THE BLACK MILITARIZED VANS reach the doors of the Hallow Manor at ten minutes past six. Six in the morning. The battle of Los Padres had lasted an entire night.
The horizon was still a bit ashy and gray as we all climbed off the vans. Only the faintest tinge of gold slivered it's way up the sky, brightening up like a beacon from the east. A very natural and beautiful sunrise. Just from looking at the men, I could tell all they felt.
First, they were all happy we had finally brought an end to Hiram and his Ferals. Those furry bastards won't be hurting teenage girls no more. Then, after the elation of victory was the underlying feeling of loss. I could tell it in their slouched shoulders and lazy smiles.
I completely understood it. Today's success was a victory, albeit, a mildly pyrrhic one. Ren had lost his boyfriend to Hiram's jaws; he was one of the men decapitated.