Chereads / My Own Succubus / Chapter 1 - Nine to Five

My Own Succubus

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Chapter 1 - Nine to Five

It was like any other day except I just didn't feel like doing anything. I work from nine in the morning till five in the afternoon and honestly it's tiring.

This job has gotten me nowhere in the past 3 years since I started and yet I feel like it's completely pointless. A dead end job where I'm not going to move up even if I try my hardest.

"Kamako I need that report by the end of today." Says a man as he walks past.

"Yeah. Yeah." I respond while sitting at my desk.

As usual reports are needed at the end of each week even though it doesn't matter. It always is the same on every report so I don't get the point of it.

Our company never makes good profit and it's a miracle that this place is even still standing. I'm waiting for the day that it closes down or the day I die.

Both those options aren't half bad so it'd be great to achieve one or another.

Moving along with my thoughts the day went by as usual and of course I got the stupid report to my lame boss. He was an asshole that didn't like me no matter what I did here.

I got up from my desk after the thought left and went towards his office. As usual he had one of the girls in there but it made me wonder what it was about half the time.

"Here you go sir." I say while opening the door.

"Thanks just put it on the desk. Also Kamako I got some news for you." Responds the man.

"What is it sir?" I question while sitting the papers on his desk.

"You're fired. I'm afraid it's not going to work out here." Answers the man as he gives a cold look.

I didn't even give an answer back, I just left the building without giving a single ounce of thought. This bastard really just fired me though.

It doesn't surprise me that I'd be one of the first people to go if this time came around. It's fine though, I didn't need to keep wasting my time there anyway.

Ignoring everything that just happened I went to one of my favorite cafés for some coffee since it was a bit late. That place was exhausting so maybe it's good I don't work there anymore.

I should be happy anyway. Entering the café my thoughts dispersed and I was greeted by the nice scent of fresh bread and coffee. This was always what refreshed me and made everything feel a lot better.

"What can I get you sir?" Asks a woman from behind a counter.

"Just a coffee. Nothing added." I answer before going to take a seat.

Always paying after a few cups is how it's been done for years here. I've liked coming here for a long time and haven't had any problems with this place.

I took a seat and waited as the woman prepared my coffee but something unusual caught my attention. A woman with short red hair wearing a maid outfit with a tail following behind her.

That definitely doesn't seem normal but I couldn't tell since some of these cafés have these types of girls. Maid Cafés they are referred to as I'm sure?

Must be an event they're doing with another café or something.

"Excuse me sir may I take a seat here?" Asks the woman as she stood before me.

"Um sure go ahead." I answer while looking up at her.

Here I am thinking this woman is just going to sit in front of me, no it was the exact opposite. She sat on my damn lap out of nowhere like she knew me.

"Glad I could take a seat. Kamako was it? I'm here to talk to you about some things." Says the woman as she moves around on my lap.

Jesus this is not what a woman should be doing in the middle of a café but I'm not going to be rude either. Shit it's the first time in years since a woman sat on my lap so screw it all.

"Uh- Yeah sure." I say while I studder a bit.

I lost my focus when I realized the big smile coming onto her face and that's when it hit me. This bitch must be making a fool of me for someone to say I'm doing something I shouldn't be doing.

Now they got to try and get me kicked out of my favorite café, God damnit leave me alone for once! Wait she also knows my name, why the hell does she know my name?

"Times always limited for me here so I'll be brief since I'm low on energy. I need your help, you have power that will save this world." Responds The woman.

"What the hell are you talking about and how do you know my name?" I ask with a confused tone.

"Kamako I'll explain everything over time but for now I'd like to say I need your help. Also you can call me Irie." Answered Irie as she moved in closer.

None of this is helping and is only making things worse if you know what I mean. Damn I hate being normal sometimes but what is she talking about.

Powers don't make any sense.

"You're a little close there.. What help..?" I ask while struggling to focus.

"You have power that I'm going to help awaken and you'll need it to purge the evil that's coming." Answers Irie before kissing my neck.

All I could feel was her soft lips press against my neck and of course the feelings ran throughout my body. The feelings of lust..

I hate it, I've always hated it because it's always ended badly for me. Weird that it could end badly, I know.

Within a few moments I could feel a strange surge go throughout my body, then suddenly everything started to shift around me.

"Don't panic. It's part of the process. Just focus on me." Says Irie as she holds her hands on my cheeks.

She had me facing her and looking directly into her eyes. This wasn't real right? All just a dream.

Yeah, I must've fallen asleep at work and my boss will wake me up at any moment.

All of a sudden everything stopped and all was normal again but the girl disappeared out of nowhere. Maybe I'm just losing my damn mind today.

"Sir are you okay?" Asks a woman.

looking over it's just the woman from before who seems to have my coffee.

"Yes I'm okay, thank you." I answer while she sits my coffee down.

Did she not see the woman from before? Irie I believe it was. Maybe I am just going crazy after all.

As she walked away I picked up my coffee and took a few sips before realizing things were kind of different. Looking out the window I could see weird things happening.

Some sort of things with horns and some wearing bizarre clothing, what is going on?

Getting up and walking out the door I noticed that no one seemed to be batting an eye to any of these things. Am I really seeing these things myself or is my brain playing tricks?

"Kamako you are seeing everything right?" Asks a woman with a familiar voice.

Before my eyes it was the same girl from before bent over looking at me. I didn't even realize that I had been looking down afterwards.

"I am, what is going on?" I respond with my own answer while looking up at her.

She was almost directly in front of me, our faces almost touching but this is actually real I can't believe it.

"You can't panic, not everyone here is bad. I'll help you figure it out as we go but for now let's go somewhere we can talk." Answers Irie as she grabs a hold of my arm.

Within the moment of her grabbing my arm we appeared inside of a random apartment. It was probably hers because mine was never this neat.

It was spacious and had weird paintings on the walls followed by a nice leather couch in the center of the room.

"Take a seat." Says Irie as she brings me to the couch.

I sit down on the couch and wait to see what she's going to say next.

"So you said I have powers but what do I need them for?" I ask while sitting on the couch.

"You need them to help me kill demons. They are just the beginning and if we can prevent them from growing it'll be huge." Answers Irie as she sits next to me.

"D-Demons? That doesn't make any sense. What happens if we don't kill these demons?" I question with a curious tone.

"Something greater will approach and I don't know if it's something we should handle ourselves so." Answers Irie as she looks towards the window.

Something greater than these demons? I haven't even seen which ones I'm going to be dealing with yet. God none of this even makes any sense, why me?

Powers, demons, this woman? What in the world is going on today?!?!?