On the same night at the park while a certain boy was having a party in his place, two rowdy men laid next to each other on the grass with burnt clothes and spiky hair. Only light bruises were inflicted on their bodies, there were no broken bones or anything that disabled them from getting up. However, at the moment, they were having an epiphany to the question of their life and existence.
"Bro... did we just get single handedly beat up by a high school girl with a pair of giant mommy milkers?" Said the taller man between them two.
"Yeah, and we even licked her shoe clean while a super hung stud was fucking her cunt." The short man jested
"The way those cow tits bounced though..." - Tall man.
"Was it worth it?" - Short man.
"Perhaps..." - Tall man.
Looking up at the starry sky, the two heavily sighed at the same time; they were adding insult to their own injuries. Regardless how sexually appealing Lilith was, the way she casually toyed with them really hurt their pride.
Given their history of misconduct in abusing their powers, there were many that sought after them for revenge. Whether it was the hired guns or local thugs, none of them scored any points against their impeccable teamwork in combat. But... that girl's physical strength was simply too monstrous even for Anima users; they would be correct to doubt if she was even human.
"Are we going to do that contract tomorrow?" - Short man.
"No, let's just sell what we have and take a break." - Tall man.
The tall delinquent examined the crystal orbs in his hand, at least that girl didn't think to steal these from them; their allowance for the next few weeks will be dependent on these. But amusingly, in the next instance, a long reddish appendage of flesh snatched the valuables in front of his eyes.
"These are just what I need. Thank you, lads." It was an eerily coarse voice of an old man that came from above.
The two rowdy men saw a Yoma with the shape of a large bullfrog; their hard-earned crystal orbs were on its tongue. What further surprised them, however, was the upper body of an old man extruded from the bullfrog's head. Before they could react, its tongue shot out once more, pulling them into its stomach amidst their helpless screams.
"That damn woman, making me do all this work when I am already in this state... but luckily, I am not empty handed this time." He swallowed the crystal orbs in his hand.
The old man was the cult member that had his head decapitated by Rias; while his body may be dead, the remains of his soul infused with his contracted spirit and continued to endure. However, his recovery will be dependent on the organization; hence, the abused senior citizen was still working as their henchmen with no hopes of retirement in sight.
Minutes later, in a dim chamber illuminated by candle lights, the two rowdy men opened their eyes and witnessed the majestic and horrifying presence of the dark queen sitting on top of a throne seemingly composed of gore and black flesh. With her legs crossed and her chin supported by her arm, the large and overly feminine figure looked down belittlingly on her late-night snacks. There was a piece of human skull beneath her bare foot, adding an inexplicable charm to her menacing appearance.
A simple glance from her round and opulent dark pupils struck deep terrors to the two poor souls. Under its tremendous pressure, they knew the horror that towered before their meager existence was not something they could muster an ounce of courage to go against. Frantically checking their surroundings, the two men then looked towards each other.
"I don't know what that thing is, it's not saying anything; but we are running!" - Short man
"Where?!? What is this place anyway?!" - Tall man
"Don't know, but let's go to that exit!" The short one pointed to the door covered in vines of tentacle flesh.
Under the giantess's disinterested expression, the two trapped mice rushed towards the gate, which they had correctly guessed as the actual exit. But the big girl had already usurped the control of this domain secretly from the cult; without her consent, even the boss of the cult would have trouble getting out once trapped inside. She also learned to manipulate most of the portals within this dimension, because she was bored.
"Take this, fire fist punch!"
Shouting out like a middle schooler, two balls of fire encompassed the fists of the tall delinquent. Then, with dramatic sound effects, he bombarded the gate with a fiery barrage of consecutive punches. However, the door protected by the fleshy vines did not dent, burn or budge; it was completely unharmed due to a barrier of Anima.
"It's not working!"
"Then take this! Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" A beam of energy burst out from the palms of the short man; yet, he achieved the exact same result.
"This is hopeless..."
"We must not give up!"
The two continued to give in their best and cycled through all of their moves. Every skill they used came in pairs with a flashy name, sometimes they even shouted out different names for clearly the same ability. However, the most vital sin they committed was that they failed to amuse the big girl sitting on the throne.
Komi was internally debating whether she should reserve her appetite for her master's thick cheese or indulged in a quick snack for the temporary gratification of filling her bowel. After tasting the pristine energy, everything else became less attractive for her tongue. But unfortunately for them, mother had taught her not to waste food since she was a little girl.
While the two desperate souls were working on the gate, numerous tentacles were creeping towards them behind their back. Then, following several gruesome distorted cracks, only painful screams were left echoing in the chamber for many long minutes. The big girl was always bored sitting here all alone and often sought for the mysteries of human anatomy as a form of entertainment before her meals.
The next morning, Leo woke up to three sets of voluptuous bodies piling around him. To his right was Lilith, holding his hand and innocently chewing on his finger like a baby. And to his left was Rias, hugging his arm within her ample valley and clamping his hand within her thighs, a few of his fingers were stuck inside her flower.
Then lastly, there was Maria, the boy's mother impaled on top of his crotch with most of her body weight supported by the towering rod. The doll was the last victim to fall unconscious last night and stuck herself on his monstrous pole all the way until the morning. Streams of viscous white cheese were overflowing from her lips, one has to wonder the number of servings the boy released in his sleep that even Maria's needy body couldn't keep up.
"Leo, your breakfast is ready~~"
The joyous tone of the big sister was heard from the kitchen. Anna was the first to be awake. Since she planned to start her bounty hunting today, it was not a good idea to have her stomach filled to the brim before work; in combat, she won't be able to focus with the immense energies tingling throughout her body.
Hearing there was food, Leo quickly pulled out his mass from mother and put her on bed next to the succubi duo. Instead of taking the chance to enjoy the warmth of three beautiful ladies sleeping together, the smell of breakfast instantly erased his drowsiness and had him rushed to the table. The boy always had his priority straight.
"Anna, you are heading out already?" While the boy began to dig in on the plate, Anna was already in her white summer dress, preparing her leave by the door.
"My target is on the move; I need to catch up to him before his traces fade. It's a big sum of money, can't let our money bag escape~" The big sister was in a good mood, since she had an unexpected meal last night due to the boy returning from the trip early.
The target happened to be a certain acquaintance that escaped from the island. There was a tracking spell already placed on the man without him knowing when he was held captive by the sentinels. For whatever reason, the government placed a handsome bounty on one of their own former agents. But all these trivial details were not something Leo needed to be concerned with.
"I see, maybe I should take a few contracts too. I can use more of my power now." The boy experimentally conjured a small white flame in his hand; he managed to maintain the fire for a few seconds without having a massive erection.
"You can ask Jean, that agent you are acquainted with, for recommendations. Remember you told me that you used to hunt Yoma with her? Most of those spirits should have a contract behind them." Anna casually suggested.
"???" Leo just realized he had been doing all that work without compensation; though it was mostly just to fill his bowel, the boy felt he was severely missing out.
A few minutes later, just before Leo was about to leave the room himself, the doorbell rang and two visitors promptly arrived at the door.