[Next day]
Ryu was walking to his class alone this time because Ryoto had to visit his cousin who was coming back from her mission before getting to class.
'I managed to use qi release back in the training grounds,' Ryu thought still thinking about the commoner's fate, 'plus I also knocked a 5th-grade Monster, even though it is still a weak monster, it still doesn't mean I can't make a breakthrough...'
As he was walking in the Pagoda, he passed by two female disciples who were staring at him. They were trying their best so that Ryu doesn't notice them.
"Look, I heard that he was a mere commoner, even if he is in the special division, he won't even get to the first stage," one whispered.
"I don't understand why they're wasting their time over someone that won't be in the sect in 9 months,"
Ryu entered class, and everyone except Ryoto was present.
"Hey, Ryu... are you not with Ryoto?" Nanako asked.
"He went to pay a visit to his cousin before coming," Ryu replied before going to his seat.
He sat next to Erina and didn't greet or look at her. She realized he was troubled by something, but decided that it was none of her business.
"Well then, I guess we're going to start the second lesson of the class, but first, we will have an explained lesson before this so please pay attention," Sensei Takimoto went directly to the point without wasting time as soon as he entered the class.
"I don't care about the latecomers, we're gonna start now," He said, "Well then, today we are going to learn about Cultivation stages, and how to cultivate through stages.
Qi is a natural flow of energy that was transferred to humans by the spirits. Everyone, even animals have a small amount of qi inside them, however, the spirits are the ones that unlock the real potential of your qi inside of you. Qi can be bestowed on a whole family by one spirit, and this is why some families have unique and similar fantasms.
These families have formed what we call nobility throughout the many years. For instance, the Nagaoka family's fantasm is based on the element fire.
On the other hand, some families end up having completely different fantasms, however, each of the fantasms will still have a similar aura due to blood connection.
In the case of people like Ryu, who do not derive from a noble family, they can control qi, for, as I said earlier everything in the current world has the slightest qi inside it, the only problem is that it is unlikely for them to have any fantasm because they were not blessed by any specific spirit, therefore, they have no room for progression.
For this reason, commoners nearly never reach the first cultivation stage, the Bronze soul spirit realm, followed by the silver soul spirit realm. Cultivation stages determine how strong someone is, and in these cultivation stages, there are even more steps.
For instance, The Silver soul spirit realm has 5 stages, and the Gold would spirit realm has 6. It is very hard to increase from one stage to another. To increase your stage, you must cultivate.
Cultivating is a meditation that can help you increase your Qi soul. For lower ranks such as all of you, reaching such a deep state of meditation requires you to state an incantation, while for the higher-ups, all they need is a peaceful place to meditate.
Many people concentrate a lot on cultivating the Qi soul but it is also essential to cultivate your QI force (physical aptitudes) through physical training.
This is especially important for the people that use Yang qi and is less important for the people that use Yin qi because they rely on a great control of QI, not physical strength.
There are also what we call body refinement in Qi force which is called Inner Gates. There are a total of 8 Gates and each of these gates contains 3 steps, Cowling, Full Cowling, and Complete Cowling.
These are the steps you must go through to become the strongest and climb up the ranks. Another fact that I must raise is knowing a person's realm.
For now, you are too weak to know a person's realm, this is why I will give you all a small piece of Dantian crystal for you to see your level of progression.
Does anyone have any questions?"
Ryu was the only one to raise his hand, "Is there not any way for a commoner to breakthrough?"
Sensei Takimoto crossed his arms and looked at Ryu with a serious expression, "I don't know, but only one person was able to accomplish it, and it is unlikely that it happens again. Let me be honest with you Ryu, I don't have high hopes for you succeeding, despite your enormous talents, you're just a mere commoner,"
"Poor Ryu..." Yumiko murmured looking pitifully at him.
"It's how things work," Nanako had a serious expression and arms crossed, "if you are not suited for this world, then it is better for you to not enter it. If he were noble, I bet he would reach the pinnacle,"
Takimoto clapped his hands to stop the murmuring and resumed, "We"ll have a little break for now, after that, we will go to the training ground and practice a bit,"
[In the front entrance of the Pagoda]
Ryu and Nanako were both sitting on a bench, and Nanako was attempting to comfort him. She had her legs and arms crossed while Ryu was sitting on top of the bench.
"How do you feel about what sensei told you in class," She asked him leaning her head upwards to look at him.
It took a while for him before finally answering with a smile on his face, "I don't have any feelings, I came here, and I can't just change my mind after a few days here. Even if I fail in the end, I'll still try my best to succeed,"
Nanako smiled back and she let out a sigh of relief, "You got me scared for a moment, I thought you'd give up,"
"What does that mean? Do you think I would give up on my 4th day here!?" Ryu questioned her feeling a bit offended by what she had said.
The atmosphere quickly turned friendly after that, and Ryu felt comfortable when talking with Nanako. Her attitude reminded him of his Grandma's and that pleased him.
Promptly, a male voice started shouting from afar, getting many of the disciple's attention.
At first, he was too far for Ryu to hear him.
"What is he saying?" Ryu wondered leaning his head forwards to listen better.
"High siege disciple is currently going to fight a member of the Nagaoka family in front of high siege disciple Momoi's residence!"
Nanako's expression turned pale by the thought that passed through her mind, "You don't think..."
Ryu simply facepalmed and sighed, "I forgot to warn Ryoto about disciple Takuji..."
"So it's what I think then," Nanako said in a serious tone.
Ryu stopped the disciple who was running to the Pagoda to ask him for directions to Momoi's residence.
"This disciple asks for elder brother disciple to direct him to the place,"