Chereads / Stairway Of Heaven / Chapter 21 - Reality !

Chapter 21 - Reality !

"Ohh, you are here Olivia. You sure took your time ahh," Claire said while chuckling at Olivia. With an embarrassing face, she replied "I am sorry, thank you for inviting me today Claire sis and Aether. Nice to meet you Aether, I believe this is our first time talking." Olivia's attitude still hasn't changed, she's still clumsy while talking "She is still like that ahh," Aether smiles gently. "Hmm, nice to meet you too Olivia and besides, everyone, if you want to thank someone for today's banquet, it should be..." Aether points his hand at the entrance of the cafeteria. Everyone turns their heads and saw a shadow walking into the cafeteria hands behind...

One of them who was sitting there gulped and voiced "Everyone, correct me if I am wrong, why can I see the dean moving toward us?" With a panicked complexion, another one of them replied "So it's not only me after all," Everyone was getting nervous and tilted their heads toward Aether. With a calm expression, Aether replied "Uhh! well yes, it's the dean. I called her and she's the one who sponsored today's banquet for you all." Reality hits at that moment for everyone "Ahh, it's true. It's the dean." Everyone panicked and quickly bowed to the dean as she was walking towards them.

With a jaw-dropping face, Claire asked Aether did he really ask the dean to sponsor the full-course meal today. "Uhh, yes, Is that a problem?" Everyone had enough of this boy's words, he's been giving too many surprises at once, first the tournament and his mechanism, then going head to head with a chosen one, three making the Dean move to stop him, four this full-course dinner and now dean's arrival.

"What do you mean by Is that a problem? It is a big problem, this kid is terrifying. How did he make the dean whom he only sees today do this? Claire, your brother is seriously terrifying at this point." Everyone mounted in their heads couldn't be believing what they are believing. Seeing the dean from afar is possible, but near was not an easy feat. "Everyone, please sit down." The dean looks at Aether and "This damm brat, he didn't even greet me, Aether why are you the only one not greeting me?" she asked pissed seeing at the boy who was unbothered.

Aether, with a smirked face, replied "Well it's simple isn't it, I invited you today and you are my guest. There is no need for formalities, hehe." Everyone there was shocked and they began thinking "How is he able to talk to the dean so calmly, what if she gets angry? You might get expelled you know." The atmosphere was not good, everyone was stunned. Seeing the conversation between them as if, they are long known each other. "This damm kid, I really want to hang him in my office and laugh at him all day," The dean then walked towards Aether and voiced "Well that's true, but still..." KNOCKK

The dean hits Aether's head "Ackk! Okay-okay sorry, come and sit first." replies Aether while rubbing his head. "And the dean's okay with it? Crap, this taking a troll on us. Maybe we are dreaming after eating the full-course dinner," most of them pinch their hands "Heh! it's hurts, that means it's true. What we are witnessing is reality, Itachi is not here is he, well how he can...any signs of crows, not at all, or is this kid Itachi himself. I don't want to think anymore, AHHHH," Aether made everyone confused about the reality.



A Japanese Anime character who uses crows to cast illusionary Techniques or can be called genjutsu on others...


And finally, that's how the dean joins the banquet. This full-course dinner was Aether's last request to the dean and Aether also invited the dean to join. "Dean is it okay to eat with us," Claire asked looking at Dean. With a smiling face, the dean replied "Why not? I am eating with my precious students after all." After hearing that, everyone gets back to their senses and they feel relieved since the dean wasn't forced to come. After some time, all of them started enjoying the meal. "Sure enough, the meal's tasty, hehe," Aether says filling his stomach with the food. "Well, of course, it would, it's a meal served for teachers and higher-ups," the dean voiced cheekily at Aether, as if, she was bullying him.

Everyone laughed hearing that, the tension has gone down as everyone has started acting normally and started feasting. "Hmph she got me this time, I will remember that," Aether mounted in his heart. As if both were competing, the dean mounted in her head "Ahemm! I am waiting, bring it on," with a smirk on her face. A spark from Aether's eye to Dean's eye was visible. A spark of "I will never lose!" Yes both of them had a telepathy fight, well they were just fighting with facial expressions to be more accurate.

After quite some time Aether voiced as the dining was quiet and this is supposed to be a noisy and cheerful party, not quiet "Hey you guys, if you want to ask anything to the dean, now is the right time you know." he threw a statement which will definitely catch everyone's interest and he with a smirk on his face "Hehe, take that, now answer them, I am sure most them has many things to ask," he gave an Evil Laugh. "This brat, I won't lose now that I have come this far," the dean mounted pissed "Hmm yes, you all can ask anything except for something that I can't answer. I am sure most of you know that." after she said that statement... "Well then, I will be the first to ask," Claire offered to speak up first.