Chapter 32 - Thank You!

First, I want to say this has been one of the most ambitious projects I've ever done. Having to connect and reconcile several Legend of Zelda titles at once was difficult at times, but it was easily the most fun I've ever had.

I appreciate all of you not only for reading this and going on this journey with me but for encouraging me to keep up the progress. There were so many times during the creation of this story when I didn't even know if I wanted to pursue writing anymore, and I have you to thank for helping reinvigorate my passion for it.

I plan on releasing another Zelda fan fic in the future, and if you want more details you can always sign up for my email list on my official website. I'm also working on many other novel projects, so keep an eye out for those too, especially if you're a lover of JRPG video games.

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed this story. Princess Zelda has always been a fascinating character to me, and I believed she deserved a chance in the spotlight for once. My goal, as always, is to cultivate stories from the perspectives of characters who yearn to be given the chance to step outside of the role they've been assigned, either by society or by divine intervention.

If you don't take anything else from this story, I want you to always remember that you are more than your circumstances, your failures, and your regrets. There's always time to set off in a new direction, a new adventure, helmed by you and you alone.

And never forget that you are so much more than your destiny.

Dimitrius Jones