Chereads / TMNT: and the Cosmic Being / Chapter 47 - CH:47 Countdown To Detonation

Chapter 47 - CH:47 Countdown To Detonation

As silent shadows, we slip in through one of the windows in the skylight and swiftly move through the rafters to position ourselves perfectly for our attack.

Mikey drops first, dead center as he is always the perfect distraction. Shortly after that Leo, Raph and I drop around the main group of Kraang, working in a flanking maneuver. Donny waits a moment before he drops down in front of their main computer after we have caused enough chaos.

From the group of robots, we see one in the middle point at Mikey while he wiggles his butt at their expressionless faces, "Kraang, stop the ones known as the Turtles, before the ones that need to be stopped get to the object known as the drill." As soon as the robot finished it's mini monologue, all the rest of them in the room started firing their laser rifles. Although with their horrible aim, the entire room is just filled with pink lasers bouncing around everywhere.

While Don gets to work on hacking into the system, the rest of us work as quickly as we can to take out this group of Kraang before their reinforcements in the other rooms realize what's going on.

I do my best to not use my abilities and just focus on taking them out with nothing but skills, 'At least all that training has paid off!' I couldn't help but think as I'm dodging and striking as if it were a dance. Yet, I'm honestly shocked at how much force it takes to incapitate the robots. 'Maybe I should get a weapon after all... As fierce as my claws are they don't penetrate very far.' I pondered to myself as I'm forced to always go for the critical spots. Like their necks and other joints, since the metal seems to be a bit thinner to allow for more movement. And their stomachs were there is no protective layer other than clothes covering their actual alien faces.

Before we're able to take out more than five each, or seven in Raph's case, the doors to the adjacent rooms burst open and 20 more Kraang come out of each room. Blindly firing the rifles from their hips, as they always do.

Leo nervously hollers over his shoulder at Donatello, "How much longer, Don?!"

"Just give me a few more minutes!" Donnie snaps back in a squeaky panicked voice and begins grumbling to himself as his hands move faster.

Slightly out of breath, Leo then turns to me, "Ying! We are going to need you to charge up for this one!"

With a heavy sigh I begin building energy within me. Considering what happened last time, I've been pretty hesitant to use my power. But... If my team needs me, then my team needs me. I noticed that the energy is building a lot quicker then it used to, 'Why is this so much easier now?' I quickly give my head a shake as my horns began to glow, 'Not the time to search for answers, let's deal with the task at hand first.'

As more of my energy swirls to life, I start to feel cold anger building inside me... But it wasn't my own... Startled, I drop my energy so my horns are barley glowing, 'This will have to do for now... I'm really needing to meditate on this when I have some time.' I grumble to myself while I start going after the Kraang with as much speed as I can muster, becoming a blur.

With my added energy, I start tearing through them like a hot knife through butter. Jumping straight into the large clusters and ripping them to shreds. In no time at all I have already cleared out what was left of the Kraang, not giving them a chance to defend themselves.

When I let the energy leave my body, that feeling of unknown anger spikes a bit before it disappears like it wasn't even there.

As I'm pondering about what I just experienced, the guys and I walk up to Donnie to see if he was able to shut down this large drill. Once we finally get closer to him, I am able to notice just how rattled he is.

A monotone female Kraang-like voice sounded from the computer that Donnie is madly working on, "The thing known as countdown has begun. The object known as the drill will proceed in 30 of the time units known as seconds."

Leo hustled to Donnie's side, "Can't you just shut it off?" He asked sounding a little stressed out.

With his voice getting a bit squeakier than usual Donnie replies as his hands do not lose any momentum, "It's not that easy, boss. This whole system is set to prematurely activate if I tamper too much. But, thanks to Ying earlier, I'm pretty sure I know of a way to get rid of the drill and the mutagen all at the same time."

Raph scoffs, "Then what the shell is taking so long, books for brains?"

Don adjusts his glasses quickly as a smirk grows on his face, "Well this is the first time we've had access to such a large Kraang computer Mainframe, so I figured I'd try to take advantage of that while we can."

Just then the robotic woman's voice spoke from the computer once more, "The object known as the drill will proceed in 10 of the time units known as seconds."

Mikey starts to chew his finger nails out of stress, "I don't think now is the time to be surfing the Kraang web, bro!"

The computer spoke once more as Don is typing as fast as he can and a bead of sweat is sliding down the side of his face, "The activation of the object known as the drill will proceed in 3 time units known as seconds... 2 time units known as seconds... 1 time unit known as second..." As it's counting down the machine starts to power up.

As Donnie slams down on the enter key one last time the machine starts making a different whirling noise but still sounds like it's powering up, even faster then before.

"Ooh yeah! Who's the turtle!" Don cheers to himself as he fist pumps the air before he removed his USB drive that was plugged into the computer. Then turns to us and says, "We gotta get out of here!"

Just then the robotic woman's voice spoke once more, "Countdown to the thing known as detonation will begin."

Raph growls out as he slowly looks at Donny, "What the shell did you do?"

"I set the computer Mainframe to overload the drill." Donny replies a bit defensively.

"What the shell! Don't tell me the genius can't think of a better way to turn off a computer?!" Raph snaps back.

"Well if you didn't have so much testosterone in your brain you might actually be able to think! I already said that the drill would activate if I tampered too much, besides this way we get rid of the mutagen as well." Donnie gives Raph a poke in the chest to make his point.

With a sigh I roll my eyes, "Boys! We don't have time for this!"

Leo gives me a quick nod before he says, "Ying is right, we have to get out of here."

The female Kraang voice spoke up again, "The thing known as detonation will go off in 30 of the time units known as seconds."

We all glance at each other once more before we bookit for a window. Raphael jumps through first with a twist so his shell hit the window smashing it on his way through, giving the rest of us an opening to freedom.

Just as we all clear out of the building the ground starts to shake and a huge explosion erupts behind us. The abandoned warehouse is blown into pieces and the force blows us into the side of the building across the alleyway.

After we were able to regain our senses, we booked it for the lair. Once we got back Donnie and I immediately went for our labs. Yet, for different reasons. I just wanted to get out of my outfit, I feel like I'm practically coated in Kraang goop. Where Don is fixated on his USB that he pulled from their computers.

I just threw on a pair of jeans and a tight tank top before I hustled over to Donny's side, also far too curious about what is on the USB.

After some digging, we were able to find a few of their hideouts, but one stood out compared to the rest.

As Don points at it he says, "Check this one out, Ying. I think this might be either a Lab or a Detention Center considering the size and power output." He zoomed into the buildings layout to get a better idea of what we're looking at.

I immediately noticed a section looks like it has a bunch of small rooms down a long hallway, "I'm pretty sure it's a Detention Center. Look, I think those are cells."

Donnie's eyes go a little wide and he swallows hard, "Do you think April's dad will be in there?"

I look at Don in the eyes, "Only one way to find out."


Hey readers!

Just ta let y'all know, I picked up some work so the one chapter a month thing might become the regular for a while until I can balance my schedule better. I am greatly enjoying writing this story, and I hope that y'all stick around for the many many more chapters to come. Yet, if you get an itch for more, I am also working on a collaboration piece with my dear friend Scarlet Cross. It's called TMNT: and the Forces of Nature!

Cheers ♡