Chapter 7 - 4 Years Later

It's been 4 years since Kira start attending Ritterburg Brightlight Primary school and he will soon graduate, after his 10th birth day, the school tested his genetic aptitude and it really turned out to be B just like what the Reader System shown. For a 3rd rate state like The Bright Republic, grade B potentates are treated as precious resources and given many privileges, not to mention the Larkinson are known to produced many Expert Pilots for the Republic, many famous piloting school sent their invitations to Kira but he decided to join the The Auxilia Pilot school which affiliated to The 4th Auxilia Hunter that his immediate family closely tied too, his cousin Athrun already attending this school and his grandfather also strongly advise him to join.

In his groups of close friends he made here, only the three Cavendishes are revealed to have the right genetic aptitude to become mech pilots, even though they are only at grade C+. After they had their test results, the three became jubilant and discussing with fervor about how they will become Expert pilots or greater. With what he knew about apotheosis and ascending from the novel, Kira believe he can turn them, himself included, to greater height, even become God Pilots someday.

The other six don't have the right aptitude to become mech pilots but that doesn't dishearten them, unlike other kids their ages that obsessed with becoming mech pilots, the time they spent with Kira gave them many new dreams. With painstaking efforts, Kira successfully, instilled them with grand ambitions. Valerius Messala determined to become a great ship designer and ship builder, Kron Bergkamp wanted to become a Master Mech Designer and design exclusive mechs that accompany Sarah to Expert Pilot and greater, Tiesto Numis dreamed of operating a trans-galactic business, Angelo Totti strived to become a great doctor and scientist that shock humanity, Mikael Tovar wished to become a great diplomat that even those from The Big Two and 1st rate Super States have to pay him respect while Francesco Ramzi planned to make a Intelligent Agency that one day will make the entire galaxy tremble in fear.

Somehow, all of their dreams are tied to Kira's grand dream of making their own great organization that one day will stand equal with The Big Two, thankfully they are still too young to understand how near impossible it is. Due to Kira's influence, they all become obsessed with learning and training, even at 10 years old their knowledge can be compare to that of university graduated Novice Mech Designers, of course that's in theories only, they still need to have lot of practices and exercise to turn theories to reality.

Aside from this group of close friends, Kira also made acquaintance with many other kids, mainly from Class Ds and Es, and some from Class Cs as they are easier to hoodwink... oops, to instill them with dreams and ambitions. As he is closed to graduation, he invited all these kids to a specialized social network he created which he named The Ambitious Collective or TAC and hope his underclassmen will keep recruiting more members, he planned to use TAC to indoctrinated more malleable lambs to his cause....

'No, that's not it. I'm merely giving them the chances to become greater than what they would be, and to save them from their coming doom, the Bright Republic is going to its end anyway.'

These 4 years were also fruitful to Kira's grown, taking advantage of the school's super accommodations, he greatly improved in both physical and knowledge.



'Profession: N/A'

'Specializations: N/A'

'Reader Points: 20.500'


- Strength: 1.0

- Dexterity: 1.0

- Endurance: 2.0

- Intelligence: 2.0

- Creativity: 2.0

- Concentration: 2.0

- Spirituality: 0.4

- Neural Aptitude: B


[BUSINESS]: Apprentice

[COMPUTER SCIENCE]: Novice - [Programing II] - [Hacking II]

[ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING]: Novice - [Energy Storage II] - [Conductors II] - [Power Reactors I]

[MATERIALS SCIENCE]: Novice - [Alloy I]

[MATHEMATICS]: Novice - [Mathematics Model Building II] - [Simulations I]

[PHYSIC]: Incompetent - [Directed Energy Weapon Optimization I] - [Rapid-Fire Laser Weapon Operation I] - [Optics I]

[PROPULSION]: Incompetent - [Flight Systems I]

[SCIENCE]: Novice - [Chemical Reaction II] - [Chemical Formula II]

[SIGNALS AND COMMUNICATIONS]: Incompetent - [Optical Sensors I]

[STEALTH AND CLOAKING]: Incompetent - [Optical Distortion I]



[Your 1st book: 100 RP]

[Your 1st skill: 1000 RP]

[First Invention: 10000 RP]

[Original Inventions: 2/100]

[Basic book 3rd-rate: 100/100: 1000 RP]

[General knowledge: 100/100: 1000 RP]

[Basic skills: 25/100]

[Novice skills: 8/100]


[ABC-01 Anti-beam Coating], [OIC-01 Optical Illusions Coating]





As he read many general knowledge books not only to get more RP, but he also acquired many necessary knowledge like where one can find certain resources in the Yena Star Cluster, where safe to venture, etcetera, reading so many books also raised his Creativity to 1.5, he also found out when his reach achievement reward reading more books of said respective group no longer give out RP so he has to drop his plan to binge read more books for RP. After many lectures, readings and self-studying, Kira finally improve some of his skills to Novice level, each Novice skill he acquired give him 1000 RP, his Intelligent and Concentration stats whenever he has available RP he would put into his Intelligent and Concentration stats till they reach 2.0 from 1.4, he found out that he need 100000 RP to improve one stat by 0.1 for starting from 2.0, such steep increase in price point out for Kira the limitation of baseline human. High Intelligent and Concentration stats help him reading and understand books faster which make learning new skills faster.

With his newfound knowledge he also invented 2 types of material coatings which he named [ABC-01 Anti-beam Coating] and [OIC-01 Optical Illusions Coating]. From simulation, when an armor plate is coated with [ABC-01 Anti-beam Coating], the damage from 3rd class standard laser attacks are reduced by 10%, while when coated with [OIC-01 Optical Illusions Coating] it's become hard to detect the armor plated using optical means, it has great use when in stationary state, of course there are many ways 2nd and 1st rate optical sensors can use to make this coating useless, this may sound ordinary but it's enough to shock the entire industry if they know the inventor is just a 10-years old 3rd rater kid. Invented these 2 coating gave Kira 10000 RP each, and 10000 RP from their respective achievement. He then decided to use those points to improve his Creativity to 2.0, with high Creativity and Intelligent he started to develop many ideas to utilize his knowledge. He also decided to increase his Endurance stat so he can do more training, reading and studying.

Once he get his first novice skill, the System also open up {ABILITY} tab, there he has 2 abilities. [SKILLS EXTRACTION] just like its name, he can use this ability to instantly learn new skills from book, but from what he test it's not that cost effective, as he need 1000 RP to extract a 100 RP basic skill from a 10 RP basic book, it may has it use when he need to quickly gain new advanced skills though. [SKILLS FUSION] give him ability to use existing skills to instantly get new skills at some cost, there is no limit on how many skills he want to use as ingredients, the problem is the cost as the more skills he use, the more RP he need to spend, each basic skill cost 1000 RP while each novice skill cost 10000 RP.

'For now these abilities are useless, the cost is too much, i can see their value when i'm at higher level though. Skill fusion use my existing skills to create new skills, so theoretical i can figure those skills out on my own, i just need some Eureka moments. I still have much times, so there's no need to use these abilities yet.'

'The only worthy uses of RP for now is to increase my stat points, too bad there is still no option to raise Spirituality, i guess it either need many RP or it only raise when i promote to higher rank Mech Designer or Pilot. Well, but there is no need to increase my stat points anymore for now. My stats now already equal or even better someone that gone through genetic treatments. Hehehe, even Ves only break though his 2.0 stat barrier after he went through 3 rounds of genetic treatment abroad the Starlight Megalodon. For now i'll save up RP to try those new abilities, but it such a waste to use them now, with my 2.0 Intelligent stat it should be easy for me to learn Journeyman level skills. Hope there will be more uses for those points in the future.'