Chereads / Stairway Of Heaven / Chapter 57 - Arrival !

Chapter 57 - Arrival !

The door of the mechanical lab was opening and Aether already know whose arrival was that, the students also heard the door opening and all of them stare at the door too, just as the door opened a voice heard "Hello class, how have you all been," it was none other Akabane teach with a smiling face that can attract anything towards her...

The whole stood silent after hearing the voice...all of them carefully watched the figure taking its steps into the mechanical lab...All the gloomy faces of the students turned to bright like they have seen heaven, all of them quickly rushed towards her and clung to her as if an angel has come to save them from the devil who was devouring them...The girls are the most to cling to Akabane Teach.

"We are glad you're here teacher,"..." You have come to save us didn't you?"..."Yes, if you didn't come, we would have lost our will to live," all the girls that clung to Akabane teach started complaining and asking her many questions...Akabane Teach was very confused about what has happened...She was trying to calm all of them and tried listening to them after that.

Aether who heard everything mourned "What? aren't they being over dramatic, I didn't do much to them after all, I only teach them...hmph women. At least the boys are-," just as he was about to compliment they boys they also voiced along with the girls "Yes teacher, Aether crushed us showing his power, he tortured us by not giving us any rest...he's teaching like a devil."

The boys also didn't hold back and Aether who heard all of them murmured to himself "This is life...a life where you have to trust yourself and not others, a life where betrayal is no one but yourself, this is life and this is what I went through," Aether told this to himself while putting his hands on his chest as if the boys betrayed him too...he sighed and said "Men," and then he also muttered "Hmph, you guys betrayed me uhh," he then looks at Akabane Teach...

Akabane Teach listened to everyone's complaints and voiced "Uhh, umm... I see," with a pouting face Akabane teach looked at Aether and says "Aether did you bully them?" Aether who heard that puts his hands on his head while his eyes going sideways and says "Ahahaha, nope... I didn't, I just taught them how to do the things they didn't know," he then muttered to himself "Yes, that's what I did, nothing more."

All the students who heard Aether's words quickly shouted "Liarrrrrrr!" the whole class started howling...Seeing everything that's happening in the mechanical lab made Akabane Teach laugh a bit "Hahaha," she then walked towards Aether and pats his head, she then voiced "Don't worry everyone, now that I am here, the demon won't hunt you down anymore, hehe," Akabane Teach joined them...

Aether who saw that sighed and murmured "Haisyhh, she joined them too, seriously," Even though he sighed at the teacher's behaviour he slimes seeing the class back to their normal phase...All them started enjoying "Yay, are you going to teach us too Akabane Teach?" all the students ask if she was going to be here teaching and at this point even if she say no, I don't think the student will let her.

But Akabane Teach with a smiling face says "Yes, that's why I am here after all," she turned to see the mechanisms that are they doing, Aether who saw the opportunity showed a terrifying face and declared slowly but sharply "I will get my revenge when she's not around, you guys better be ready okay?" Everyone was scared to shit again and shouted "Teacherrrr."

Akabane Teach panicked and quickly turned back to behind to see what was happening...Aether quickly turned his face to an innocent boy who doesn't know what happened while all the other students look terrified..."Wha-What happend here? Why are you guys like this?" All of them point their hands at Aether and says "It's because of Aether,"...Akabane Teach says "Aether?," and turned her gaze towards Aether but all she saw was an innocent boy standing in front of her.

She couldn't find anything on him so she voiced "What did he do?" All the students quickly shouted, "What he didn't do!" After quite some ruckus, everything went back to normal and all of them started doing their work back...Akabane Teach then voiced "Don't worry students, I will help you me if you guys need me," she saw that her students were struggling so she advised everyone...

Aether who was there them muttered "Since Akabane Teach is here, things must go more smoothly than before, it seems like everyone can move on with their project again...It's because of the teacher's presence that they feel safe and doing things at ease, am I that bad at instructing?," Aether began thinking for a minute about his teaching and he is not happy...

Akabane Teach then goes through the blueprint of the mechanisms and then she murmured "So this is the blueprint uhh, it's really well written...but yes it would still be hard for the students to move forward...we don't have much time too," she then calls Aether who was standing there thinking. Aether heard her call and head towards her and she then spoke "Can we finish this before the deadline Aether?" Aether who listened then voiced "Well, I can't say for sure we can finish by how things are going now."

"Hmm, I see," Akabane Teach also seems worried about the deadline. Aether then muttered "Well it's not a big matter now. All of them will be okay now that you are here after all, we will just have to wait and see," Akabane Teach was happy to hear those words but she asked something to Aether "What did you do before I was here Aether?," Aether taught she forgets or lets go of this matter but is was reminded to her during their conversation. To cover it up Aether mumbles "Ehh! that, you know...hehe."