1800 HOURS
A DENSE FOG SLITHERS OVER THE ENTIRE FOREST. It hovers like the breath of a demon, creeping over the wilted leaves on the damp earth. Worms go to town on the dirt below and many insects search at decaying logs for food. The air is stale, smells faintly of brine, and much more of sulphur. A sinister song hangs in the air, and though no voice lulls it out, the silence is more deafening than any known eulogy. Even the Woods know it. Something ominous was around. Something bad was about to happen.
The somber ambience of the woods is a ploy executed by the Head of the Apex Board, Thaddeus Black. A ploy to ensure his soldiers have the element of surprise. To ensure that his Half-bloods are safe to creep through the shadows descended, hidden from the eyes of those he had sent them to murder. For he has sent them on a mission. . .