Chereads / The Succubus Series / Chapter 3 - Freefalling

Chapter 3 - Freefalling

When I had woken, colors I had never seen before cascaded through a sea of black. It was dark, it was cold, and it took me a few minutes to realize what had happened. I felt weightless except for a pinching feeling pulling me down where my heart was. my feet did not touch the ground and the colors grew more and more intense. It felt like I had been here for forever , floating in dismay. I was still angry and the feeling was unlike anything I had ever felt before in my life. Think of a cold chill and set it on fire. I began to scream. I realized that I was not in my body any further and had moved on. Was this where we went after we died or was I in my final moments? That Asshole had done it. He actually fucking killed me. The longer I thought about it, the angrier I got and the more I screamed. After an extremely gut wrenching one, I heard a voice. "Child". I turned to see a man covered in a shawl. I could never see his eyes, only his nose and mouth. the rest of him, cascaded and blended with the lights and darkness. Being angry, I roared "WHERE AM I AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH ME?". He smiled. This asshole actually smiled at me like he was enjoying my agony before what seemed like forever, "You could go back you know. There are repercussions but you can go back.`` Upon hearing this, I immediately screamed "SEND ME BACK NOW!". he laughed. The robe man just laughed as that pulling feeling went to my feet and immediately I felt like I was free falling. After a few minutes of my stomach in my throat, I heard that crushing noise again before losing consciousness. When I awoke, I was still in front of the door slumped forward. my ears rang and my eyes refused to focus. I still felt the blood in my hair but it was now down my forehead and had made a large pool on the floor. I went to move my arm and it was stiff. So stiff, it hurt to move it. Touching my forehead, it was completely dry. Exactly how long had I been laying here. Getting up was a task in and of itself. My body felt so heavy. It took me quite some time, but I endured and did it. I went to check my phone to see what time it was. It was dark outside but once I gathered myself, I will never forget the sound of the flies. There had to be hundreds of them. It sounded like a loud vacuum and once I began walking, the noise was worse. They began flying everywhere. The number of them was overwhelming. Fighting them and making my way to the bedroom was awful. Flies kept landing on me. I reached the bedroom in a few strides and noticed more blood on the doorframe. Quickly remembering my hand was broken, I grasped my arm only to feel and quickly see that my arm was healed. I second guessed myself thinking maybe I had dreamed it all. I remember everything but it didn't seem real. I found my phone and of course it was dead. I plugged it into the charger and made my way to the bathroom to shower. I passed by the mirror and out of the corner of my eye, something looked off. I quickly caught myself turning to look into the mirror. My whole scalp, normally long, a free-flowing blonde, was matted with blood andmy face was covered in it. it was flaking off on my left cheek and I could tell I must've been passed out for a hot minute for it to dry like that. Dried blood covered the right side of my forehead down to my chin. my hair was worse being fully engulfed in it. I was so busy looking at the blood that I didn't notice my eyes until last. Gone were my crystal blue eyes replaced with fully black devoid of life pupils. I looked like a doll. This was a shock. I must've gone crazy. I have to be admitted. All these thoughts and emotions running through me. I took a shower and the amount of red that ran with the water started to curl my stomach. How was I alive? Rinsing the shampoo out, I felt a hard chunk of something. Pulling it out, I realized it was a piece of skull fully intact with the hair, my hair, still connected. I frantically felt my head all over and it felt fine. My heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. Did that hit make me have hallucinations and I was hallucinating this? I sat down and composed myself. After a few minutes, I got out immediately throwing my hair in a messy bun. Drying my face off, I felt a sharp pain in my cheek and I'm sure it brought blood. Thinking I chipped a tooth, I looked into the mirror. My teeth were changing. I had grown fangs in a span of a few minutes. I began to pace and before I knew it, the bathroom was whirling past me in a blur and I knew I had never moved that fast before in my life. I checked my phone and saw the date. I was out for 6 days. How was that possible? My mom had text me and said she loved me and hoped I enjoyed my vacation. "What vacation?" I replied. A few minutes passed when I heard the notification. "Mike said he paid for you to go to Europe for a few weeks. What a sweet man to do that!". I told her I loved her and I would talk to her later. I needed time to think. I don't know why but I began to cry. It could've been the new teeth or the black eyes or me believing I was certifiable in being crazy at this point. I fell against my bath and just sank into the floor and tears flowed. Did he really kill me? Did the old man exist? What was wrong with me? I was worthless. "Child" I heard and snapped my head to the direction it came from, the old man stood in my bathroom with his robe on. I went to get up and began asking him what he did to me. With a force I never saw, I was forced to sit back down. "Calm down, you will know soon" and touched his finger to my forehead. Gone was my bathroom. A beautiful woman with long black hair stood before me, talking to a fully naked man in a language I didn't know. Another woman was in the background wearing a snake across her shoulders. The black haired woman looked right at me and immediately I knew her name was Lillith. Everything melted and reformed to another scene. It looked like ancient Rome but I couldn't be sure. Another gorgeous woman with long flowing white hair stood before me speaking again and I saw her eyes shift to black and then back to normal. Again she turned and looked right at me and I knew her name. Lillian. This happened many more times throughout different periods of time. Ancient Egypt, World War 2, the Salem witch trials, and many more. Liss, Lynn, Liza, Lila, the names went on and on all starting with L. Each vision also showing me a shape-shifting ability with each woman. Sometimes they would have more than one or it'd show me just one. The marks started appearing later in the visions but the more marks you had seemed like the power you had. Teeth, wings, marks, facial features, hair color, you name it and these women were able to shift it. The vision finally doubled back to the first woman with the black hair. She approached me, kissed my forehead, and once she leaned up she whispered while looking right at me, "Succubus".