I just couldn't hold it in and slapped the girl Jene Amber. All of this was her fault. Who the hell cries out so loud in between a jungle full of monsters. "Thanks for inviting those monsters. Please cry more loudly." I said to her. Now she is sobbing hard. I could see a significant increase in the number of teardrops from her eyes. I could see I unknowingly slapped too hard. Well I think I put away all the emotion from reincarnation to running away from monsters in this slap, I felt guilty. So I said "Sorry for slapping, but please understand the situation we are in. Then I give a pill to both of them saying this is the cooldown pill you guys have, please eat it, so that your skills cooldown can be reduced. I kept in mind that I've got one Hypnotize spot as I killed and got exp from killing one #lotu.
While we were preparing for the battle, In the meantime the hound wolf came to the scene. And by seeing it's state, I could see that it's injuries were in a worse state than it was before.
it's stats are like
***HP - 368 ( 580-212)***
***MP - 4 (15-11)***
***ATK - 54 (58-4)***
***AGILITY - 18 (32-14) kmph***
***ENDURANCE - 46 (140-94) mins***
***INTELLIGENCY - 13 (30-17)***
Name : Hound wolf #735 (Frenzied state/Alternative) [ C class monster ]
Age : 3
Species : Hound wolf
Special Trait : Has very high physical power and can use it's frenzied state to increase it's attack power. But as a side effect all other states got lowered.
Well isn't it good that both of these monsters meet one another. Now they can fight with each other and die all they want. We just have to profit from their fight. While I was thinking that those 3 unicorns surrounded the hound wolf, even the hound wolf was ready to fight. I thought of something as this hound's intelligence is very much lower due to it's alternate state, can I hypnotize it ? I just called it's name 5 times and it was really in a trans state. I commanded it to kill the left unicorn first as it's speed is a little faster than others in fighting. The fight scene that was occurring in front of us is something like this : Unicorns were like trying to stab the hound with their horn, but the hound is very much more powerful than them physically, So when the hound turns to attack the one they were running back instantly. I have already seen a similar scene on TV, like one lion getting surrounded by a pack of wild dogs. And this scene is something similar. They were continuing this play for 5 mins.
Then suddenly when I see one of the unicorn's horns hitting on the back of the hound. With 26 attack power I could see the wolf's HP reduced to 342 from 368. Well I think the wolf is in a bad situation against 3 of the lower opponents. So I told Bella "Oi you !!! attack the unicorns if you have any attack power. Cause the wolf is in a bad position. If it dies under the unicorn's attack then we have to fight with those unicorns again for our life." She just looked at me in a weird way like doubting how I told her like I knew she could attack, then I suddenly said "Aren't that girl in a shocked state to do anything ??? Please help in attack otherwise we will all die here."
Then she started some chanting and in the meantime I told the wolf to attack the left unicorn using the stun magic he had, without defending his own body from others. So the battle there got a little bit crazy. Because even when both the other unicorns stabbed the wolf's body with their horns and the wolf taking 52 damage from both, It uses its stun power on the third unicorn and bite on it's back. With only one attack 54 damage was given to the unicorn. It groans like a horse and it's HP dropped to 181 from 235, as well as the wolf's HP also dropped to 290 from 342 by both unicorn's attack.
I could see that the unicorn's speed, intelligence and everything lowered by some points. Still it isn't enough for me to control it as I've all my 1 spot full and 2 in cooldown. So I told Bella " Attack the defeated unicorn." She just hummed and used her spell on the defeated unicorn. I could see one fire ball shooting at a high speed towards the unicorn and hitting it in the side. So it took 12 magical damage . I thought it's hp will be lower for 12 value but it started decreasing 12 for every one minute up to 3 mins. Isn't this OP ??? Even with one attack 36 fire power. Wow magic really is something. It's HP lowered to 145 from 181 and it started groaning hard like an injured horse.
I just thought of something and cancelled my hypnosis from the wolf and controlled the fallen unicorn. Isn't it better to stab a teammate when they are trusting you fully. So I just controlled the unicorn.
In the behind I see that the wolf vs unicorn battle is hitting very hard. sometimes they were stabbing the wolf otherwise sometimes the wolf is scratching and biting those unicorns. But the results were clear. Even though the unicorns have taken significant damage, the wolf is on the losing end. When I thought that they would kill the wolf, they stopped and started turning around towards us. I don't think this is going towards a good end. When I was thinking of running away from here or fighting, I heard a thank you from behind. And I saw that it was Jene who was saying this. I felt even more guilty about my slap, still I just said it's ok feeling a little awkward.
Running was never an option ??? Fu*k Why do I have to fight for them, even when I don't know them, I should have just ran away after distracting that monster. When I was conflicting and thinking of what to do a crazy idea suddenly came to my mind. So I used my status skill on those creatures and I could see the following status of the wolf:
***HP - 12 ( 580-554)***
***MP - 4 (15-11)***
***ATK - 50 (58-4)***
***AGILITY - 18 (32-14) kmph***
***ENDURANCE - 4 (140-136) mins***
***INTELLIGENCY - 3 (30-27)***