A few hours after the incident in the Royal Palace Courtyard.
The affinity assessment continued on as normal for the commoners with no interruptions, On the other hand the noble assessment had an interruption in the form of the Royal Guards. They started collecting the nobles that were known colluders with foreign and domestic enemies, Some of them resisted when they were about to be apprehended and the others accepted their fates. In the end they all had energy sealing chains placed on their hands and feet.
As the last prisoner was chained there was two flashes of black that were each heading in the opposite direction, The two flashes used the moment of relief the guards had after chaining the last noble to attempt to flee. Despite their best efforts when hen they arrived outside the Royal Academy their were more than 300 Royal Guards surrounding the academy like a hungry pack of wolves.
They were eventually apprehended and were fitted with the same energy sealing chains the other traitors wore, The Royal Guards put on a show on for the thousands of commoners and nobles in the vicinity and slowly put the prisoners in the carriages while announcing their crimes. Once they were done reading out their crimes the prisoners were immediately taken to a prison where they were put in holding cells.
At the same time actions were being taken across the Icuris Kingdom...
In the Kingdoms spy headquarters located in the slum district.
"Your Majesty, What is so important that you have personally come to this filthy place?"
The woman who gave up her desk to the Queen walked away and asked while bowing.
"It is time to clean our rot and I have come to my best field agent to grab a report about who has turned traitor."
The Queen said to the woman as she thought to herself.
'I don't expect her to have a report, But I do expect for my field agent to know that we have been being spied on.'
The woman answered the Queen in a submissive but firm tone.
"I only discovered two weeks ago we had spies infesting our network, This is due to the interference of the Vice-Director keeping everything hidden from the people he knows are loyal to the Kingdom. I have been compiling a document of all traitors including the high-profile ones and had planned to give it to you in a few days when it was completed."
The Queen responded in a surprised voice.
"What the hell even the Vice-Director!?! I only put him there because we owed his father a favor and he has no talent in terms of being a spy but I never expected him to betray the Kingdom. I wonder if his father knows about this?"
'Like Aien said we have let this go on for far too long... I will have to move myself to remind people what happens when you interfere in the Icuris Kingdoms' matters.'
The Queen apologized to her best field agent at the end of her words.
"Saria I know you have waited to move up to the Vice-Director position for a while, I haven't let you due to a favor the Royal Family owed. I now see I made a major mistake which allowed our Kingdom to rot from the inside while I sat and did nothing. I will personally be moving to eradicate the people you have discovered while also getting more information about the stragglers we haven't discovered. You are now dismissed and owe myself nothing more, I am sorry for keeping your talents in the dirt. If you want to leave I understand and would ask nothing of you."
Saria bowed and gave a reply that was filled with decisiveness.
"Your Majesty, You need not worry about what has happened I understand your actions and have never held any resentment. You saved my life and I would never leave your service even if you kicked me out, I will move with you to remove our Kingdom's rotting organs."
Imryll looked at her with surprise before saying.
"Thank you Saria, You will be sure to get the Vice-Director position after this cleaning operation."
Saria was in thought for a few seconds before replying to her Queen.
"Thank you for the offer Your Majesty but over the years I have gotten used to the field life , I would hate to have to file and complete so much paperwork while my agents have their life on the line."
Imryll responded before they left together to complete their work.
"As you wish Saria."
A few hours later most of the rot that had corrupted the Kingdom had been taken care of.
In the Icuris Kingdom's deepest prison.
A old elf full of wrinkles said while bowing so far his head almost touched the ground.
"Your Majesty's, I have forcibly extracted all of the information from the recent criminals and they have given up a list of another 200 people within our kingdom in high positions that have turned against us. I have ordered the Guards to capture them and bring them to the holding cells."
Erland asked a question that he had asked hundreds of times.
"Thank you uncle, I have always told you to drop "Your Majesty" I don't understand why you insist on calling me that? Bowing your head so far it almost touches the ground? It just doesn't make sense uncle."
His uncle replied while standing from his bow.
"I have done the gravest crime Your Majesty, I do not deserve to be in the Royal Family that is why I live in the prison and only come out when I am needed."
Erland replied with a sigh.
"None of that was your fault uncle..."
"It is what I wish for Your Majesty."
"You are dismissed uncle, Eat well please."
The old man walked out of the prison wardens office and back into his cell but not before saying one thing.
"The two assassins the guards arrested are related to Grand Duke Rydell and his futile attempts again."
Erland replied to his uncle while looking at his back.
"Okay, Do what you will with the prisoners uncle and Don't worry about Rydell his petty throne schemes have never ended well but it also feels like all of this information comes too easily."
Erland said to his wife.
"We will need to increase our Kingdoms security quickly."
Imryll nodded and gave a reply filled with a bit of worry.
"I will be sure to work on our internal security but we do not have enough money to support a large army at-most only improving our border guard."
"I know, Aien will understand that we can only improve our border guard at the moment, Thank the Elven Tree that Revalor will survive or we really will be getting a peasant army together."
Imryll brought up their previous topic and stated with a somber and sad tone.
"We will no longer need to worry being betrayed by half the nobles at the same time anymore, Though it is sad there are few remaining noble families."
Erland agreed with her and said.
"I have decided to execute the 200 remaining nobles and commoners by public execution that way we can send a message to the Kingdom and any who think about trying to ruin our Kingdom."
"I agree. I don't think many would try anymore as this operation was completed far faster than I calculated though I would guess that has to due with how easy all of the information was to get."
"Well we both did intervene."
Erland started with a charming tone.
"It was great working together again my Queen."
"Yes it was."
Imryll replied before giving him a look and said with a seductive voice.
"It seems we have some free time right now right Er-land."
After she said this Erland moved to undress the Elvish Queen... It was a few more hours until they returned to the Royal Palace.
A few weeks later, In one of the four Kingdoms of the Driqios Continent.
In the capital city of the Kingdom of Louya.
"Your Grace, I have come with urgent news."
A skinny wood elf man said while bowing, He seemed to be dressed in peasant clothes that were not from this area.
"What is this urgent news? I gave you an order to stay in the Icuris Palace for a reason the Elven Tree could wake at anytime."
Another man replied impatiently he had brown skin and black hair.
"Your Grace, The Elven Tree has decreed a candidate for Emperor, I shall repeat its words verbatim."
The wood elf stood from his bow after saying this and continued.
" "Boy with multi-colored eyes, You are here by selected to be a candidate for the throne of the Elven Empire. I the Elven Tree decrees it so." After it said this the guards started to attack Grand Duke Aien's son that was the boy with multi-colored eyes and the Royal Princess, They almost all died to Grand Duke Aien's sons bodyguard I left before they could discover me. On the way I hid myself by changing my servant clothes."
The dark skinned man with long elvish ears and black hair spoke after the wood elf finished.
"So the plan did not work? Tell me why is it every time I send you on a mission in your country it somehow fails?"
The dark elf continued.
"Do you expect me to believe that if they were trained to my instructions they would be annihilated by one bodyguard!?! Do you not want your wives and kids back? You seem to not care about their lives like I thought, Shall I kill them after all?"
He asked with a sick smile as he looked at the wood elf dressed in clothes that the thought appropriately fit the wood elf race.
The wood elf looked at the dark elf with a hateful look and a tear in his eye.
"Rydell do you think I cannot tell you hate us wood elves? My wife and kid are dead no doubt, That is why I have spent the last few years of my life making sure it your plans would go into the garbage. The best part about it is when the boy and girl die from the remaining guards you will be killed for your crimes without a doubt as I have left obvious evidence that points to you and the traitor nobles that I have interacted with."
Grand Duke Rydell asked with curiosity and a bit of anger.
"So I and the other nobles are traitors but you who watched while your Princess and the Grand Duke's heir were slaughtered are not a traitor?
The heart-ached wood elf replied.
"I have no care for a Kingdom that allows itself to rot and its to citizens to starve, Not that you are any better the only reason I "helped" was because you had my wife and kid."
Grand Duke Rydell replied in anger while ordering his guards.
"For setting back my ability to cause chaos in the Icuris Kingdom you are sentenced to death. Guards take him out and chop off his head while feeding it and his body to some dogs."
The guards complied and took the elvish man with green hair who no longer made a sound outside to be killed for dog food.
After the guards had left the only person left in the room asked.
"Your Grace, Should I cancel our other plans for the Icuris Kingdom for the time being to focus fully on the coup?"
Great Duke Rydell sighed and replied.
"Yes for the time being we should just take what we can and not hope for too much yet, Patience."
At the same time as Great Duke Rydell was getting his news.
In the Kingdom of Laizer another person was being told of their failure.
"Your Majesty, It has been a few weeks since we have received word from our indebted family members Starfall-One and Starfall-Two I suspect they have been killed during our assassination attempt to kill the heretic boy of that heretic woman."
A man with pale blonde hair and golden yellow eyes replied back with a tired-of-this-shit tone.
"I just want her and her kid wiped from our family line... She should have been burned at stake when she was born! Now we have to clean up this mess."
He continued after saying this sick sentence.
"They will know it was us we should be prepared for battle at any time, Tighten our Kingdom's security for these following months."
Another man with pale blonde hair replied back though this man did not have gold eyes and instead they held pure blue.
"Yes Your Majesty, It will be done."
A few weeks before all of this took place, Royal Palace Courtyard.
Syvis said to Aien while carrying Viessa in her arms.
"We should move Revalor and Ayla to a bedroom."
Aien hummed in agreement with his wife and said.
"Alright we will, We could use something to eat too and I'm sure the guards are hungry I'll get the cooks to make some food for all of us."
After Aien said this he ordered a quite a few Royal Guards to carry Revalor and Ayla to a nearby bedroom while he walked to the kitchen.
Syvis took Viessa and went with the Royal Guards to stay near her son, When they arrived at the room Revalor and Ayla were both placed on the bed while the Royal Guards left standing just outside the room.
Viessa walked and laid down in between them as she fell asleep.
"I'm glad you are all safe"
Syvis said while passing out on the couch due to exhaustion."