body. Abaddon stands there and says to Dracula I'm gonna give you one free shot and it ain't it as he roars at Dracula pushing him back a little. Brutus says this ain't good Dracula is being pushed back should we step in? Barrett says no there is nothing we can do right now only Dracula can defeat him. Dracula points his sword at Abaddon and says royal flame of the Crimson world. Dracula fire's off a massive flame attack from the tip of his sword toward Abaddon engulfing him in flames and destroying a large portion of the area. Abaddon stands there half-destroyed only for him to instantly regenerates himself. Abaddon says to Dracula I'm glad that I've activated my technique I sure would've died. Dracula asks. What is your name warrior? Abaddon replies my name is Abaddon destroyer of worlds. Dracula replies Abaddon huh let's see if you can last with me as Dracula shouts out CRIMSON VOID PRISON BLOODY WORLD LOCKDOWN. Dracula opens up a large pocket dimension they take them all into O'Donoghue tell everyone that is there what am I seeing what is this place? Brutus replies oh my god we're on a different planet, a planet that's only blood.

Abaddon clashes with Dracula over and over again until Abaddon is trapped by the bloody vines.

Abaddon breaks free and goes after Dracula they continue to clash causing the pocket dimension to break apart sending them back to their earth. Dracula gets pushed back as Abaddon shouts out IMPURE FLAMES OF HOLY JUDGMENT. Abaddon's swords are engulfed in black flames as he clashes with Dracula.

Falco Barrett O'Donoghue and Brutus all crash to the ground as they're confused about how they just returned. Dracula dodges and blocks Abaddon's sword attacks and says it seems like your power can cut through dimensions very impressive. Abaddon begins smiling as he tells Dracula a night creature should feel honored that you're fighting me I will remember you as long as I live. Your death will be my honor.

Dracula gets cut by one of Abaddon's sword attacks and sees that he can't heal from his attacks and that he has to be careful of his attacks. Abaddon says to Dracula. What's wrong bloodsucker you can't defeat me? Dracula begins laughing as he says to Abaddon you may have caught Urizen off guard by you're fighting against me.

Since you can handle this level let's see if you're ready for the next level the true level. Dracula increases his energy causing the ground and everything else to shake as his eyes glow red and say to Abaddon I'm ready to show you I'm Dracul son of the dragon. Dracula points his sword in the air and shouts out CRIMSON BLOOD ARMOR.

A large amount of blood surrounds Dracula forming the Crimson around him. Dracula then stabs the ground and says dragon gate. The Crimson dragon from within Dracula's soul increases Dracula's power to an immense level. Dracula's wings are out and tell Abaddon to come to meet your faith.

Abaddon blitzes toward Dracula as they both clash with each other. Shockwaves are sent across the area causing the air to thicken and the ground to shake. Falco says to everyone this fight is about two leader's two warriors this fight could go either way. O'Donoghue replies I agree this fight could go either way.

Dracula's world-shaking power is on par with Abaddon. Brutus says do you really think it's that close? Dracula is definitely going to win. Barrett says to Brutus I haven't seen Dracula in such a good mood for a long time. He's actually fighting someone who's worthy of his time. Abaddon gets slashed across his chest and is stabbed in the heart. Abaddon pulls away as he regenerates his wounds. Dracula continues to clash with Abaddon creating ripples in the ground and destroying the area with their immense power. Abaddon slices Dracula's armor only for it too sparkly. Dracula can sense the power of the dragon gate about to leave him and he decides to power it down. Falco and everyone else is saying what is Dracula doing why would he do this? Abaddon is laughing and tells Dracula you must've known you can't beat me if you decided to power down like that. Dracula closes his eyes and stands there with his hands open and is feeling relaxed. Abaddon shouts out WHAT IS THIS HUH? DRAW YOUR SWORD FINISH THIS NOW! YOU AND I BOTH KNOW WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN Dracula continues to ignore Abaddon as he remembers his early training as a kid to a young adult. Abaddon charges toward Dracula only for Abaddon to stab Vassago. Abaddon is confused about what just happened as Dracula still remains standing. Zagan appears from behind Abaddon turns around and slices off Zagan's head. Abaddon shouts out VLAD YOU BASTARD!!! Gadreel appears in front of Abaddon and begins attacking him. Abaddon and Gadreel are fighting. Abaddon says to Gadreel why are you doing this wake-up WAKE UP!!! Gadreel replies and says die Dracula you're gonna died after what you did. Abaddon is confused about what's going on only for him to glance at Dracula and see him smiling as he still remains that way. Abaddon is bleeding and can't heal from his wounds and wonders what's going on? Gadreel manages to stab Abaddon in the shoulders only for Abaddon to stab Gadreel in the chest.

Gadreel looks up at Abaddon and tells him to thank him for releasing him from this endless curse. Abaddon looks angry and shouts out DRACULA!!!!!!! As he charges toward him. Dracula says I win and shouts out to his soldiers to SHUT YOUR EYES NOW! as he summons the universal madness of truth by summoning all the energy out of his body and creating an enormous barrier around them. Abaddon looks confused as he can't see anything only but the truth about his entire existence and sees a part of his mind be lost throughout time and space. Abaddon sees god and sees himself being cast out of heaven. Abaddon picks up his own sword and kills himself. Abaddon's body is being withered away but his mind is lost throughout time and space. Dracula releases the barrier and absorbs all his energy back into his body and tells everyone they can open their eyes now. Falco says hey where is Abaddon I don't see a body. Dracula responds. Abaddon was a great warrior someone who pushed me to an unknown limit Abaddon is up there now as he points to the skies. O'Donoghue tells Dracula you are indeed lord of monsters and emperor of the night. Dracula replies the war isn't over as the undead soldiers are still fighting against the Fallen ones and also I've bound a woman who is a fallen angel. Brutus looks at her and says wow she's beautiful. Dracula rubs his hands together and says the only reason I was holding back a little was that I had to make sure I didn't use up all my power she would've escaped and I couldn't have that. And besides, I'm going to have to talk to her and see what information I can get from her but it's already been 3 days now we can all return home if anything else happens from here I'll take over. You all did a great job in serving so you all will be rewarded. Brutus raises his sword high alongside side everyone else as they all chant Lord Dracula, Lord Dracula, Lord Dracula, lord Dracula.