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Heir in Love

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Daimon Taykham is the youngest heir of a billionaire family with businesses all over the world (some illegal). Daimon is coming of age and with that comes the duty to take more actively into his family's affairs, but for that he must submit to an ancient and mysterious sexual ritual. Andrey Huangjin wishes he never crossed paths with Daimon, a spoiled, rebellious, mafia-involved rich man. But now he cannot go back on his decision, as his life and Daimon's are in danger.

Chapter 1 - Chapter One - The Richiest

Daimon TayKham

Daimon TayKham threw the bottle of liquor against the wall of the bar. Even with the loud music, the sound of glass breaking violently rippled through the crowded room. The closest ones turned their heads to look, couples stopped dancing and the music was turned off immediately. Everyone was staring at Daimon. Some were surprised by the tall boy with light brown eyes who glared at everyone, and the others, at least those who knew Daimon, started to gather their things to leave. Everyone knew that when Daimon appeared, trouble was about to start.

Daimon's three big security guards pointed to the three exits of the Lotus Nightclub, and they didn't have to say anything, everyone left as quickly as possible, emptying the room like a stampede. The contents of the broken bottle ran down the wall behind the bar, scarlet and menacing.

"Where's Sky? "Daimon asked the bartender and the DJ, both gaping in surprise at his unexpected arrival.

Daimon usually tells him when he would show up at the club so that everything is ready for him, but that night he preferred to show up by surprise. He'd heard rumors that Sky, the manager of the Lotus Nightclub, was giving space in the private cabins for dealers from other clans to trade there, in Daimon's father's area. Even though it was his business, he wasn't used to showing up, he preferred to send his youngest son to see how one of his businesses was working.

"Back there," the bartender replied, pointing to the black door beside the counter, his long ringed finger with a black nail quivering furiously.

Daimon nodded slowly and walked through the door, a security guard standing outside, while the other two followed their boss down the long, narrow hallway, flanked by doors that gave access to the administrative area and the back garage, used by celebrities to get inside. nightclub without being seen. Daimon opened the last door in the hallway, which gave access to the Pearl Room, where Sky and Daimon were. It was large, windowless, with pearly sofas and two glass tables, one at each end of the room, a crystal chandelier in the high ceiling casting yellow light on all sides of the wooden walls. Sky was sitting on one of the sofas. Beside him was a young man in an old leather jacket with ripped jeans, a lime green backpack on his lap. Daimon knew what that backpack was filled with.

Sky was a 30-year-old man with a hideous, bald mustache, his sunken eyes giving him an air of eternal mystery. But at that moment his eyes were so wide that mystery had given way to shock.

"Jo… Daimon! Wow, I didn't expect you here.

"Who are you?" Daimon asked the boy, ignoring Sky on purpose. The boy said nothing.

Daimon followed him and picked him up by the collar of his jacket, the boy didn't fight back, the fear in his eyes showed that he knew who Daimon was.

"I'll give you a chance to get out alive, just to let your boss know this area is ours, and if I hear they're trying to infiltrate here again, I won't be merciful. Did you understand? - The boy nodded vehemently - Great, get out of here.

The boy ran away with the backpack in his arms as soon as he was released. Daimon turned to Sky, the man was still sitting, but smiling.

"It scared the boy."

"He was lucky he didn't kill you, wasn't he?"

"You don't kill anyone, everyone knows that. I don't know why he was so harsh with my nephew.

Daimon felt anger boiling up in him at Sky's mockery. He bent down to the man and cupped his face with one hand, his fingers pressing hard into the skin, Sky groaned in pain, but Daimon didn't pull away.

"My father doesn't want us to kill people, but accidents happen, Sky," Daimon hissed, anger dripping through his words. "Dare to betray me again and I will gladly kill you.

He let go of SKy's face, his nails had cut the man's skin, forming bloody crescents, but he didn't complain, he knew he was lucky to still be alive.

"I am not…"

"Don't you dare lie to me" Daimon sat in his chair and spun around for a few seconds, Sky was looking at him from the couch, the smile had disappeared from his face, the tension was rising in the air in a poisonous and heavy way - Tell me who is mine family, Sky.

"The TayKhams, sir.

"Very well. And tell me what are our business?"

"Owners of large companies around the world, focused on all areas, the TayKham practically rule the world.

"Perfect, if you know all that, then you know who the little fish is here, don't you?" Daimon stopped spinning and looked at Sky - You know what we do with people who betray us, don't you?

"I know, sir." Sky was starting to sound too much, which made Daimon angrier. In business, the first to show weakness was easily dismissed, so apparently he'd soon have to find someone else to replace Sky. "I swear I'll never do that again, sir. Please…

"Silence. You know, Dad took me out of college very early just to take care of his business, as other family members were starting to be suspicious of his ventures. I didn't want to be here, but I am. However, you had a choice, and when you had the chance, you chose to side with us, and then betray us." Daimon shook his head and sighed theatrically. "I feel really bad about that, Sky, I really do. But some need to serve as a lesson so that others don't do the same as you did.

Sky stood up suddenly.

"I have served the TayKham family for over five years, growing legal and illegal businesses within the walls of Lotus. You can't treat me like a mere traitor!

Daimon raised his eyebrows. How dare that little shit talk to him like that?

"Thank you for your years of servitude to my family. But if it's been years of betrayal, none of that has served us.


"Enough, I'm tired of your voice" Daimon signaled to one of the security guards, he pulled out a pistol with silencer "I hope to see you in hell, Sky."

Sky opened his mouth to argue, but the hole in his forehead suddenly appeared, and he collapsed onto the couch, dead, his blood staining the couch and the wall behind him.

"Clean up the mess and meet me downtown in half an hour, I'm having dinner.

Andrey Huangjian

Andrey Huangjian cleared the table as the loving couple left the Kongjian restaurant. Mr. Preng, the restaurant's manager, required all marble-topped tables and counters to be in pristine condition throughout the operation of Bangkok's most expensive restaurant. The restaurant's luxury was evident in the gold frames of the mirrors and paintings, the wood paneling and glass tables, the vintage wines and signature food. Andrey couldn't quite believe it when, a month ago, he'd been called to say he'd passed the vacancy of waiter at Kongjian.

That job was crucial for him to pay the bills while he finished college, where he'd gotten a full scholarship. Granted, most of his time was now spent at the restaurant, and when he got home at night he had to study, but what could he do? His entire family didn't want anything to do with him. Ever since those pictures of him kissing a boy leaked online, his parents have pretended they didn't have a younger son.

"Andrey, wake up!" Andrey blinked in confusion at the nearby voice of Mr. Preng, who was actually in front of him, his face closed and expressionless, looking at him "Get this table ready, we'll have more customers soon.

Andrey nodded and hurried his work.

That night the restaurant was not busy, there was only one man at the bar, but he was always there, in a wrinkled suit and hand on his head, a glass of huangjiu in front of him. Andrey had asked his manager who that man was, but Mr. Pring just said that he was an important man in the mall, or whatever that meant. Andrey wasn't allowed to ask too many questions.

"I want to sit at that table "Andrey heard an irritated voice speaking behind him "Well, tell him to hurry up, I always sit there.

"Andrey, come on, the client wants to sit here "Mr. Preng hurriedly approached "Quick, he's the Richest!

The Richest was an expression employees used for the richest customer of the night who showed up at Kongjian, which meant that the service had to be three times as impeccable and that the customer's orders had to be filled immediately. Andrey hurried to arrange the upholstered chairs, line up the vase of orchids in the center, and make sure the drapes were wide open for the customer to have a great view of Bangkok from there on the 20th floor.

When Andrey moved away so the customer could sit, he expected to see some elderly man, as was the usual profile of the Richest, but whoever sat in the chair, flanked by three security guards, was a young man, perhaps the same age as Andrey, wearing an elegant, expensive suit, his black hair perfectly slicked back, not a strand out of place. And despite being so handsome, his face was contorted into an impatient grimace.

"Welcome to…"

"Spare me that " The boy cut off Andrey's speech as he studied the menu carefully "Please take my order, I'm in a hurry.

Andrey took the order of the boy who didn't look at him since he entered the restaurant, Andrey went to the kitchen to make the order and went back to the salon and stayed away from the new customer, he didn't want to be the target of his anger. These rich young men, frankly, he thought irritably as he arranged a large vase on the sideboard of a fake fireplace.

"Hey, you" Adrey continued to organize the large flowers - Are you deaf besides poor?

Andrey turned to the young customer, his nerves on edge, he walked to the table and tried not to show his anger in his voice.

"How can I help?"

"Why is the food taking so long?

"I just placed your order in the kitchen, not even two minutes ago, sir.

"I think it's been a long time." The customer narrowed his light brown eyes menacingly.

"Well, Kongjian's food is freshly made, sir, so it only takes a few minutes. I ask you to wait. Can I help with anything else?

The client studied it carefully, from top to bottom.

"You're the most rude waiter I've ever met, how did you end up here? I don't think it works for this place.

"My boss believes otherwise, sir "Andrey cursed himself for being so brusque, he couldn't lose that job!

The customer got up so fast that his chair fell back, and within seconds Mr. Preng sprouted there.

"What happened?"

"That waiter of yours!" The boy shouted pointing to Andrey "I want him out of here!"

"Mr. TayKham, what happened? Please, let's calm down "Mr. Preng was turning pale as a ghost.

"Want me to calm down while he insults me?" "The look of the boy, called Mr. TayKham, was murderous on Mr. Preng "Am I less valuable than a waiter?

"Mr. Preng, I swear I wasn't...

"Shut up, Andrew! "Mr. Preng hissed, then turned to the irritated customer, "I apologize profusely for my waiter's behavior, Mr. TayKham, I promise I will punish you for this.

"What punishment is greater than dismissal?" The boy gave Andrey a sly smile "I want you to fire him."

"Mr. TayKham…

"Now! Here, in front of me. Come on, fire him or I swear I'll close the doors of this restaurant tomorrow!"

Mr. Preng looked dazedly at Andrey, but the waiter was more flustered.

"Mr. Preng, please…

"Andrey, please leave the restaurant.

"Mr. Preng, I need this job!

Mr. TayKham chuckled, Andrey wanted to punch him, but knew he wouldn't get anywhere near him with those big security guards.

"Andrey, go away, now.

Andrey felt as if the ground was going to open up beneath him. He turned to the snobbish customer, fury burning in his eyes.

"You're protected by security and money, but you're rotten inside." And he strode away.