Traditional wrestling as a specialty of Iden people made every male in each household to participate in training with their age grades in the different categories; so as to be in shape at all times, for both present and future competitions. The different categories had their specific day for training, which they usually do at the village wrestling ground.
Every training day was fun for the entire villagers, they trooped to the wrestling ground to watch the powers and skills demonstrated by their sons; to witness some surprises put in place by hardworking wrestlers as well as the up coming wrestlers - who were beginners in the act.
Usually, each age grade and category had a champion whose position was not permanent. At every interval of one full moon, there is usually a competition put in place in order to crown new champions in the different wrestling age grades and categories. In each category, the wrestler who was able to defeat others was crowned the champion for that category for the next one full moon before another competition could be held.
But if a defending champion was defeated in the course of the competition, such wrestler would have to wait for the next full moon to wrestle other members of the category to regain his championship and this method applies to all categories. On the other hand, if a defending champion remained undefeated, then, he retained his position as champion for another one full moon. If he retained the position for twelve consecutive months, that is one whole year, then such a wrestler was promoted to the next category for a test of strength and skills among his superiors in the category.
In fact, the competition was named 'Moonlight Wrestling' because it was done at night under the moonlight; with the supervision of a few selected ex- wrestlers and ex- warriors in the village. This was done to ensure fair judgement in the competitions. The moonlight wrestling was one of the most valued culture in Iden and a symbol of unity and love which kept the people together for growth and advancement of the village at large.
Nevertheless, traditional wrestling was not only for moonlight championship and recruitment of warriors into the village general army. But, it was also one of the ways the people added colours to some events and festivals celebrated in the village.
Among those events and festivals were: the new yam festivals, marriage ceremonies, the king and chieftaincy coronations, burial ceremonies and end of the year celebrations. So, it was in the light of such events that traditional wrestling was staged in Iden village during the day.
In short, traditional wrestling was a total way of life for the people of Iden; where male born in the village was welcomed into the world with the dance and songs of warriors. This was done through demonstrations with swords and shield indicating a new warrior had been born into the village. Above all, the child grew, he would be taught the rudiments of wrestling, through which he would graduate into the village general army.