What a life... Working hard all these years to get to where I am today sure paid off... Success is sure better and exciting when you work for it, Instead of cheating your way into it... But let's not forget.. Working without a little prayer never works.. In the end, I thank God for making my future a bright one .
My name is Julia... A woman of 31 and a CEO of my own pharmaceutical company called AMTEX PHARMACY CO. , I have no parents, they died when I was young, so my uncle Reginald took me in and raised me up to be woman I am today.
My uncle was very strict with me, I wasn't allowed to hang out and have any social life with other kids when I was young, the only companion I had were my books, He made me study regularly but he gave me time to relax, and apart from that, He focused on teaching me proper manners, on how to approach and respect people, My uncle bought me up in a strict and no nonsense manner, thus transforming me into a very way.
First I don't have time to socialize, all I care for is work and enjoyment.
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