The priest is shouting at the top of his lungs.
"Brave young men! citizens! We must cooperate to rid our lands of the scourge of the devils hunting our them." Declares to the villagers gathering around the platform, a bunch of flyers fall from his hands.
one lands by the feet of a young girl, she picks it up and sees the images of children the oldest of whom must be a few years old, the youngest an infant. If they really are dragons, they'll have to be...
She turned away, this doesn't concern her, She has something else to do. She walks away from the crowd and into a tavern, it has a few customers and the bartender sure isn't too happy to see her.
"Hey! We don't serve children in this establishment!" he screams.
"You won't need to!" She jumped on a stool to win height advantage. With her hands on her hips and her face covered with a domineering frown she said: "I'm gonna need to ask you a bunch of questions."
The bar tender frowned "arrogant brat! Ask away." he said in an amused tune despite himself.
"I'm feeling this is a bit too easy."
"So you're not gonna ask?"
"You're not gonna ask for something in exchange?"
He looked her up and down, what she wore was probably a man's blouse badly sewn to resemble a dress. it was worn over a frail skinny body covered by bruised light skin, he couldn't see her eyes as they were covered by badly kept light blond hair which itself was gathered by a bright red scarf.
He leaned back and said in a mocking tone. "Do you have anything in this world that you can offer?"
The emotions displayed on her face were: Anger, deep thought, realization and finally, apologetic plea. "You're a big strong man, You can't go back on your word."
He smirks and pats her head, "alright, you little street rat. What do you want?"
She looked left and right, leaned close and then carefully whispered: "I came to ask about moonlight cakes."
the bartender laughed out loud. "you've got old Intel, kid! the woman retired a long time ago. something about respecting privacy and the authorities."
"What do you mean she retired I came all the way here and you're telling me she retired!" she shouted.
"It's only the interesting things that travel far and wide. A woman with a third eye retiring for old age isn't gonna stick." he sighed dismissively but, he then looked at her, she was wearing slippers with different Styles her feet and legs scratched and scared, her hands,which suffered the same fate , held in fists and shivering, as her lips did. Fearing she might cry he asked in a concerned and chocked tone: "Did you walk all the way here?"
she nodded.
"From where?"
"From Dhruv" she answered weakly, that's way too far for a kid, let alone a girl to travel on her own.
"I'll help, I'll help. Just don't cry."