Chereads / Transmigrated Contract Mage: Shadow Game System / Chapter 11 - Chap Along, If You Feel Like That's What You Wanna Do!

Chapter 11 - Chap Along, If You Feel Like That's What You Wanna Do!

Knowing already about this world's power ranking, he had actually been a bit nervous about revealing himself at such a low rank. However, he suspected that a town this size probably wouldn't have any individuals that were too powerful. Little did he know, at the time, that neither did the rest of the Kingdom.

Deciding to spend the next week there in Parth, Jaden went around to the sites located on the local map and quickly made out the exact location of each bandit hideout, using his [Eclipse Wyvern] to get an aerial view.

He quite easily wiped out these other gangs, as the information provided stated that the gang he had already eliminated was the most dangerous of the four. Out of the four of them, the original Mr. Bandit Man had definitely put up the hardest fight. Not to mention, it was the only known bandit gang with a C-Ranked leader.

He didn't see any new Archetypes, while battling these other bandits, since they all received Mr. Bandit Man decks. There were, however, a few different monsters and spells to appear within that Archetype.

After all was said and done, he acquired a total of 164 Full Seals that he had to sort out for exchange. He needed cards that would make his current deck more powerful but he also wanted as many of those new cards to be transferable to his Ideal Deck as possible.

With these considerations in mind, he decided to go for [Vision HERO Trinity], [Elemental HERO Core] and [Elemental HERO Grand Merge]. After this exchange, he had only two Full Seals left, which would get him nothing and so back into his card storage they went.

Once Jaden learned about the Tier system that separated the various kingdoms, he knew that he wouldn't be sticking around this one for too much longer. Thus, his plans to use his newly acquired bandit camp estate as his base of operations was scrapped.

Having acquired three new Extra Deck Cards, he decided to head back to his base cave and head deeper into the Forest. According to the information provided to him, there should be C-Ranked beasts much further in.

Before leaving for his base cave but after defeating the other bandits, Jaden spent the rest of his days in Parth either practicing his Mana Manipulation, studying information about Relania, or flying his [Eclipse Wyvern] around the countryside to scout the surroundings.

Once he finally left to go grind C-Ranked beasts for his level up, he felt much more certain about his place in this new world and his future, as well.

'I'm already D-Rank. I don't see any point in holding off my advancement, now that I know C-Rank is basically the most powerful Rank for miles around.

'Once I stand at the peak of power in this region, I'll head to this Capitol that Mayor Joseph mentioned. Reanauld, I believe it was. Hopefully, I can find some assistance in learning magic there and I might even get a chance to fight in a war. I can only hope that this isn't the one magical world where a war isn't either already brewing or already in full swing.'

"Come on, [Eclipse Wyvern], I want to get back to my base cave before nightfall!"

===== Five Weeks Later =====

"Hey yo, Sprite, let me see dat status gurly gurl!" Jaden said in a horrible Italian accent. 

Sprite responded, in a thick New York accent. "Of course, Frankie, baby! Lemme just pull up the numbers for ya! Okay!" 

"Ay, wait a minute, who da fuck is Frankie?"

"Ahhh, Jaden, I'm sorry I… please… it isn't what you think…"

"Hey, I'm talking at you, broad! Who da fuck is, Frankie!?"

Completely losing her accent and any hint of her earlier charade, Sprite responded calmly, "You know that guy who served us food at the Mayor's Manse?"

Jaden then responded, also dropping his previous act, "Hmmm, yeah, I remember him. The one with the handlebar mustache?"

"Yep, that's Frankie."

"Oh, I see. So that's who Frankie is. Alright, good to know. Now, lemme take a look at deez digits."


Name: Jaden Yuki

Class: Contract Mage

Race: Human

HP: 1600

SP: 1600

MP: 3200

Strength- 160

Vitality- 160

Endurance- 160

Dexterity- 160

Psyche- 320

Willpower- 160

Perception- 320


-Proficiency in this skill allows you to more easily, accurately, and thoroughly perceive that mysterious force known as Mana.

-Proficiency in this skill grants one increased capability in manipulating both external and internal Mana Threads and even Sub-Manas.

"This should do nicely for now. Until I decide to leave for a more powerful kingdom, I should be able to handle most threats that might decide to attack me."

The only real way to kill Jaden, outside of defeating him in a Shadow Duel, was to engage him one on one and then ignore the system's prompt to proceed as a Player. As long as Jaden was outnumbered by his enemies, the system would force the leader into the Player role and his subordinates would become his cards in his deck.

However, if engaged by a lone individual, that individual would be given a choice as to whether or not they wished to proceed as a Player or a monster. If they neglected to engage as a Player, fighting them would be just like the monster mopping that Jaden had done in the Forlean Forest.

That, of course, was assuming that the opponent could be easily handled by his first drawn hand. Without the limitations of being a player, once Jaden's monster's were destroyed, attacking him directly multiple times would be easy. Thus, depending on how strong the individual was and how Jaden played his cards, he could potentially be defeated quite easily by a solo attacker that was multiple ranks higher than him.

"Once I head off to a higher Tier kingdom, I'll need to make sure that I'm already a complete B-Ranker and I'll need to make sure I remain low key. Until I reach at least A or S-Rank, I'll see if I can't hide out somewhere that I can slowly gather power.

"For now, though, I think I see the Capitol in the distance. It took me almost four days to get here, even with Eclipse Wyvern's impressive Off Duty flying speed.

"Even though this is one of the smaller nations, it seems these descriptors don't really translate well from my old world. Based on everything I could glean from the available information, just this nation alone might be much bigger than the entire continental United States.

"For now, I need to land but there's too many people on the road below. I'll land further off to the right just inside that forest over there. I can lay low there until the traffic thins."

After landing safely and easily inside the forest, Jaden had his Avian scout the road and inform him of when there were fewer people traveling within visual range.

After waiting for several minutes, Jaden finally emerged from the forest on Shining Flare Wingman's back. He was set down gently on the road and he immediately recalled his monsters, before any more people showed up.

About an hour later, Jaden finally came to a stop at the back of a rather large line of people, all of whom were attempting to gain entry into the city. Several of the people who were in front of and behind him, were staring and whispering under their breath.

Jaden didn't mind, though. He understood that he cut a rather impressive figure and the fact that he was walking instead of riding on some luxurious carriage would undoubtedly pique these people's curiosity.

Nearly thirty minutes later, Jaden walked up to the guards at the gate as the previous traveler moved onwards into the city.

"Greetings, my lord! Would you please state your name and reason for visiting Reanauld?" The guard asked with a bit more respect and much more anxiety in his voice than when he had spoken to the others.

"My name is Jaden Yuki. I've come to Reanauld seeking employment as a mercenary as well as an opportunity to further my studies in the field of magic."

"Ahh, I see! Are you perhaps a foreigner, my lord? I couldn't help but notice your unique yet magnificent attire! Also, if you could reveal your current Rank, it would help us get you inside much more quickly."

"Yes, I am a foreigner. However, my country of origin is not something you should bother yourself with, since I have not only no connections to that place but I also have no desire to speak about it. As for my Rank, I've recently ascended to complete C-Rank."

"Ahh, excellent news, my Lord! Congratulations, on your breakthrough! If you would be so gracious as to wait here, just for a few minutes, I'll retrieve an escort for you so that you can avoid any hang ups in navigating our beautiful city of Reanauld."

"Yes, it's fine! I've been through this process once before and I'll tell you as I told the last guard. I'm not an unreasonable person but do hurry. I have far more important matters to attend."

"Yes, yes of course, my Lord! I'll be back as quickly as possible." The guard replied nervously, as he didn't waste a single second more and ran off to find the Captain.

Less than ten minutes later, a fairly impressive carriage arrived and brought Jaden directly to a fanciful building that seemed to be directly across from the castle.

The castle itself wasn't massive or overbearing, although it wasn't small either. It had a very simplistic and medieval style to it. Giving one the impression of having been built with substance in mind rather than style.

Once he was finally ushered inside by his000 frantic escort, he was greeted by a middle aged man with long dark hair, blue eyes, and a pencil thin mustache.

"Lord Yuki! It's wonderful to make your acquaintance! I had heard that a powerful foreigner had graced us with his presence but, I must say, the description I was given doesn't do you justice! Your attire is even more extraordinary than I could have imagined! You must have a truly impressive background to have acquired such items.

"Please, allow me, Terrance Blario, to formally welcome your Magnificence to our humble capital of Reanauld! 

"Now, as much as we respect your status, Lord Yuki, His Majesty of course can't simply have unknown powerful foreigners roaming around the city, it's simply bad politics, you understand.

"If you would be so gracious as to permit my humble self to accompany you as a guide and an assistant for the duration of your stay, the king's mind would be much more at ease and he would likely see fit to invite you to the castle at some point.

"Being understanding and magnanimous in this matter would go quite a ways towards building a positive relationship with the Royal Family and even the King himself." The man, who called himself Terrance, said all of this in a half bow position, clearly attempting to be as polite as possible.

"I see! I suppose it makes sense! I probably should've expected something like this but no matter. As long as you don't interfere with my schedule, while I'm here, then I suppose it should be fine. I'm not unreasonable, after all, and I can somewhat understand His Majesty's dilemma.

"Very well! If you are to act as my guide and assistant, the first order of business I have here, naturally, is the same as any traveler. Food and lodging. Suggesting a suitable Inn and dining facility seems a simple enough task to kickstart our temporary acquaintance."

Terrance gave a broad grin in response to Jaden's request. "Fret not, Your Magnificence! These things are truly trivial and have already been addressed. We've reserved one of the finest rooms here in the Embassy itself for you and, of course, what kind of hosts would we be if we allowed our guests to go hungry.

"If you would like, I can show you to your room straightaway. First off, however, I can't help but ask, what exactly is that creature flying around you? Don't get me wrong, Your Magnificence! I'm not implying that it's dangerous, as you very clearly seem to have it under control. I'm simply curious, since I've never seen a creature that resembles it in any way!"

"Ahh! If that's the case, then please do lead the way. As for my acquaintance here, her name is Sprite. She's not an it and I'd very much appreciate it if you'd remember that." Jaden once again replied without skipping a beat.

"That's right, Bucko! I'm not an it. Sprite's the name and Magic's the game! I'm a real Wizard so don't you forget it!" Sprite exclaimed while buzzing around furiously, after seemingly being insulted by Terrance's words.

Terrance's expression quickly became one of shock and anxiety, as he quickly responded. "Ahhh! Yes, of course! My deepest apologies! I meant no offense, Lord Yuki and Madame Sprite! Please, forgive my ignorance and follow me. Your room is right this way, Lord Yuki!"

Terrance led him to the Embassy's third floor, where Jaden noticed there were far fewer doors and the doors were spaced further apart.

Arriving finally in his own room, he was actually quite surprised by the size of it. It was definitely far more comfortable and luxurious than any Inn he'd seen so far.

Terrance had told him that he would be staying in a small guest room attached to Jaden's room. Upon inspection, the guest room was actually more in keeping with what a high end Inn might have to offer.

Terrance had assured him that, despite staying so close, he would attempt to minimize his presence as much as possible, until such a time that he was needed. He only politely requested that he be informed whenever Jaden wished to go out so that he might provide proper guidance.

Of course, Jaden was fully aware that the King had sent Terrance here for the purpose of babysitting him but he didn't truly care about that. If anything, this actually played right into his hand by providing him with someone clearly willing to lend him assistance in any matters that might trouble him during his stay. Not being a native of this world, he needed all the assistance he could get and now Terrance had appeared seemingly willing to offer as much assistance as the King would permit.

Once Terrance had finished with his explanations, Jaden immediately ordered a full and hearty meal be brought to his room. After eating, he then summoned Terrance and went out into the Capitol for a bit of geographical familiarization and sightseeing.

That evening while exploring the capitol, he discussed his intention to visit the Royal Academy of Magic and apply for instruction there.

Thus, the following morning after breakfast, Jaden and his new assistant set off directly for the Academy, in order to officiate his enrollment.