Gilgamesh's eyes widen at the sight of the two items, that came before him from nowhere, he looked to his left and saw a single can of spray, the entire can itself was black with a single picture in a circle frame, it was a yandere kitchen knife that was bloody, and it had a vivid red X drawn across of it.
Beneath were three words, "Yandere Begone spray", and there was nothing else, but apart from that what got Gilgamesh's attention, was the long sword that was before him, the sword sheet itself was fully black, with green thorny vines wrapping around it.
While the grip was fully black, and the guard was shaped uniquely and oddly, as it look like two black horns going downwards, meanwhile the pommel was a beautiful red rose, and the grip also had a holder you can put your finger on into.
While on the sword sheet was a single sentence written in a mysterious language he has never seen or heard of before, the words alone shone a beautiful scarlet light, it was almost like a heartbeat, it fades in, it fades out.
The sword itself was so beautiful, that Gilgamesh wasted no time and unsheeted it, instantly he gasp in shock, the blade was a beautiful maroon color, with a straight black line going down the center.
The only words that Gilgamesh could say at this moment were.
"This truly is a magnificent work of art, the blade itself looks like something only a main character would use, agh yes this is the legendary Yanderecalibur the blade that shall aid me in my journey only when the time arises."
"Although I must know what this language says."
And just when Gilgamesh asks that Solomon began to translate it for him as she explains its uses as well.
"Cool, so a yandere sword that kills other yandere, what a fun night this turn out to be."
"Cool, I can do that no problem."
From there Gilgamesh began to bite his thumb till it bleed, he then smears it on the blade right away it began to glow a bright red light, and when it calms down Gilgamesh was shocked to see that the sheet was suddenly back on it.
And another thing that shock him was when he tried to pull it back out, the blade refused to budge, this confused Gilgamesh greatly as he asks Solomon.
"Hey, Solomon."
"What the hell is up with this sword?"
"That's quite the condition, although it would be a mad flex on really strong opponents who are not yandere if I say they are not worthy, their reaction would be equally satisfying and entertaining to witness."
"But I'm in a world that is full of Yanderes, so I don't have to worry."
"Although I am ready to strike down anybody that crosses me or rubs me the wrong way, I don't mean to sound arrogant, but if a time ever arises I have to put someone down even If they are my closest relatives, I will not hesitate to deliver the final blow, mercy is for the weak I learned that the hard way at the cost of both my legs when I lived my life as Shiki Morgan."
"So Yukinomaru I hope we can get along, for now, rest inside me and I shall call you fort when the time arises."
With those words said Gilgamesh, began to open his mouth as a golden light emerges, and Yukinomaru slowly went down his throat and rest inside his dimensional stomach.
Gilgamesh closes his mouth and the light slowly dimmings down till it was completely diminished, with that done he said to himself.
"Very well then, this shall suffice I am happy with the results, now Solomon I think it's about time I try out my group chat."
With those words said a separate computer screen came in front of him, as a black text came on the blue screen before him, the following message before Gilgamesh.
[Please customize your account]
[Please choose a custom user name for the account]
"I see, so I have to customize, my account first."
From there Gilgamesh began to think about what he wanted to name himself, and after, about two minutes he finally came up with one, not the greatest but at least it's something.
Tap tap tap
[Notice, you have chosen "The king who plays with Yandere" as your username]
[Notice you can change this anytime if you feel like]
[Notice please choose a profile picture]
With that said, a section with different photos of me suddenly came on my screen instantly I question.
"Who the hell takes these."
Of course, I had to ask, because any normal person would also question where the source of this picture would come from if they were in a similar situation to him.
And like always Solomon was the one to answer.
"I see, well let me see them."
And just like that, a total of five pictures showed up, and after skimming through them he decide to pick the one where he went into his battle mode but the reason he pick it was because it look so cool.
His entire body was covered with a black shadowy coat with hundreds of eyes that were glowing red due to his heat vision, while the hood was covering his face, if anything he looks like an eldritch assassin.
[Notice you have chosen a profile picture, please pick next to move on to the cult of Gilgamesh group chat]
"The cult of what!"
At those words, Gilgamesh paused for a brief moment as a crisis was going on in his head.
"Don't tell me."
"Shit, fuck, mother fucking son of a bitch, first manipulation, then cult, yap there no doubt about it, I should of guess so, I did receive an ability from a world filled with Yanderes."
"Solomon is a yandere, there no doubt about it, fuck me, and the worst part is I'm stuck with her as she fused to my soul, this world is truly trying to royally fuck me over, ok Gilgamesh calms down, let's see what I know so far."
"Ok I know jack shit, but Solomon is an AI, it can't be right, no maybe Bridget was the one that is tampering with Solomon, she did state her job was to make my life a living hell, fuck ok let's calm down."
"I just have to log in and see who all are a part of the group chat."
But just as Gilgamesh was preparing to enter he got a warning from Solomon.
"Wait, shit just when things were getting fun, oh well let's play like we're sleeping, by the way how far are they."
"Tsk stupid Kuudere, vengeance shall be mine."
"Although I would want to hear the conversation, they are too far away."
"Ok, I will give it a try."
With those words said Gilgamesh began to focus on his environment, and concentrate on the sounds around him, and right after he began to hear everything so clear.
He could hear the sound of multiple heartbeats, the sound of animals, the wind, and even people from very far away.
He concluded that these people are people from Mallory village.
"Mommy I'm hungry."
"Stop It please stop it."
"Where did you go last night darling!?"
Chirp, chirp.
Yap my hearing is very good if I can hear the people of Mallory village so easily then this makes things a lot easier.
From there Gilgamesh began to close his eyes as he concentrates on the surrounding noises, eventually, he began to focus on Kashira and Ninsun's conversation in the next room.
As he heard a voice say.
"I'm telling you, I saw it with my own eyes, young master Gilgamesh is not normal, really and truly he is amazing, at the age of only two years old, he punches the entire roof to the sky, and not only that he mange to split his tail in eight, but he also destroyed piece of the forest, and to top things off he massacres the entire monster pool, remembers the Abaia well your son tortured him just to get a laugh out of it."
Stated Kashira in an emotionless tone, meanwhile Ninsun was giving her an equally annoyed and disgusted face, as she palm her face with an even more disgusting expression while looking at the fucking living doll.
"Do... you even hear yourself right now?."
"No, you fucking don't, do you honestly think that a two-year-old child is capable of this, Kashira you're playing me for a fool, I see this is one of your escape attempts again isn't it."
"Most certainly not, I'm only reporting Ninsun, as your order remember."
"Yes, I did, told you to report to me if it was something urgent, but Kashira you fucking waste my time for this bullshit!"
Ninsun shouted with great anger in her voice.
"But nothing Kashira."
"Your son a visitor you know, beings capable of destroying planets, or did already forget what the good damm alien queen did, and let's not forget that your son is the spitting image of that monster."
"Look my Gilgamesh is not the son of that bitch, so don't you dare lecture my son or I will fucking rip you to shreds, Gilgamesh might have taken a liking to you, but you are nothing but a tool because an item is all you will ever be, and nothing going to change that."
Stated Ninsun with an expressionless face, as she completely hates Kashira with a passion, for more reasons than one, you could say they have an indirect history with one another.
Meanwhile, Kashira simply replied, in a calm expressionless tone.
"I can assure you I have given up on escaping, honestly speaking I have a reason I want to stay now, your son interests me, so my services are bound to this place as of now, but you're looking at this in a very immature way Ninsun."
"Immature, you kill people for fun, and you're saying I'm immature ha... maybe I should kill you now."
"You can't kill me...
"I can't kill you, hahaha are you nuts, you know what "aqua needle"."
The sound of something breaking the sound barrier could be heard, as a small needle flew from Ninsun's finger as it flies at a tremendous speed, so much so, that Kashira didn't even have time to react, especially from a close distance.
The needle completely blows off the neck of Kashira, as her head flew high up in the sky, and strangely her body produces no blood whatsoever, and when her head reaches the ground it role over to Ninsun as the same emotionless expression was still plastered on her face even after death.
Ninsun then stops the head with her feet as she kicks it towards the wall, which made a hole in the process, the head then role back out, as Ninsun picks it up by the lone hair and said.
"I know you're not dead, you can stop the act, but don't you dare cross that boundary with me girl."
And right after that, the decapitated head of Kashira began to speak.
Kashira responded with a lifeless monotone.
"Good with that said, go back to your master side and for the love of all that is good, watch him more properly now."
"Great I'm going back to finish my training you worthless doll."
Kashira didn't say anything at all, if anything she barely even got her into the house in the first place after reaching young master Gilgamesh's room, it was clear that Ninsun has a really bad impression of her, so with that first failure, she turns her back on the fairy warrior obsess with strength.
"I swear I will get vengeance for this shame."
Those were the last words Gilgamesh heard from Kashira's mouth, he smile smugly to himself as he said shortly after.
"Hahaha I'm satisfied, I truly am, but I need a way to keep Kashira on a leech, she is very destructive when she's mad."
"Hey, Solomon any ideas about what I can do?"
"Would that even work on her, this is Kashira that were are talking about, she is one the most powerful golem masters in the world."
"I see, very well then, Solomon opens the shop please."
Upon opening the shop Solomon presented various collars, some were cheap while others were expensive, but the one they needed the most was this one.
Mystical slave collar
Price: 90,000GC
Rank: Unique
Item synopsis: A slave color that was originally used to enslave mystical creatures, once the master put this on their servants, they have all say over their body.
From there a bright gold light began to go off which revealed a black slave color, with two red cat bells on it, Gilgamesh pick it up with both hands to begin to examine it, he then smiles evilly as he said.
"Again, what a fun night this turn out to be."
And just when Gilgamesh said that he began to lie down back on the bed, as he prepare to strike Kashira with a surprise attack, Kashira is fast but he can slow down time to his will unless Kashira is faster than light or can produce a speed near light speed there is no way she can escape him.
Although he needs to activate the form first.
With that said, Kashira began to enter the room where Gilgamesh is, as she gazes at the little ass hole who is still fast asleep, but since she wants to live, she won't come out till she is told to.
Kashira then began to watch Gilgamesh sleep, as she just stayed there staring away at Gilgamesh, as if he was some prize artifact, she can't do anything to him or her head will be sent flying again, and knowing Ninsun's temper she will succumb to her wrath on daily.
So just stayed there, staring and staring, her expression didn't waver in the slightest, as her eyes stayed on one spot, as if to stay true to themselves but how long can Kashira stay doing nothing but starting at Gilgamesh, well knowing her she would say.
"As long as I need to."
Although she is really holding back, because she really and truly wanted to dissect him, and see how truly special he is from the inside, a life dream she must accomplish.
Meanwhile, Gilgamesh was there waiting for a moment to put the color on her, he began waiting and waiting and waiting, but the crazy sadistic Kuudere did nothing but stare holes into him.
Truly if this keeps up it won't be long before Gilgamesh gives in, due to the poor boredom that is haunting him right there and now.
And finally, after god knows how long Kashira turns her back towards her bed looking at a weird-looking book on the top shelf, it was this moment Gilgamesh knew, he was getting a W.
It would appear that Kashira wanted to grab something from behind her, most likely to document him, for some reason it seem like something that Kashira would do.
But as soon as she turned around, Gilgamesh extended all eight of his tail, as all that could be seen in the background were glowing red heart eyes, and a sinister and mischievous smile, as a black coat surrounded him.
Tic-toc tic-toc tic-toc tic-toccccc!
0.000000000000000001 seconds.
The world before him began to stop, as everything was halted in time.
Gilgamesh quickly jumps toward Kashira as he wraps himself around Kashira real tightly, wasting no time at all, as he places the collar on her neck.
But right after she did that, something unexpected happen,
Gilgamesh Instantly felt something punch him in the face, and an emotionless shriek was heard.
"Aghhh... HOW!.. What the hell did you do to me, why won't this collar come off."
But as soon as Kashira said that, the voice of someone enter her mind as she began to hear mischievous laughter.
"Hahaha... I told you I was going to be the one to receive the last laugh hahaha haha... Ahahaha... Ahhhhhh... yes tonight is truly a good night to behold indeed."