Chapter 203: Look at him
Emily's POV
I am fine. I am fine.
I am strong.
I am perfect. I am…but am I though?
I swear to God, I thought I was. I should be, right?
I mean that everything I know is a big fat lie that doesn't change anything…no it shouldn't.
And I was fine with everything Waylen told me until I wasn't…I was fine until I started seeing the reflection of Owen in every mirror…on every surface and I started hearing his voice at the most unfortunate time…at first, it started like an echo… like a figment of my imagination, like my brain was playing a big trick on me then it became too vivid to be my imagination. I started seeing him not just on reflections but everywhere…in the romance book I was reading, suddenly he was the main character, so instead of Alistair, I kept seeing and reading Owen.
I tried to keep it under wraps but then I went to pick up Xavier from school and I…oh my God, please forgive me.